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Windows Home Server — I am writing this from the Windows Home Server blogger's lounge in the Venetian Hotel in Las Vegas. Bill Gates just finished up his CES 2007 keynote where the product I have been slaving over for the last 3 years was finally formally announced to the world!

Windows Home Server, everything you need: features rundown, screens, hands-on — It's not too often you get a new version of Windows, so when Bill Gates announced Windows Home Server tonight we had to learn what's what. Here's the rundown of the facts on Windows Home Server, as told to us by Microsoft:

Newsmaker: Gates sees a home server in your future — newsmaker LAS VEGAS—Having helped get PCs into most American's homes, Bill Gates now wants people to bring in a server. — As part of his keynote address Sunday at the annual Consumer Electronics Show, Gates is showing off Windows Home Server …

Windows Home Server will live in your closet, simplify your life — A show of hands: Who here among us is storing all of their important data (media and otherwise) in a safe location where it's constantly accessible, as well as backed up to prevent loss? Not a lot of hands here at the 10 HQ, and probably not many of the rest of you.

Windows Home Server prototypes on parade
Seeking Alpha

Embracing the Inevitable — In 1993, NCSA released their liberally licensed, but proprietary, Mosaic 2.0 browser with support for inline images arguably heralding the start of the web as we know it today. In an act of either acceptance of the inevitable or simple desperation …

Second Life to go open source — The creator of the burgeoning 3D virtual world expects it to grow even faster with outside programming help, David Kirkpatrick reports in a Fortune exclusive. — NEW YORK (Fortune) — Aiming to take advantage of its already-impressive momentum …

RIM and Yahoo! Bring Yahoo! Go for Mobile 2.0 to BlackBerry Users, Expanding Global Relationship — Research In Motion (RIM) (Nasdaq:RIMM)(TSX:RIM) and Yahoo! Inc. (Nasdaq:YHOO) have expanded their strategic global alliance to bring Yahoo! Go for Mobile 2.0 to millions of BlackBerry(R) users around the world.

Who's Killing MP3 and iTunes? — Everyone knows the MP3 format is used by more devices and people than any other file-based digital-audio format. Most also know that record labels prefer DRMed alternatives such as the ones sold by Apple's iTunes, because they make it harder for people to share music.

TPB: The MPAA are "rabid, obsessed lunatics" — In a recent interview with the UK's Sunday Times, Gottfrid Svartholm, one of the co-founders of The Pirate Bay calls the MPAA a bunch of "rabid, obsessed lunatics." — The Sunday Times article titled "Yo ho ho - buccanerds give studios a broadside" …

Yo ho ho - buccanerds give studios a broadside — A website that tells you where to get the latest films for nothing has enraged movie moguls. Simon Kurs meets the swashbucklers fighting claims of piracy — First came the pirate radio ships of the 1960s offering new musical thrills to the pop-starved young.

A Personal Computer to Carry in a Pocket — The world of desktop computing is finally going mobile, and the shift can be seen in the explosive growth of wireless data for cellular carriers. — To handle functions from text and instant messaging to mobile MySpace and ESPN, computer users are increasingly turning to the cellphone.

Windows Vista Ushers in New Era of Gameplay — Microsoft unveils powerful Games for Windows lineup and more at 2007 CES. — Kicking off the 2007 International Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas with a bang, Microsoft Corp. today unveiled revolutionary games …

Samsung and Google Align to Create Rich Experience for Mobile Phone Users Worldwide — Cooperation ensures quick and easy access to GoogleTM search, Google MapsTM for mobile, and a fast, new GmailTM application for Samsung enthusiasts worldwide — Seoul, Korea and Las Vegas …

Dennis Howlett's equation: Attention + composition = x2 revenue — Fellow Enterprise Irregular, blogger and IT/finance consultant Dennis Howlett offers a guest post on the state of business application software, connecting the dots between Erasure,, social media, attention, Paris Hilton …

Ad Age Agency of the Year: The Consumer — John Doe Edges Out Jeff Goodby — NEW YORK ( — Stop me if you've heard this one before. A pair of Maine theater geeks decide to film an experiment in which a certain mint is dropped into a bottle of a certain no-calorie soft drink, unleashing a foamy geyser.
Jaffe Juice, Cymfony's Influence 2.0, Adrants, Open The Dialogue, AdJab, Uninstalled and

SanDisk Sansa View — SanDisk is announcing their new Sansa View at this year's CES, their first official entrant into the portable media player space, and a doozy at that. No surprise, it's a flash-based device with 8GB of storage for watching movies on its capacious 4-inch screen.

TiVoToGo Comes to Mac — It took two years and the software costs $100, but Mac-owning TiVo users can finally move recorded shows onto their Mac or iPod. — In a joint release on Monday morning, TiVo and Roxio announced that Toast Titanium 8, available immediately, includes full TiVoToGo functionality.

SIXAXIS wins an Emmy for Technology and Engineering... wait, really? — We interrupt our regularly scheduled CES blogathon to bring you some important industry news from the world of video games: the PlayStation 3's new (sort of) SIXAXIS controller has been honored by the National Academy …