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Flaws Are Detected in Microsoft's Vista — Microsoft is facing an early crisis of confidence in the quality of its Windows Vista operating system as computer security researchers and hackers have begun to find potentially serious flaws in the system that was released to corporate customers late last month.

Wikia To Launch Search Engine: Exclusive Screenshot — Update 12/25/06: Jimmy Wales says this isn't a Wikiasari screen shot. So what is it? — The Times reported earlier today that Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales is planning to launch a new search engine next year, to be called Wikiasari.
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Wikiasari Mania - The Facts, The Myths & Hysteria! — What happens when a story is published that mentions a "Google Killer", but only manages to get part of the facts right? Hysteria - that's what. The blogosphere took a story that was published by the London Times and ran. They ran, and ran, and ran.

iPod will be model for Omniyat's new tower — Dubai: Real estate developer Omniyat Properties is planning to launch projects worth more than Dh3 billion in 2007, starting with a tower inspired by Apple's iPod MP3 player. — The company will announce at least two residential projects …

Screen Shot Of Quality Score Metric in AdWords Console — Early this month we reported that Google Testing Showing AdWords Quality Score Data to Advertisers, well, I finally found a screen shot. A DigitalPoint Forums thread has a member posting a screen shot of the quality score being shown to him in the AdWords reports.
Search Engine Land

Google Shows Quality Scores For Christmas — Barry Schwartz over at SERoundtable has capture the first sighting of the Google Quality score in an AdWords campaign.He has a screenshot of the new update that I have not been upgraded to yet in our many accounts.

Why Yahoo's Panama Won't Be Enough — The Web's most visited site lags Google by billions in advertising revenue, and it's going to take more than its new ad-delivery technology to close the gap — Yahoo! had a rocky 2006. In fact, it had a Rocky Balboa kind of 2006. The pounding came from all sides.

Social Networking Awards - The Top Social Networks of 2006 … Is it really the holiday already? Not quite - we've still got to announce the Social Networking Awards 2006! With thousands of votes cast, the People's Choice attracted a much bigger response than anyone expected.

Internet Video and how the Broadcast Nets are Missing the HDTV Opportunity. — There is an oft repeated business saying that sales organizations should "Go after the low hanging fruit". The meaning obviously is to close the easy sales before you have to work to climb after the more difficult sales.

Exclusive Details: Best Buy, Exceptional Innovation and ConnectedLife.Home — NOTE: This is a long story. If you're an integrator wondering why I spent so much time on it, skip to the bottom. Well, not the VERY bottom. -JJ — Best Buy is going to sell a packaged solution of Media Center plus home automation.

'Safe' Web Seal Requires Rigorous Checks — Beginning next month, version 7 of Microsoft Corp.'s Internet Explorer browser will start flagging certain e-commerce and banking sites as green for "safe." The browser will look for an extended-validation certificate issued by any number of vendors.

Optimized Firefox for G5 and Intel Macs — Dans "apple, mac, and cupertino", dimanche, le 24 decembre 2006, à 12:56 AM EST. — <br>I had a bit of time between jousting with other frantic last-minute Christmas shoppers and relaxing with my family to build …

Abbey - The Studio — Ive spent quite some time investigating Podshow and Podtech. I've watched both of them form and grow. I've met the people behind the businesses and I've asked a lot of questions. — In my investigations, I have spent the most time getting to know content creators.

Next generation of Apple Cinema Displays to include HDMI — Tipsters informed MacScoop that Apple is planning to use HDMI technology in its next generation of Cinema Displays, while another recent vague report claims that a larger than 30 inch model could also be on the way.

Response to Sean Lyndersay — Sean Lyndersay of Microsoft posted some comments. He says a lot of nice things, and of course that's appreciated. — But patents are a legal thing, and Sean being nice isn't material. In the blogosphere, of course it is, and Microsoft's defenders will likely say or imply that it's all that matters.