Top Items:

Wikia To Launch Search Engine: Exclusive Screenshot — The Times reported earlier today that Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales is planning to launch a new search engine next year, to be called Wikiasari. — He's clearly aiming for Google. He says: … The new company will be the third business division …

Founder of Wikipedia plans search engine to rival Google — Jimmy Wales, the founder of Wikipedia, the online encyclopaedia, is set to launch an internet search engine with that he hopes will become a rival to Google and Yahoo! — Mr Wales has begun working on a search engine …
Infothought, Search Engine Land, Ramblings About SEO, michael parekh on IT, Scripting News, Alice Hill's Real Tech News, Seeking Alpha, Joe Duck, The Next Net, Between the Lines, Bloggers Blog, Search Engine Watch Blog, Andrew Lih, Google Operating System, StartupSquad, Guardian Unlimited, digg and Rex Hammock's weblog

Wikiasari Mania - The Facts, The Myths & Hysteria! — What happens when a story is published that mentions a "Google Killer", but only manages to get part of the facts right? Hysteria - that's what. The blogosphere took a story that was published by the London Times and ran. They ran, and ran, and ran.

Wikiasari - Wikipedia Founder Launching a Google Rival — Important Update: Jimmy Wales posts in the comments to say that Amazon is NOT involved with the Wikia search project. See this page on Wikia for the details. — Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales is set to launch a search engine early next year …

Wikiasari: Wikipedia success applied to social search? — Wikia will release a new search engine in partnership with early next year according to an interview with Jimmy Wales in today's Times of London. The new search engine project is named Wikiasari and will apply wisdom …

Social Networking Awards - The Top Social Networks of 2006 … Is it really the holiday already? Not quite - we've still got to announce the Social Networking Awards 2006! With thousands of votes cast, the People's Choice attracted a much bigger response than anyone expected.

Screen Shot Of Quality Score Metric in AdWords Console — Early this month we reported that Google Testing Showing AdWords Quality Score Data to Advertisers, well, I finally found a screen shot. A DigitalPoint Forums thread has a member posting a screen shot of the quality score being shown to him in the AdWords reports.
Search Engine Land

Google Shows Quality Scores For Christmas — Barry Schwartz over at SERoundtable has capture the first sighting of the Google Quality score in an AdWords campaign.He has a screenshot of the new update that I have not been upgraded to yet in our many accounts.

Response to Sean Lyndersay — Sean Lyndersay of Microsoft posted some comments. He says a lot of nice things, and of course that's appreciated. — But patents are a legal thing, and Sean being nice isn't material. In the blogosphere, of course it is, and Microsoft's defenders will likely say or imply that it's all that matters.
Geek News Central

Patent Applications in the RSS space — It's always fun when a story hits the blogosphere while you're stuck on a plane. :) — This will be short, because I'm connecting over a 14.4K modem line (I have the deepest sympathy for folks who still do this every day!), but I just want to say a few basic things …

Abbey - The Studio — Ive spent quite some time investigating Podshow and Podtech. I've watched both of them form and grow. I've met the people behind the businesses and I've asked a lot of questions. — In my investigations, I have spent the most time getting to know content creators.

Optimized Firefox for G5 and Intel Macs — Dans "apple, mac, and cupertino", dimanche, le 24 decembre 2006, à 12:56 AM EST. — <br>I had a bit of time between jousting with other frantic last-minute Christmas shoppers and relaxing with my family to build …

Google Predictions, 2007 — Google had an exciting year in 2006 — stealing headlines with almost everything they did, even if the news wasn't particularly exciting. Many of the more important things that happened are summarized by Google Operating System in an article titled "Google 2006 in 12 Pictures".

The World's Most Beautiful Women Bloggers of 2006 — The World's most beautiful women bloggers of 2006 [English vlogs only] — Karina Stenquist of Mobuzz TV, a daily vlog on web related stuff recorded in Madrid, Spain. Karina has some great sense of humor and she was recently spotted …