Top Items:

The Opera browser for Wii launches just in time for the holidays — Opera Software today announces that a trial version of its Web browser for Nintendo's new game console, Wii, will be available on December 22, 2006. The trial version of the Opera browser for Wii is available for download …
Digital Download, Kotaku, CyberNet Technology News, 4 color rebellion,, CrunchGear, TechSpot, Go Nintendo and digg

Offline Involuntarily — Five years ago, the main challenge for data-hungry business travelers was finding a hotel that offered high-speed Internet access. Then came a shift to wireless and even free connections. — But these days, the top priority for many is simply getting consistent …

Dweebs, horndogs and geezers — Now this is mind-boggling. Check out how radically different the top ten search terms of 2006 were for Google, Yahoo and AOL. — Here's Google: — 1. Bebo — 2. Myspace — 3. World Cup — 4. Metacafe — 5. Radioblog — 6. Wikipedia — 7. Video

Top news searches differ from top web searches — When is a search term not a search term? That's a question worth asking after looking at a year's worth of search results on Google, Yahoo and AOL. — Google has just released its 2006 Year-End Google Zeitgeist.

5 Things That Went From Buzz to Bust — The message of this page is, Beware all hype. Here are five phenomena that captivated the media for a spell, then turned out to be less than huge. Our bad — SNAKES ON A PLANE, AUDIENCE DISEMBARKS — When the words Snakes on a Plane hit the Internet …

Azureus Partners with the BBC to Sell TV Shows — The popular BitTorrent client, Azureus has just struck a deal with the BBC to offer TV shows on its recently launched content store/website, Zudeo. — Zudeo is Azureus' new video sharing website and content store.

AOL Chief Has a View, a Long One — If AOL were being dressed up for a sale, as has been rumored on and off for several years, Randy Falco is an odd choice to be the new chief executive. — As Mr. Falco notes, he is hardly a short-term guy. Before starting at Time Warner's AOL unit this month …

Zune Compatible with Vista: Today — Today (Tuesday the 19th of December) we're issuing a 22 MB update to make Zune compatible with Windows Vista. The update also improves the Zune software installation process, addressing the issues that some of the known issues users reported.
Engadget, Gizmodo, Windows Vista Team Blog, All about Microsoft, InfoWorld Tech Watch and Microsoft News Tracker

SlingPlayer Mobile Now Works With the Dash and BlackJack — With the latest update to the SlingMobile software, users of the HTC (T-Mobile) Dash and the Samsung (Cingular) BlackJack can now sling their media to and fro while on-the-go. The Dash has been out for around two months …

Sharecropping the long tail — A while back I wrote that Web 2., by putting the means of production into the hands of the masses but withholding from those same masses any ownership over the product of their work, provides an incredibly efficient mechanism to harvest the economic value …

Polar Rose: Europe's Entrant Into Facial Recognition — Malmö, Sweden based Polar Rose is having its coming out party today and pre-announcing a product release slated for early next year. CEO Nikolaj Nyholm gave me demo of what's coming last weekend.
Search Engine Land, GigaOM, The Next Net, Net, Incremental Blogger and Ross Mayfield's Weblog

Reactions to the Cooper decision — Various reactions to the 'linking is authorisation' Cooper decision handed down yesterday by the Full Federal Court: — I commented yesterday (summary? 'troubling'. 'Have we, or have we not just had a very extended debate about copyright law in Australia?

Everything in the Digg, Reddit & Netscape Algorithms — At work today, Matt noted that he found Digg's algorithm far more interesting than Google's. I was shocked - after all, Digg isn't nearly as complex or widely used as Google, but with its rising popularity in the tech space, I could …

As predicted here is the first Skype worm on the loose... My eagle eyes all over the world just reported this. I was waiting for stuff like this to happen and this is only the beginning of a probably very serious problem. I think the worst thing that could happen is that some worm …

Coming in January: "Month of Apple Bugs" — A pair of security researchers has picked January 2007 as the starting point for a month-long project in which each passing day will feature a previously undocumented security hole in Apple's OS X operating system or in Apple applications that run on top of it.

Ask X - New UI for Secretly Launched — Tonight I stumbled upon what appears to be a brand new User Interface for I was doing some searches on for a local kiwi band, when I noticed a link in the top right asking me to try out something called Ask X. Screenshot below:

Double Fusion Receives New Round of Venture Capital — Breaking News — Double Fusion, an in-game advertising company, has received an infusion of 26 million dollars from a group of venture capitalists, including Norwest Venture Partners, Time Warner, Hearst Corporation and others.

Amazon To Enter Crowded Download Market With MP3 Only Store — Late last week Amazon began circulating contracts to labels aiming for a late 1st Q '07 music download store launch. Rumors of an Amazon entry have been circulating all year, but died down as attention shifted first to the URGE launch and then to Microsoft's ZUNE.
TechEffect, Coolfer,, Frank Barnako, Seeking Alpha, The Next Net and The Digital Music Weblog

Digg continues to battle phony stories — Digg continues to crack down on users who plant phony stories on behalf of marketers, recently deleting a user who posted a story about a company that offered to compensate him. — The news aggregate site, which allows users to play editor and decide …

My Battle with MGM Over Wargames.Com — For the past three months I've been privately engaged in a time-consuming dispute with Nathan J. Hole, a lawyer representing MGM Studios who claims that Wargames.Com, a domain that I've owned since April 16, 1998, is the rightful property of the film company …