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Why are they here? — "I don't mean to be rude," my wife said to me over the phone earlier, "but why have all these people come to talk to you?" — Politicians such as Sarkozy have muscled in on 'leweb3' — It's a good question. Why did we have an address from a former Israeli prime minister …

LeWeb3 is political propaganda
Tom Raftery's I.T. views, Scripting News, Scobleizer, One Man & His Blog, CrunchNotes and

Google Finance Upgrade on the Money — Google (GOOG - commentary - Cramer's Take) unveiled a slew of new features to its Google Finance site late Monday. — The new functionality is scheduled to be publicly announced on Google's company blog Tuesday and is intended to help Google Finance improve …

Google Finance Overhaul — As anticipated, Google Finance launched a fairly extensive redesign and feature changes today. There is much more information included on the home page v. the old layout. Comparison charts can now be created for multiple stocks. Top stocks can be sorted by market cap, price, search popularity, etc.

FTC Moves to Unmask Word-of-Mouth Marketing — The Federal Trade Commission yesterday said that companies engaging in word-of-mouth marketing, in which people are compensated to promote products to their peers, must disclose those relationships. — In a staff opinion issued yesterday …
Deep Jive Interests, Kotaku, Mathew Ingram, Publishing 2.0, Joystiq and Life On the Wicked Stage

Yahoo's "Project Fraternity" Docs Leaked — Rumors about the possible acquisition of Facebook, usually with Yahoo as buyer, have been around for most of this year. Not that Yahoo or Facebook have asked for this attention, but the media is getting antsy. Robert Young put it best last week …
Techdirt, VentureBeat, PE HUB, Blogging Stocks, Valleywag, TechEffect, Search Engine Journal, Joe Duck, ben barren and Technically Speaking

GWT 1.3 Release Candidate is 100% Open Source — Today is quite a milestone for Google Web Toolkit: with the GWT 1.3 Release Candidate, our team is very happy to announce that all of GWT is open source under the Apache 2.0 license. There's a lot to say, but let's start with our mission:

Laser etching coming to a laptop near you — If you can't stand the idea of a cookie cutter laptop and you live in New York, there's a new option: laser etching. — Phil Torrone, an editor at Make magazine, and Limor Fried, a former fellow at the tech-focused art studio Eyebeam R&D …

RIM sues Samsung over BlackJack name — Research In Motion is suing Samsung, claiming that the name of the company's new BlackJack smart phone is too similar to that of RIM's own BlackBerry devices. — The suit was filed Friday in U.S. District Court for the Central District of California. Receives US$12 Million in Funding from Sutter Hill, Farallon Capital and Chengwei Ventures — BEIJING, Dec. 12 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ —, a leading online video sharing and distribution platform in China, today announced it has completed a US$12 million round of private equity funding …

Intalio to Release Entire BPMS Under Open Source License — Intalio/BPMS to Be Released Under Mozilla Public License With Attribution — REDWOOD CITY, Calif.—(BUSINESS WIRE)—Intalio, Inc., The Open Source BPMS Company, today announced that Intalio/BPMS Community Edition will be released under …

The fate of codename "Casino" — Lately there's been some stir about a project at Microsoft often referred to by codenames like "Casino" and "OneView." The team behind Casino started the project with some clear goals: to bridge the gap between searching local and remote data …

IE7 promo page — I was going to read some Penny Arcade, but Robert Scoble invoked me. Jeremy points out that Google had an IE7 promo page that looked remarkably similar to a Yahoo! IE7 promo page. — I can only speak for me personally on this. If Jeremy looked into it and says that …
SitePoint Blogs, Business 2.0 Beta Blogs, Search Engine Land, AccMan, J. LeRoy's Evolving Web, Joe Duck, Glass House, Search Marketing Gurus, Thomas Hawk's Digital …, Google Blogoscoped, WebProBlog, CenterNetworks, Download Squad, The Blogging Times, Googlified, Online Marketing Blog, InsideGoogle, THE BLOGGING JOURNALIST, Web Strategy and digg

Wi-fi: should we be worried? — Concern about the safety of wireless networks is mounting, with people blaming everything from headaches to cancer on the technology — It started as a low murmur, and has now risen to a persistent hum. Thanks partly to a lively correspondence in the pages of The Times …

SECOND LIFE: A story too good to check — CLAY SHIRKY — Second Life, the much-hyped virtual world backed by Benchmark Capital, is heading towards two million users. Except it isn't, really. We all know how this game works, and has since the earliest days of the web:

TV prices dropping too fast, Sony says — Television prices are dropping faster than expected, and Sony's not too happy about it. — Prices for liquid crystal display TVs should drop between 25 percent and 30 percent this year. That's between 5 percent and 7 percent more than Sony anticipated …

Welcome To Search Engine Land! — It's official. Search Engine Land has now formally launched. I know, I know — we've been posting for over a week here. But now our new design is (mostly) in place, so it's time to declare ourselves fully operational.

Sony Claims Wii Is "More of a Novelty" Despite Wii Sales Doubling PS3 Sales — The Wall Street Journal (subscription required) has an article out that indirectly outlines Nintendo's comeback into the gaming world. Accordingly, U.S. retailers estimate that nearly 1.5 million Wiis will be sold …

Setting The Record Straight — As part of one of Microsoft's on-going lawsuits, a piece of email that I sent to Steve Ballmer and Bill Gates recently became public. It was a rant encouraging a change to the way we were building Windows at the time. In the email, I made a comment for effect …

Google Maps Plus Box : Local Meets Organic Search — Matt Cutts touched upon the addition to Google Maps powered collapsible maps Plus Box integrated within Google's organic search results over the weekend, and I read it over without really thinking too much about it. — That is, not until I saw them in action.

Microsoft Unveils VoIP Solution as Part of Desktop Communications — Upcoming release of Microsoft Office Communications Server aims to accelerate voice over Internet protocol adoption by enabling IT to extend existing telephony infrastructure. — Microsoft Corp. today opened a private beta …

Some venture capitalists switching sides — SOME VENTURE CAPITALISTS ARE ESCAPING POWER STRUGGLES, OTHERS FLEEING FIRMS ON THE ROPES, BUT MANY ARE BECOMING ENTREPRENEURS — In the pecking order of Silicon Valley, you can't do much better than the clubby world of venture capital.
Venture Chronicles