Top Items:

YouTube Coming Soon to Cellphones — YouTube is coming to mobile phones — or, to be more precise, a small slice of YouTube is coming to some Verizon Wireless phones. — While its explosively popular Web site is free, YouTube's phone-based version will require a $15-a-month subscription to a Verizon Wireless service called VCast.
Washington Post, Beet.TV, IP Democracy, Gizmodo, Slashdot, michael parekh on IT, Phone Scoop, Lost Remote and A VC

Missing the Big Picture — We're supposed to be excited that our mobile phones are getting to be more and more like mobile TVs, thanks to developments like Verizon Wireless's just-announced deal to bring YouTube videos to its V Cast service. — Forgive me if I'm less than thrilled.

Why Aggregation & Context and Not (Necessarily) Content are King in Entertainment — Bear Stearns analyst Spencer Wang has come out with a report on, well, Long Tail, but this one focuses on what he calls the mid part of the content and distribution value chain, where he sees the most value in the long run …

Bear Stearns Media Research Presents... The Long Tail: — Why Aggregation & Context and Not (Necessarily) Content are King in Entertainment — A conference call to discuss the impact of new technology on creators of content. In our view, digital technologies are "democratizing" …
Rough Type

The Content Aggregators and the Fat Belly — As social media explodes, the choices for the consumer are increasing exponentially. Our time constrained modern lives cannot consume all the content that is available to consume, and perhaps that is why we should consider hyper aggregation as an option.
Mathew Ingram

Wii, PS3, Xbox 360... does the Mac matter for games? — It's a tough season for stalwart Mac gamers as Sony and Nintendo launch new game consoles and Microsoft moves into year two of its Xbox 360 campaign. With so many powerful video game consoles on the market, does the Mac even matter for games anymore?

A Lone Sponsor for a Longer 'Nightly News' — A week from tonight, viewers of the "NBC Nightly News With Brian Williams" will be able to watch more news — and fewer commercials — as a result of a sponsorship deal with the Philips Electronics North America Corporation.

Grading Newspapers' Website Progress: B — Just about everyone — finally — is on board and working to address the big problem: How to transition a significant part of the newspaper business to online and new media while keeping enough money flowing in during the transition period …

Zune on Mac OS X and Linux — Have you tried connecting your Zune on a Mac ? A guy using the XNJB program tried it. … Zune uses MTP storage format. It is like the UMS used on USB memory sticks but its more sophisticated. This is the way Zune stores the track ratings, genres, artists etc listings.

The Fuzzy Math of Big Media's Digital Revenue — Despite Different Counting Methods, It Comes to $500 Million — NEW YORK ( — If you think upfront math is fuzzy, try asking the major media companies for a little sharper focus on how digital ad revenue is shaping up for this year and beyond.

Let's Just Declare TV Dead and Move On — A new poll in the UK shows that people who watch online videos tend to watch less television. It looks like they didn't take into account that people with broadband Internet connections in general watch less television, so the poll …
Discussion:, Deep Jive Interests, media blog, Digital World, Dan Blank, Bloggers Blog and Slashdot

AT&T's Campaign for Compromise — Hoping to win over reluctant regulators, the telecom giant is willing to make concessions on its planned BellSouth takeover — Discussions have reached a critical stage between merger partners AT&T and BellSouth and the Democrats in Washington who have held …
IP Democracy

YouTube vs. Google Video vs. Revver — The idea here is that you have to press play on the following videos (in vertical order) so that they all stream to you at the same time. You may need to adjust the volume on each respective network, though. Press play on the top (YouTube) video …

Squirrels Ate My FiOS — It's not just a catchy title. I lost my FiOS connectivity Saturday morning, rendering my Verizon (VZ) triple-play package of voice, data, and television inoperative. The culprit? Squirrels. — I blogged my original install here. I've linked to a few of the original photos in the narrative below.

IN PRAISE OF THIRD PLACE — Fifteen years ago, the video-game industry was ruled by one player, Nintendo. The company had machines in a third of American homes, and it was Japan's most profitable electronics company. The title of a 1993 book summed up the situation: "Game Over: How Nintendo Conquered the World."

First Grope: 3Dconnexion SpaceNavigator Lets You Operate in 3D — Imagine a controller that you can push, tilt, pull, and rotate—that's essentially what the SpaceNavigator is. This multitalented device is the latest addition to 3Dconnexion's arsenal of 3D controllers.

Supreme Court to examine 'obviousness' of patents — Software and hardware makers have long complained that a glut of so-called junk patents threatens to disrupt the way they do business. — One key gripe about the patent process is expected to take center stage before the U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday morning.