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YouTube Coming Soon to Cellphones — YouTube is coming to mobile phones — or, to be more precise, a small slice of YouTube is coming to some Verizon Wireless phones. — While its explosively popular Web site is free, YouTube's phone-based version will require a $15-a-month subscription to a Verizon Wireless service called VCast.
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Missing the Big Picture — We're supposed to be excited that our mobile phones are getting to be more and more like mobile TVs, thanks to developments like Verizon Wireless's just-announced deal to bring YouTube videos to its V Cast service. — Forgive me if I'm less than thrilled.

Verizon Wireless to feature YouTube videos — NEW YORK - YouTube videos will be viewable on cell phones for the first time under a deal with Verizon Wireless, which will also allow users to upload videos shot with their camera phones. — The partnership to be announced Tuesday marks …
The Tech Report

Verizon Wireless To Offer Limited Functionality YouTube On Its …

Why Aggregation & Context and Not (Necessarily) Content are King in Entertainment — Bear Stearns analyst Spencer Wang has come out with a report on, well, Long Tail, but this one focuses on what he calls the mid part of the content and distribution value chain, where he sees the most value in the long run …

Bear Stearns Media Research Presents... The Long Tail: — Why Aggregation & Context and Not (Necessarily) Content are King in Entertainment — A conference call to discuss the impact of new technology on creators of content. In our view, digital technologies are "democratizing" …

Bubble Burst 2.0 — In the late 90s, the period of irrational exuberance, we knew the end would come, and we knew what the end would look like — a stock market crash of the dotcom sector. So, if Web 2.0 is a bubble, and if like all bubbles it bursts, how will we know when it happens?

Google Radio EXCLUSIVE: Audio Ads in pictures! — Google is nearing its one year anniversary of the dMarc Broadcasting acqusition, purchased to further Google's mission to bring "targeted, measurable advertising" to the entire world, including radio. — Google is also nearing its promised launch date for Google Audio Ads "beta."

Google: 'iPod will hold all the world's TV in 12 years' — The future of music inspires the future of mobile — The idea of fitting your entire music collection into a single device the size of a packet of cigarettes might have seemed outlandish 15 years ago. But that was before the iPod.

Opera Mini drives social networking from mobile phones — Opera Mini™ upgrade released today with new level of interactivity — Today, Opera Software introduces Opera Mini 3.0, the latest version of the award-winning mobile browser already used by eight million people worldwide

TiVo Tries Fresh DVR Ad Approach — NEW YORK TiVo upped its efforts to include advertising in its digital video recording service with its most intrusive effort to date. The company will embed ads after a recorded program plays. — The graphical ad unit, which TiVo calls a "program placement …

Wal-Mart launches digital movie downloads — Retailer kicks off its own video downloads service beginning with an exclusive 'Superman Returns' DVD bundle. — NEW YORK ( — Wal-Mart Stores on Tuesday announced the launch its own video downloads service beginning with an exclusive …
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Crave Talk: Why do all our gadgets break? — Those among you suffering from seasonal affective disorder-induced nostalgia may find yourselves dragging old friends back into the dim winter light this month. For me it was an old IBM XT that has lain dormant in the garage for eleven years.

Presto: Because Computers Scare Old People — A silicon valley startup called Presto has quietly launched a new service aimed at people who don't currently have Internet access, but want to be able to receive emails and photos from loved ones. It combines a special printer produced …

Court sides with alleged 'vacation' spammer — When antispam activist Mark Mumma received unsolicited e-mails advertising cruise vacations two years ago, he posted a report on his Web site and threatened to sue Omega World Travel. — But Mumma met with an unpleasant surprise …

Wii, PS3, Xbox 360... does the Mac matter for games? — It's a tough season for stalwart Mac gamers as Sony and Nintendo launch new game consoles and Microsoft moves into year two of its Xbox 360 campaign. With so many powerful video game consoles on the market, does the Mac even matter for games anymore?