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GOOGLE HAS MY CREDIT CARD NUMBER NOW — Herewith the story of my attempts to buy a Dora the Explorer Mr. Face Plush Backpack from ToysRUs using Google Checkout. In short, Google now has my credit card number. (It's one I use for testing, however). It feels kind of odd, to be honest.

Let's Just Declare TV Dead and Move On — A new poll in the UK shows that people who watch online videos tend to watch less television. It looks like they didn't take into account that people with broadband Internet connections in general watch less television, so the poll …

YouTube vs TV — YouTube and other online video sites are stealing viewers away from TV in the UK, according to a report by the BBC today. 43% of online video viewers said they watch less TV as a result of YouTube and similar sites, while 20% of those say they watch "a lot less".

Open Sourcing My TechCrunch Work Flow — Yesterday was my last day at TechCrunch. It's been a good run but I'm excited to get back into consulting for non profit organizations and startup businesses. This is a post about how I did my research while writing for TechCrunch …

Web censorship 'bypass' unveiled — A tool has been created capable of circumventing government censorship of the web, according to researchers. — The free program has been constructed to let citizens of countries with restricted web access retrieve and display web pages from anywhere.
27B Stroke 6

Web Tool Said to Offer Way Past the Government Censor — Deep in a basement lab at the University of Toronto a team of political scientists, software engineers and computer-hacking activists, or "hactivists," have created the latest, and some say most advanced tool yet in allowing Internet users …
IP Democracy, CrunchGear, O'Reilly Radar, Mark Evans, Silicon Valley Watcher and Infothought

YouTube vs. Google Video vs. Revver — The idea here is that you have to press play on the following videos (in vertical order) so that they all stream to you at the same time. You may need to adjust the volume on each respective network, though. Press play on the top (YouTube) video …

Microsoft readies 360 price cut — Microsoft's Robbie Bach has revealed that the firm's priority is bringing the Xbox 360's hardware costs down - and believes that Sony won't be able to compete when it cuts the console's retail price. — In a report by, president of entertainment …

Beatles: only on iPod? — After years of refusing to make the move to MP3, the Beatles may give Steve Jobs' iTunes an exclusive, reports Fortune's Tim Arango. — NEW YORK (Fortune) — Click on the iTunes music store and punch in "Beatles" under artist search.

10 OS X Apps You Might Not Know About But Should — Over the past couple of years of running The Apple Blog, I've tried out literally thousands of applications. A lot have been great apps that I still use today, but infinitely more have just been plain bad. I know I'm not the only one who's experienced this.

The Day I Walked Out On the PS3 — A story of how this gamer decided buying a Wii was the only choice for him, even when four PS3 consoles were available. — Today I decided it was time to finally go out and buy a Nintendo Wii. I had already missed buying one at the launch because I thought …

BT to launch IPTV service on Monday UPDATE — LONDON (AFX) - BT Group, the UK's incumbent telecoms carrier, will launch its long-awaited internet television service next Monday, according to a spokesman for the company. — The BT Vision offering will allow the group's broadband customers watch …

Three reasons why Digg gets its numbers wrong — Digg is by any measure, an extremely successful news site. The audience, many of whom also submit and vote upon stories, has expanded more than five-fold in a year, according to Comscore. Kevin Rose, the founder, is charmingly unassuming.
The Technology Chronicles

Is It News...or Is It an Ad? — With 'in-text' advertising, it isn't always easy to tell — Last month, ran an article about Republican House Speaker Dennis Hastert's postelection prospects. In the story, the words "house," "speaker" and "leadership" were underlined twice.

Social Newspapers — I'm usually a bit skeptical about the concept of social networks. They seem to work best only with certain (young) demographics, and they seem to lose favor with their audiences rather quickly (cf. Friendster, Tribe and Orkut). I've never quite found a practical use for LinkedIn (and I'm not alone).

HD Rollout Begins in San Antonio - UPDATED — UPDATE: All 30 HD channels are now fully functional! — We recently received some great pictures of U-verse HD in action here in the heart of San Antonio. As of this morning, several channels have been added to the guide …