Top Items:

Investing time and money in virtual worlds: Caveat Emptor — [We asked Raph Koster, an expert on virtual worlds, to comment on the recent controversy at Second Life. He writes a popular blog at] — In the last month something happened that shook the world to its core.

Raph Koster: Copy Away — Raph Koster has a fascinating VentureBeat piece about the Second Life copybot. Raph observes that using the data stream to duplicate objects is analogous to the analog hole that lets people copy movies as they're converted to display on an analog screen.

U.S. Copyright Office issues new rights — NEW YORK - Cell phone owners will be allowed to break software locks on their handsets in order to use them with competing carriers under new copyright rules announced Wednesday. — Other copyright exemptions approved by the Library of Congress …

Copyright Office rules that consumers can legally unlock cellphones — Looking for a reason to be thankful today (besides the fact that Engadget writers snubbed their families in order to toil through the holiday and bring you your daily dose of gadget news)?
The Mobile Technology Weblog

Ban on MP3 transmitters is lifted — Ofcom is legalising the use of FM transmitters that allow iPods and other MP3 players to play through car radios. — The use of devices, such as Griffin's "iTrip", was banned in the UK as their transmissions can interfere with broadcasts by legal radio stations.

Thieves pinch £750,000 Xbox 360 shipment — A lorry, containing £750,000 worth of Xbox 360s, has been hijacked by thieves near a depot in Staffordshire. — The robbery, no doubt inspired by the oncoming Christmas rush, is the second in a week.

Google sued by film producer — French movie studio alleges that world's top search engine distributed its film online for free. — PARIS (Reuters) — The producer of "The World According to Bush" has taken legal action against Google for distributing the film for free …

PS3 broken straight out of the box — Punch Jump received their 20 GB Playstation 3 only to discover it has a malfunctioning disc feeder. The sound that the Playstation 3 makes while attempting with absolute futility to consume the disc is what really makes this video pop. No launch …

1000100101 Watch from TokyoFlash — Man and his machine have a unique bond. I mean the more complicated the machine is the more attracted the men are to it. Take a look at the 1000100101 Watch from TokyoFlash. It's an interesting watch, cause the time is read with the help of the LED lights.

Kevin Rose Admitting Digg Has Moderators — My attention was recently brought to this post on which made it to the Digg front-page with only 1 Digg. When users started to question how a story with one Digg could make it to the front-page, the following conversation with Kevin Rose ensued:
Deep Jive Interests

OriginalSignal Relaunches With Big Changes — Popular single page aggregator OriginalSignal has relaunched and is now much more than just an inflexible startpage for lazy people - it's added a list of features that make it more useful than ever. — The site displays the newest headlines …
Download Squad

365 Days Later, Xbox 360 Unveils First Wave of TV Shows and Movies on Xbox Live — Xbox 360 offers the latest in entertainment options for everyone, from a library of 160 high- definition games expected by holiday to downloadable standard and high-definition TV shows and movies.

The Soul Of A New Microsoft — Edgy thinkers like J Allard are looking far beyond Windows for the next big thing — At 3:32 p.m. on Oct. 19 an e-mail flashed across the screens of the 230 Microsoft employees working slavishly to bring the Zune music player to market.
Todd Bishop's Microsoft Blog

Cogmap - The Wikipedia of Organization Charts? — Cogmap is an interesting site that takes organization charts to a whole new level. Claiming itself to be the "Wikipedia of organization charts," anyone can freely view, edit, and maintain corporate structures online.
Download Squad

Breaching the Cellcos' Garden Wall — Bob Lucky likes to complain that his mobile phone (a) won't play self-generated ringtones (you have to buy them from the phone company), (b) won't upload pictures directly (you have to send them over the phone company's network) and (c) …

Google Integrating Blog Posts Into Search Results — Google have been so busy releasing beta after beta for the last while that their raft of services are far from integrated. Try logging into your AdSense account, dow't work.nload an advanced report and try to open it in Google Spreadsheets.

Mozilla's Firefox 2 and Microsoft's Internet Explorer 7 are vulnerable to a flaw that could allow attackers to steal passwords. — Dubbed a reverse cross-site request, or RCSR, vulnerability by its discoverer, Robert Chapin, the flaw lets hackers compromise users' passwords and usernames by presenting them with a fake login form.