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Video Marketplace Status — I just hung up on a conference call on this issue, and I wanted to post an update. As you know, we have been experiencing technical difficulties associated with the extremely high number of downloads from the Video Marketplace service over the past 24 hours.

My Xbox Live HD Video Rental Nightmare — Okay. Before I start my tale, I should say that I am a big XBox360 fan. A really like Xbox 360. — It's a very well designed piece of equipment. A little too much fan noise, but overall a VERY well built user experience. — I like it so much, I have two.

WIRELESS TECHNOLOGY MADE ME SICK — It is the hi-tech tool that has revolutionised home and office alike - but a growing band of campaigners claim wi-fi is a major threat to health. — Sufferers say the electro-magnetic waves emitted by wireless computer networks - wi-fi - leave them feeling exhausted, nauseous and sleepless.

Woman claims Wi-Fi makes her sick — In another case of EMF (electromagnetic field) junk science making the news, a Woman in the UK is claming that Wi-Fi technology makes her sick and that she could "instantly tell whether it is installed in a particular room".

Virtualization not 'mature' for consumers — Consumers cannot run home versions of Windows Vista as virtual machines because virtualization is not mature enough for broad adoption, says Microsoft. — A Microsoft spokesperson told ZDNet Asia: "For production machines and everyday usage …

A Smarter Computer to Pick Stocks — Ray Kurzweil, an inventor and new hedge fund manager, is describing the future of stock-picking, and it isn't human. — "Artificial intelligence is becoming so deeply integrated into our economic ecostructure that some day computers will exceed human intelligence …

Phone vs. Cable: Turf Wars Escalate — PHOENIX — Bees swarmed around Dennis Pappas as he pried open the door to a telephone equipment box belonging to Qwest Communications at an apartment building here recently. Inside, the insects had built a small but seemingly busy hive.

Yearning for Freedom ... From Venture Capital Overlords — EVAN WILLIAMS recently bought his freedom. It cost him a bit more than $2 million, and he says it was worth every penny. — I'm not talking about paying off a big debt to one of Tony Soprano's loan-shark underlings.

Google sued by film producer — French movie studio alleges that world's top search engine distributed its film online for free. — PARIS (Reuters) — The producer of "The World According to Bush" has taken legal action against Google for distributing the film for free … to relaunch — - a notorious dotcom bubble startup - is planning to relaunch. The confirmation has been made in Swedish media magazine "Komet" by Jonas Arnberg, who works for Handelns Utredningsinstitut (HUI), a respected retail research institute in Sweden.

Pandora vs (continued) — Last week, I walked into Jessica's room to see how she was doing on her homework and she said, "dad, check this out". So I looked on her screen and she was listening to Pandora while she was doing her homework. She had three channels; The Shout Out Louds, The Shins, and Belle and Sebastian.
James Governor's MonkChips

The Six Biggest New Ideas In Chat — Instant messaging has become a part of daily life on the web. I use several different services depending on what I want to do and who I want to talk to. AIM is great for keeping in touch with old friends, Meebo or eBuddy for signing on anywhere, and Skype for business interactions.

Anonymizing RFI Attacks Through Google — Google can be utilized to hack into websites - actively exploiting them (not information gathering by the use of "Google hacking", although that is how most of the sites vulnerable to RFI attacks are found). — By placing a URL on any web page …
Discussion: web …

Microsoft Statement on Completion of the Initial European Commission Review of Microsoft's Technical Documents — In accordance with the March 2004 decision by the European Commission, Microsoft submitted 8,500 pages of detailed technical documentation in July 2006.