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Don't bet against the internet — It's simply the best, argues Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google — The internet bubble of the 1990s may have been investor folly but it heralded a new era, the impact of which we are only just beginning to understand. Those years rewrote the rules of production …

Microsoft says Office unfazed by Google threat — SEATTLE (Reuters) - One of the two new heads of Microsoft Corp.'s (Nasdaq:MSFT - news) Office software team downplayed the threat from Google Inc.'s (Nasdaq:GOOG - news) Web-based word processing and spreadsheet applications, saying they are unlikely to appeal to corporate customers.

Eric Schmidt's tough talk — Google CEO Eric Schmidt has been coy in discussing his company's ambition to create an online alternative to Microsoft Office. Just a few days ago, at the Web 2.0 Summit, Schmidt "played the semantic game" in discussing office suites, reported Dan Farber.

Licensing the 2007 Microsoft Office User Interface — For the last year or so, one of the questions I've been asked again and again has been: "Can I use the new Office user interface in my own product?" — On one hand, it's an immensely satisfying question to hear, because it means …

Microsoft to Share Significant UI Investment in 2007 Microsoft Office Applications with Partner Community — In the upcoming release of the 2007 Microsoft Office system, the most popular productivity applications have received a user interface makeover, and Microsoft is making elements …

The difference between TechCrunch and Valleywag — Dave Winer defends Nick Denton and Valleywag today. — Me? I see it a bit differently. I don't see that Valleywag has noticeably changed its stripes. Yeah, so far they haven't followed anyone into a bathroom and that is an improvement over the old Valleywag — if it holds.

Mike Arrington is wrong on this one — And so is Jason Calacanis. — First, read this bit by Mike, who takes Nick Denton apart for daring to challenge some assumptions that Jason Calacanis has left out there, just aching to be challenged. — Now Mike is wrong in so many ways …

CBS Is Pretty Damned Excited About YouTube — Just a little over a month after a partnership was announced that puts CBS content on YouTube legally, CBS Interactive President Quincy Smith is beside himself with praise for their new partner. In a press release today, YouTube says that CBS content …

The YouTube Effect: CBS Gets Massive Boost — Analysts have long been saying that YouTube is a gift for the TV networks: now we have the stats to prove it. CBS announced today that viewers are flocking to their TV shows after seeing the clips on YouTube. "Letterman" has gained 5 percent …
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Video Marketplace now live — A couple of weeks ago we announced that you would be able to download complete HD and SD versions of your favorite movies and TV shows from the Xbox Live Markeplace. That day is now here...moments ago we flipped the switch and the service is now available for all U.S. Xbox Live members.

The Spam Farms of the Social Web — Blogs and other social media tools have changed the publishing landscape over the past few years, making it easier than ever to share information with the world. The ease of use and focused attention of the medium has also helped create new opportunities …
Deep Jive Interests, Jay & Silent Rob, Valleywag, Monkey Bites, B.L. Ochman's weblog, GigaOM, Search Engine Watch Blog, The Mu Life and digg

You Tube vs. Boob Tube … LOOK, before you even get to the second paragraph, try this: Go to In the search field, type in "boom goes the dynamite." A video thumbnail will pop up. Click on it and watch. (Or view the video below.) — It's just a little outtake from a Ball State University campus TV newscast.

Alexa can be injurious to your wealth — Every so often you meet entrepreneurs and venture capital investors who talk about Alexa ranking of a web-based service, using it as some sort of a yardstick for growth and reach. It is as good general, non-specific indicator, say if the traffic is going up or down …

Why big high tech companies are losing the talent war — [Disclosure: Auren works at Rapleaf, a startup, and is thus biased towards startups.] — Big companies are losing their "A" players and they're struggling to attract "B" players. In an industry where everything is about people …