Top Items:

It's true: The Zune is incompatible with Vista — I really couldn't believe the tip a reader sent in earlier this month that Microsoft's Zune MP3 player would be incompatible with Windows Vista. — I had heard the Windows Media Player DRM and the Zune DRM were not going to be compatible.

Startup hits the money with biz wiki — Ray King hasn't had a home run yet. But investors in his newest venture, AboutUs Inc., think King could be building the next Google. — King's Portland company has just closed a $1 million initial financing round for its wiki …

AboutUs: A Wiki About Every Website — Portland, Oregon based AboutUs announced this week that it has closed a Series A round of funding and raised $1 million. The site is a wiki directory of web sites, mostly populated automatically but with a healthy amount of traffic and a growing number of edits being made daily.

Google holds back stock in YouTube deal — SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Google Inc. has set aside more than $200 million in its just-completed takeover of YouTube Inc. as a financial cushion to cover losses or possible legal bills for the frequent copyright violations on YouTube's video-sharing site.

From Rocketboom to ABC — Video blogger Amanda Congdon is the latest "cewebrity" to jump to mainstream media; an industry is forming to help others follow her lead — Internet celebrity Amanda Congdon just finished broadcasting her cross-country relocation from New York to L.A. on the World Wide Web.

SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT — the news is out! — music: Adhesion - Opus Magnus - track 2 "Bank Holiday"

INTERNET ADVERTISING REVENUES SURPASS $4 BILLION FOR Q3 — Latest IAB/PwC Survey Finds 2006 Record Industry Growth and Largest Quarter Ever — The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) and PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP today announced that Internet advertising revenues reached an estimated …

Big blogger show set for Vegas — The first BlogWorld and New Media Expo is be held next year, Nov. 8 and 9, at the Las Vegas Convention Center. "The event will combine elements of the corporate communications world with the needs of active, individual bloggers," according to a release announcing the show.
Bloggers Blog

Copyrights and Content Creation in Second Life — Today I met with a large group of Residents, members of the Sellers Guild, to talk about the implications of a recently-developed LibSL product called CopyBot. CopyBot allows the user to create a replication of an object, including textures, that is fully permissive.

Quintura Search Engine gets backing from early Skype investor — Written by Alex Iskold and edited by Richard MacManus. — Russia-based Quintura Search Engine has received substantial backing from Mangrove Capital Partners of Luxembourg, an early-stage investor in Skype …

Apple Teams Up With Air France, Continental, Delta, Emirates, KLM & United to Deliver iPod Integration — Apple® today announced it is teaming up with Air France, Continental, Delta, Emirates, KLM and United to deliver the first seamless integration between iPod® and in-flight entertainment systems.

Slide gets big VC round for its slideshow product — Slide, the San Francisco start-up that lets you create slide shows from your photos or other content, has raised a large third round of funding from Khosla Ventures and Mayfield Fund. — The amount remains undisclosed …

Study finds Web isn't teeming with sex — ANALYSIS SHOWS ABOUT 1 PERCENT OF ALL PAGES HAVE ADULT CONTENT — A confidential analysis of Internet search queries and a random sample of Web pages taken from Google and Micrsoft's giant Internet indexes showed that only about 1 percent of all Web pages contain sexually explicit material.

From the "you call this agile?" department — Dmitri Zimine has a hypothetical story of how interrupting a programmer for a two hour emergency request needed to close some sale can actually waste two weeks. "If Sarah spends just two hours thinking of her old project, she loses a day of productive work on the new one," he says.

OLPC nears low-cost Linux laptop production — The One Laptop Per Child project's onsite supervisor, Mark Foster, reported from Shanghai on Sunday that the first 10 prototypes of the Linux-powered OLPC XO-1 are up and running. This marks a key milestone toward an upcoming build of 900 units.

Ruthless enough for a startup? — I have been reading about how several successful startups — Facebook, MySpace, BitTorrent, YouTube, Skype, and HotOrNot — fueled their early growth that lead to their success. — In all the cases, these startups did things that I probably would not have been willing to do.
Sparkplug 9 >> bizhack

Game On! Dell Gaming Gets More Extreme — New Quad-Core Dell XPS 710 Gaming Desktop and 92% Color Gamut 30-inch Monitor Make for Intense Entertainment Experience — Dell today announced two new high-performance technology platforms for gamers and enthusiasts: the company's most powerful …

Q&A: Microsoft Moving Forward on Key Server Technologies — At Tech •Ed: IT Forum 2006, Microsoft continues to show progress in development of Windows Server "Longhorn" and Windows Server virtualization, and announces availability of Windows PowerShell and the release candidate for Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2.
All about Microsoft, Microsoft News Tracker, Windows Vista Team Blog, Windows PowerShell, and OpsanBlog

Microsoft Goes MuniFi with MetroFi — In the fight to unwire cities, Google might be one of the bigger names in the business, especially when it comes to the potential for location-based advertising. But Mountain View-based startup MetroFi, which champions the free ad-supported WiFi model …

DRM Dumpster automates the DRM stripping process — By now, most people who buy music from the iTunes Store know that one of the ways to legally get around the DRM restrictions on your purchased music is to burn a CD of that music and then rip that CD back into iTunes as unrestricted MP3 files.