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Web reaches new milestone: 100 million sites … (CNN) — Are your Web surfing fingers getting tired? — There may be a reason. Netcraft, an Internet monitoring company that has tracked Web growth since 1995, says a mammoth milestone was reached during the month of October.

November 2006 Web Server Survey — There are now more than 100 million web sites on the Internet, which gained 3.5 million sites last month to continue the dynamic growth seen throughout 2006. In the November 2006 survey we received responses from 101,435,253 sites, up from 97.9 million sites last month.

Cingular to Launch Cellphone Music Service — Carrier Is Teaming Up — With Napster, Yahoo; — Challenge to Apple's iPod — Cingular is expected to begin partnering with some of the biggest online music services, including Napster Inc., Yahoo Inc.'s Yahoo Music and eMusic …

Ohio Company Sues Internet Video Giant YouTube — It's the up and coming Internet portal for personal videos on the Internet, and now a northwest Ohio company has asked a federal judge to make the company pay. Universal Tube & Rollform Equipment Corporation of Perrysburg …

Venture Firm Is Giving Loans a Try — Charles River Ventures, one of the nation's oldest venture capital firms, has come up with an unusual program to attract promising entrepreneurs: It will offer loans of up to $250,000 to help them turn their ideas into fledgling businesses.

Charles River Ventures introduces friendly "convertible" seed round
The Technology Chronicles, Venture Chronicles, VC Circle, Net,, Mr Wave Theory and The Blogging Times

News Start-up Daylife Raises First Round; NYTCO Leads Investors — You're reading it here first ... After a year of mostly veiled references and speculation fueled by the involvement of Jeff Jarvis as an adviser and Craig Newmark as an investor, Daylife, the distributed news platform founded …

Craigslist Sex Ad Scammer Seeks to Silence Critics — Baseless Copyright Claims Used to Shut Down Debate Over Privacy Controversy — San Francisco - The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) filed suit today against the man behind "" — a website that publicized responses …

TechCrunch Bashing Heats Up — The last two weeks has brough a fresh wave of TechCrunch hate. I've learned to avoid responding to this stuff in the past because it just draws more attention to it, but tonight a reporter from the Syndey Morning Herald named Asher Moses emailed me and said … To Power Lycos Search & Search Ads — Reuters reports that has reached a deal with Lycos to power their search engine and search ads. Lycos is the 5th "most popular U.S. Web portal." will provide Web search, image search, zoom search and ppc ads for the Lycos Network.

How iTunes saved 'The Office' — It takes a lot of love to download a TV show on iTunes. The process is time-consuming (10 minutes or so for a sitcom). The screen image - by necessity - is ant-sized. The picture gets the yips. And worst of all, the thing hogs a vast chunk of memory.

Q&A: Microsoft, Systems Integrators Team Up to Help Customers Prepare for Windows Vista — The Windows Vista Application Compatibility Factory helps enterprises assess and remediate their existing applications to ensure Windows Vista compatibility and accelerate rollout.

Search engine optimization (SEO) from black to white — In one of my favorite Saturday Night Live skits, "Tom Ridge" explains the U.S. terrorist-threat color codes: … Here's my attempt to give SEO's more than just two or three colors. — Background: A naive (non-SEO) …

Kazaa Said to Pay $10 Million in Settlement — Kazaa, the file-sharing successor to Napster that record companies have been battling for years, has reached a tentative settlement in the last of three major lawsuits against it. — Under the agreement with the National Music Publishers' Association …
IP Democracy

Is it bye bye Microsoft or just au revoir? — Due to the nature of TechCrunch (UK), I am forever installing and uninstalling beta software, therefore it was only a matter of time before my Media Center PC crashed. Luckily I only lost a few days worth of work which I had not backed up. i.e a few new emails …

The Seven Phases of Owning an iPod - An Illustrated Journey — PHASE 1: This is the "OH MY GOD IT'S SO SMALL AND SHINY" phase. You marvel at how small and shiny it is, stealing glances whenever you can. — PHASE 2: This is the phase where all your friends say "OH MY GOD IT'S SO SMALL AND SHINY" and you're like, totally over it.