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The Birth of Obvious Corp. — I'm very excited to announce something that I've wanted to do forever. — Odeo has been acquired by a new company called Obvious Corp. Obvious Corp was started by myself, with help from long-time collaborator, Biz Stone, and other Odeo people.
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Larry Ellison and the business of social production — As open-source software programs mature and become commercial products, the work of developing them naturally shifts, to one degree or another, from the original community of unpaid volunteers to professional programmers who are employed …

Oracle to offer Red Hat Linux support — update SAN FRANCISCO—Oracle will sell support to Red Hat Linux customers and offer its own free clone of the open-source operating system, posing a major competitive challenge to the leading Linux seller. — "As of this moment …

Bull*%! — Sometimes you just have to call bull*% on something and Oracle's announcement on Linux is as great a candidate as any I've seen lately. Most of the pundits and analysts will focus on what this means for Red Hat and their valuation. In fact, Red Hat's stock price was off 15% …

Web Browser Faceoff — Written by Alex Iskold and edited by Richard MacManus. — The last few weeks have been packed with browser action and the two market leaders, Internet Explorer and Firefox, have launched major new versions. So to round out our recent browser coverage …

A Tale of Two Web Browsers — In the last two years, the web has gone through a truly vibrant period of innovation. We've seen advancements in file sharing, social networks and rich media presentation, as well as the proliferation of Ajax and full-fledged applications that run within the browser.

A New Campaign Tactic: Manipulating Google Data — If things go as planned for liberal bloggers in the next few weeks, searching Google for "Jon Kyl," the Republican senator from Arizona now running for re-election, will produce high among the returns a link to an April 13 article from The Phoenix New Times, an alternative weekly.

Hidden Costs of Vista Upgrade Coupon — Microsoft today announced its Express Upgrade to Windows Vista program. It provides a coupon—if you buy a PC from a participating vendor from October 26, 2006 through March 15, 2007—that will allow a buyer to upgrade a Windows XP PC to Windows Vista when it becomes available next year.

The Cellphone Costs $1,275. In Love Yet? — Want to have some real fun the next time you're in a room with geeks and gadget freaks? Here are two words that when uttered aloud will not only get their attention, but set off hyperventilation, pupil dilation and drooling: " Apple phone."

BBS: Jason Calacanis — Jason Calacanis' keynote was themed: From Weblogs, Inc. to Netscape: Maintaining Authenticity and Integrity Within Commercial Social Media. — Integrity. I was looking forward to this presentation after the aggressive stance Jason took earlier in the week in response …

Happy Vox Launch Day! — It's been a long time in the making, but the day of the official Vox launch is here. — Drawing Vox by Marc John … In anticipation for this event, we asked all of you guys to share what aspect you most appreciate or like about Vox.

Google's Internal Company Goals — A company paper Google published internally earlier this year outlined some of Google's big goals and directions for 2006. The list included several items, for example: — Google wants to have an improved infrastructure to make their engineers more productive.

Did Dell Hire JibJab to Handle Advertising? — Dell's Michael Dell, EMC's Joe Tucci, Oracle's Larry Ellison, AMD's Hector Ruiz and Intel's Paul Otellini, drunk on power and hubris made the most upsetting corporate ad I seen to date. Even the poor Linux penguin is debased in this flick …

Phones for That Other System — MAKING phone calls using voice-over-Internet protocol seems not only inexpensive, but so very modern. Known by the zippy acronym VoIP (rhymes with practically nothing), it lets you make voice calls over the Internet to anywhere in the world for pennies; no old-fashioned phone company required.

Why So Little Attention to Botnets? — Our collective battle against botnets is going badly, according to Ryan Naraine's recent article in eWeek. — What's that? You didn't know we were battling botnets? You're not alone. Though botnets are a major cause of Internet insecurity problems …

Making Money With Domain Names — If you are a regular reader of this blog then you will know the name Markus Frind. He is the owner of Plenty Of Fish, the biggest free dating site on the Internet. Markus likes to point out the fact that he is a one-man operation and the biggest individual Google AdSense earner.