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Better Bookmarks, Better Toolbar — We're here to introduce the new beta versions of the Yahoo! Toolbar (for IE) and Yahoo! Bookmarks. — Bookmarks first appeared on the Yahoo! Toolbar in 1999. Back then, the big virtues of online bookmarks were backup and portability - Yahoo! …

Yahoo Bookmarks Enters 21st Century. — Yahoo is unveiling an entirely new Bookmarks product this evening at - new interface, new back-end, the works. A screencast created by Yahoo developer Tom Chi is here which gives an excellent overview of the service …

Yahoo Updates Toolbar and Bookmarks — Yahoo is releasing a new version of its toolbar with a powerful new bookmarking feature that integrates seamlessly with Yahoo web search, and features a "radical" new user interface. — The new Yahoo toolbar has an improved search function that uses …

Digg Does The Acquisition Dance With News Corp. — San Francisco-based startup Digg has been in recent acquisition discussions with a number of companies, including News Corp., according to multiple sources close to the negotiations. However, the company was unable to land an offer …
VentureBeat, Forever Geek, Digital Micro-Markets, Deep Jive Interests, Gadgetell, Open Culture, TechEffect, Good Morning Silicon Valley, Search Engine Journal, Thomas Hawk's Digital …, GigaOM, SeekingAlpha Internet Stocks, Joe Duck, Search Engine Watch Blog,,, Business Filter, Conversion Rater, Tech Beat, John Chow dot Com, The Blogging Times, John Cook's Venture Blog, ben barren, Valleywag, Lost Remote, Sam Harrelson and digg

Ze Errors — After some discrepancy, Ze Frank has laid into me because he doesn't believe how he could only have a fraction of the audience size of Rocketboom. — I was pretty surprised because we have had some friendly emails recently and he has asked me about my stats but apparently didn't believe me.
Between the Lines, Frank Barnako, Blogspotting, Valleywag, ALLIED, Podcasting News and Mark Evans

New audience metric needed: engagement — I was just reading Jeneane Sessum's post about the latest Ze Frank/Rocketboom dustup and she's right, we need to measure stuff other than just whether a download got completed or not. She says we need a "likeability" stat. I think it goes further than that.

Talent Agency Is Aiming to Find Web Video Stars — Brent Weinstein, left, heads the new UTA Online. Its three agents are Jason U. Nadler, right, Barrett D. Garese, seated, and Ryan Reber, rear. — One of Hollywood's top five talent agencies has created an online unit devoted to scouting …

Microsoft Zune in depth — [...] Last time I was at Microsoft I met with the Zune team and got this in-depth look at Zune (the iPod competitor). [...] Original post by ScobleShow: Videoblog about geeks, technology, and developers and software by Elliott Back [...]

MAKE GUARANTEE'S PROMISE CLEAR — This afternoon, Microsoft finally announced the long-anticipated Windows Vista coupon program (a.k.a., Technology Guarantee); yes, there is one for Office 2007, too. — Under the programs, consumers purchasing Windows XP and/or Office 2003 on PCs …

Telecom: Bulking Up to Take On Cable — Consolidation has allowed AT&T, BellSouth, and others to achieve the national scale and scope that will enable them to compete — The new AT&T has been on a tear. A year after SBC Communications completed its acquisition of AT&T, the new AT&T (T) …
IP Democracy

Cultivating Server Farms — SEATTLE — Over the last six years, Internap Network Services has survived hundreds of layoffs, a tumbling share price and a delisting threat from Nasdaq. Until this year, it had never been profitable. Still, it was fortunate to be in a business …
Deep Green Crystals

T-Mobile launches HotSpot @ Home service in selected areas — A couple of months ago I was offered a chance to beta test the upcoming T-Mobile UMA service and was given a full kit to try for 6 weeks. The kit consisted of a T-Mobile branded Linksys router and Samsung UMA WiFi-enabled phone.
CrunchGear, jkOnTheRun, Engadget, MobileTracker,, InsideGoogle and .:UNEASYsilence:.

Amazon says no to Google info request — OCT. 24 4:19 P.M. ET As expected, online retailer Inc. has objected to providing details about its book search feature to rival Google Inc., which says it needs them to fight copyright infringement allegations from a group of authors and book publishers.

Windows Defender Leaves Beta — Microsoft has released another fine piece of software, Windows Defender for Windows XP. Some new features the final release has over the most recent beta: — New option to display Windows Defender system tray icon even when there are no pending actions needed.

Hacker claims to have cracked iPod restrictions — SAN JOSE, California (AP) — A hacker known for cracking the copy-protection technology in DVDs claims to have unlocked the playback restrictions of Apple Computer Inc.'s iPod and iTunes music products and plans to license his code to others.

Wal-mart selling PS3's for $300! Thank you lord! — It looks like Wal-mart is really looking out for the consumer nowadays by offering us PS3 for only $299! You know how every one was worried about dishing out $599? Forget that. Wal-mart, the retailer that gives us "rolling back prices" …

How-To: Craft an analog control stick for your Sony PSP (part 2) — Every so often, that console-modding Benjamin Heckendorn wanders away from his lair at to share some interesting projects with Engadget. — A couple weeks ago we showed you, the teeming PSP loving masses …

Blatant Facebook Rip-Off Gets Acquired — It was announced today that China's leading college social networking site has been acquired for an undisclosed sum. That sounds reasonable, since the Chinese social networking space is growing fast. But I was shocked to load up the site …

Flash Conceptions and Misconceptions — I'll be at the Adobe Max conference in Las Vegas tomorrow and Wednesday. I'm looking forward to learning as much as I can about what Adobe's doing these days, especially in the area of Flash, Adobe's interactive multimedia format and Flex …

trixbox 2.0 released — trixbox 2.0 beta will be available for download on Wednesday. This release will be Fonality's first big contribution to the trixbox/Asterisk community after the recent Fonality acquisition of trixbox. which certainly caused a stir within the Asterisk community.
O'Reilly Emerging Telephony

I.B.M. Sues Over Patents — I.B.M., the holder of the largest patent storehouse in corporate America, often finds itself defending itself against patent claims from aggressive plaintiffs, seeking a payout. — But I.B.M. became the aggressor yesterday when it filed two lawsuits …