Top Items:

Digg Does The Acquisition Dance With News Corp. — San Francisco-based startup Digg has been in recent acquisition discussions with a number of companies, including News Corp., according to multiple sources close to the negotiations. However, the company was unable to land an offer …

Microsoft Zune in depth — [...] Last time I was at Microsoft I met with the Zune team and got this in-depth look at Zune (the iPod competitor). [...] Original post by ScobleShow: Videoblog about geeks, technology, and developers and software by Elliott Back [...]

Talent Agency Is Aiming to Find Web Video Stars — Brent Weinstein, left, heads the new UTA Online. Its three agents are Jason U. Nadler, right, Barrett D. Garese, seated, and Ryan Reber, rear. — One of Hollywood's top five talent agencies has created an online unit devoted to scouting …
IP Democracy

Microsoft, Industry Partners Offer Early Holiday Gifts to PC Buyers Around the World — Microsoft working with PC manufacturers and system builders to provide holiday PC buyers with low-cost upgrades to Windows Vista and the 2007 Microsoft Office release. — Microsoft Corp. today announced programs …
Microsoft Monitor, Microsoft News Tracker, Digital Inspiration, and

Vista, Office 2007 holiday coupons coming this week

Like Yahoo, Google Adds Customized Search Engine — Google introduced a tool Monday that allows Web sites and blogs to offer visitors a customized version of its search engine, narrowing down its vast index so the results are more relevant for users. — Called the Google Custom Search Engine …

Google Co-op — An Intro & Some Insider Hacks
ContentBlogger,, Gear Live, ProBlogger Blog Tips, WWWScope and Scobleizer ads work — Local companies find site helps them connect with clients — A growing number of Louisville businesses are turning to the social-networking Web site to connect with customers, promote events and, ultimately, make money.
RELATED ITEMS: Profiles Working for Local Internet Marketing

Ze Errors — After some discrepancy, Ze Frank has laid into me because he doesn't believe how he could only have a fraction of the audience size of Rocketboom. — I was pretty surprised because we have had some friendly emails recently and he has asked me about my stats but apparently didn't believe me.

Yahoo Bookmarks Enters 21st Century. — Yahoo is unveiling an entirely new Bookmarks product this evening at - new interface, new back-end, the works. A screencast created by Yahoo developer Tom Chi is here which gives an excellent overview of the service …

Amazon says no to Google info request — OCT. 24 4:19 P.M. ET As expected, online retailer Inc. has objected to providing details about its book search feature to rival Google Inc., which says it needs them to fight copyright infringement allegations from a group of authors and book publishers.
Search Engine Watch Blog

FROM REDMOND WITH LOVE — The Microsoft Internet Explorer Team sent us a cake for the release of Firefox 2! — A big thanks to Redmond, Washington! — P.S.: No, it was not poisoned — Trackbacks & Pings — ×"×" ×'×"×'×"...

Hazards: A Study Gauges the Risks for Ears With iPods — Avid iPod users who wonder if they are putting their hearing at risk may find some relief in a new study that tries to arrive at guidelines for safe listening levels. — The key to avoiding hearing damage, the researchers say …
Kevin Maney

This PC wants to save the world — Nicholas Negroponte's much-hyped $100 laptop is going into production, but skeptics, including Intel, see weaknesses in his plan. — (Fortune Magazine) — "Nicholas, it looks like a science project," Apple (Charts) CEO Steve Jobs said to Nicholas Negroponte …

trixbox 2.0 released — trixbox 2.0 beta will be available for download on Wednesday. This release will be Fonality's first big contribution to the trixbox/Asterisk community after the recent Fonality acquisition of trixbox. which certainly caused a stir within the Asterisk community.
O'Reilly Emerging Telephony

MusicForMe cracks AllOfMP3's MusicForMasses DRM — Last week I reported on MusicForMasses, a new program from questionable Russian online music retailer AllOfMP3 that lets you download and listen to every song in their expansive library for free, provide you use their very limited Windows player that requires a net connection.

Yahoo! Search Weather Update and Support for 'NOODP' — We strive to show the most useful information in search results. We look at multiple sources for titles and abstracts, including page content, anchor text in the links to a page, Yahoo! Directory and the Open Directory Project (ODP); and we pick the best based on our algorithms.
Search Engine Roundtable