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Important Notice: Out of Business due to Multiple Sony Lawsuits — FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - OUT OF BUSINESS NOTICE — Hong Kong, October 24th of 2006 -, the popular gaming retailer from Hong Kong, has today announced that it is forced to close down due …
Joystiq, Techdirt, Engadget, You NEWB, Crave, PSP Fanboy, CrunchGear,, Kotaku, Alice Hill's Real Tech News, Slashdot and digg

Eureka! Your own search engine has landed! — Wouldn't it be cool if you could easily build a search engine on your blog or website tailored to the topics and areas you know and love the most? You're not alone if you'd like that — we've heard from partners large and small …
Geeking with Greg, Monkey Bites, ProBlogger Blog Tips, Lifehacker, PC World: Techlog, TechCrunch, CyberNet Technology News, Matt Cutts, Search Engine Roundtable, InformationWeek, Geek News Central, InsideGoogle, Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim, Susan Mernit's Blog, engtech, Manthan, Nick, Google Watch, Colin's Corner, Things That, Open Access News, Google Operating System, digg and Slashdot

Digg Does The Acquisition Dance With News Corp. — San Francisco-based startup Digg has been in recent acquisition discussions with a number of companies, including News Corp., according to multiple sources close to the negotiations. However, the company was unable to land an offer …

Rumor: Zune to Pay You For Sharing Songs? — The Microsoft Zune may pay you for sharing a song with others if they end up buying that song themselves. As you probably know, the Zune's WiFi capability will let you send a song to another Zune user, and then that user can listen to it three times …

Zune to Pay You Back for Sharing Songs? — What would a day on CrunchGear be like without at least one totally unconfirmed but juicy rumor? Our spies are going into overtime as the deadline for the Zune approaches (that's November 14, chuckleheads). Though this is something we've heard before …

Microsoft, Industry Partners Offer Early Holiday Gifts to PC Buyers Around the World — Microsoft working with PC manufacturers and system builders to provide holiday PC buyers with low-cost upgrades to Windows Vista and the 2007 Microsoft Office release. — Microsoft Corp. today announced programs …
Microsoft Monitor, Microsoft News Tracker,, and Teching It Easy

FROM REDMOND WITH LOVE — The Microsoft Internet Explorer Team sent us a cake for the release of Firefox 2! — A big thanks to Redmond, Washington! — P.S.: No, it was not poisoned — Trackbacks & Pings — ×"×" ×'×"×'×"...

T-Mobile Tests Dual Wi-Fi and Cell Service — Yesterday T-Mobile became the first major mobile phone carrier in the United States to begin selling service that allows a single handset to communicate over both cellular networks and Wi-Fi hot spots. — The first phones, which are available …
Engadget, Fractals of Change, Soaring on Ridgelift, VentureBeat, Silicon Valley Watcher, InsideGoogle, Phone Scoop,, The Kelsey Group Blog, The Mobile Gadgeteer, Screenwerk, MobileTracker, .:UNEASYsilence:., GigaOM, 21talks, O'Reilly Emerging Telephony, VoIP Watch,, Mobility Site and Digital Life

Apple MacBook Pro Notebooks Now with Intel Core 2 Duo Processors — Up to 39 Percent Faster — Apple® today announced that its entire MacBook™ Pro line of notebooks now includes the new Intel Core 2 Duo processor and delivers performance that is up to 39 percent faster than the previous generation.

MacBook Pro Core 2 Duo means great deals on yesterday's MacBook Pro Core Duo

Feature: The PS3: 24 Things You Need to Know — When it comes to the PlayStation 3, it can be difficult to keep things in perspective: details get lost in the shuffle. Have no fear, though, because GamePro is to the rescue with a handy cheat sheet of little-known facts and new information about Sony's Cadillac of a console.

The New Mozilla Recommended Add-ons List: The Winners and the Losers — In anticipation of the imminent release of Firefox 2.0, Mozilla has relaunched its "recommended add-ons page" this afternoon. (Update: FF 2.0 has officially launched.) The page lost its beta status and gained a picture of a flaming motorcycle (see below).

Sprint Launches Nation's First EV-DO Revision A Mobile Broadband Network —Upgraded network will provide users in San Diego with significantly faster upload speeds and a more robust experience than other mobile data networks —Revision A-capable device portfolio will expand in November with Sprint Mobile Broadband USB Modem

33 Reasons why VoIP is Destroying Traditional Telecoms — Over the last 5 years the traditional telecoms' share of the telephone market has shrunk significantly as upstart cellular and VoIP competitors continue to gain ground. But even more bad news is on the horizon for the likes of AT&T …
IP Telephony, VoIP, Broadband,, VoIP Now, Thoughts on VoIP, technology and digg

Ze Errors — After some discrepancy, Ze Frank has laid into me because he doesn't believe how he could only have a fraction of the audience size of Rocketboom. — I was pretty surprised because we have had some friendly emails recently and he has asked me about my stats but apparently didn't believe me.
Online Dating Insider

Adobe tries again with e-books — Adobe Systems thinks it's time to revisit electronic books. — The publishing software company on Tuesday is scheduled to release a beta of an e-book viewer and manager called Digital Editions at its Max 2006 customer conference in Las Vegas.