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Sony May Not Meet PlayStation 3 Shipment Targets (Update2) — Oct. 20 (Bloomberg) — Sony Corp., which slashed its profit forecast yesterday, said it may not reach this year's shipment target for the PlayStation 3 game console because of a parts shortage in the Blu-ray high-definition disc drive.

Dissecting Sony's PS3/Xbox 360 price comparison — Over at sister site Engadget, they've noticed that a recently released Sony fact sheet (relevant section pictured above) uses some pretty interesting math to make the Xbox 360 look more expensive than the PS3 once all the extras are added in.

Perspective: Web 2.0 as a metaphor for 'rip-off' — In one of those delicious ironies that history occasionally dishes up, quasi-socialist Europe turns out to be leagues ahead of the capitalist United States when it comes to protecting intellectual property on the Internet. — Pardonnez-moi?
RELATED ITEMS: Editor Explains Why Google Is Immoral — from the please-stop-reading-Charles- Cooper dept — Everyone, please stop reading the articles of CNET's Charles Cooper. I'm taking on the big risk of incurring his wrath for daring to point to his latest column, where he rips into Google …

Edelman Reveals Two More Wal-Mart 'Flogs' — PUBLIC RELATIONS FIRM EDELMAN, WHICH last week pledged to be more transparent in its involvement with client-related blogs, Thursday revealed it is behind two more 'flogs,' or fake blogs, created on behalf of Wal-Mart.

Throw Edelman Out of WOMMA!
a shel of my former self, Business Blog Consulting, Deep Jive Interests, BlogHer, i-boy and Home Page

Hands On The Zune — Today, I had an opportunity to listen to a few songs and a radio station on the Zune here at the Microsoft Campus in Seattle. — All Zune colors were present, brown, white (or off-white) and black. The brown design was by far my favorite color of the three.

YouTube deletes clips on Japanese media demands — The online video site removed 29,549 video files after receiving a demand from a group of Japanese media companies over copyright infringement. — TOKYO (Reuters) — Google Inc.'s removed 29,549 video files from its popular Web site …

Why so glum, Chad? Evolution of Dance guy ask you to pull his clip?
IPcentral Weblog

SL Adds Web to Beta Profiles, Login Screen — Download the new beta test client for the virtual world of Second Life and you can now browse the Web from a new "Web" tab in your profile, or load the Web pages that other users have set as their home page when you view their profiles.

Internet video business challenges — I'm going to be going to see John Battelle this afternoon (he runs the blogging advertising network, Federated Media) and I'm going to ask him about the challenges of making an Internet content business work. — Here's the trouble.

ASP.NET AJAX Beta 1 Released — Last month I posted about the official new name for "Atlas," and discussed the roadmap plan for shipping a free, fully-supported, v1.0 release that works on top of ASP.NET 2.0 and Visual Studio 2005. — Today I am very pleased to announce the first official Beta release of Microsoft ASP.NET AJAX v1.0.

Sony Delays Sale of LocationFree TV Box — TOKYO — In yet another embarrassment, Sony on Friday postponed the rollout of a product promised for next week to do more tests, a day after lowering its earnings forecast because of a massive battery recall and manufacturing delays.

Courts Can't Figure Out if Buying Keywords Constitutes Trademark Use—Buying for the Home v. Humble Abode — Buying for the Home, LLC v. Humble Abode, LLC, 03-CV-2783 (JAP) (D.N.J. Oct. 20, 2006) — 2006 has been a bit of a jurisprudential disaster on the question of whether buying/selling …
SEO by the SEA

Profit Doubles at Google as It Continues to Expand — Google just doesn't stop. — The world's largest search engine said yesterday that its third-quarter profits nearly doubled from a year ago, as it maintained a torrid growth rate that is highly unusual for a company of its size.

Scrybe - the online productivity suite I'm dying to try — In this era of worshipping at the temple of "The David" (Getting Things Done), there is no shortage of offline and online productivity suites. With that in mind, I rarely get all that excited about the new Web 2.0 offerings that get a bit of buzz here and there.

Phil Harrison Talks Downloadable PS1 Games on PS3 — New details on how backwards compatible games will work. — Following today's PS3 press conference in which Sony demonstrated its online PlayStation Store, 1UP was able to speak with Sony's Phil Harrison regarding the PS1 and PS2 titles …

The real reason that Google bought YouTube? — The $1.65 billion purchase of the video-sharing site could actually be a boon for traditional TV ads. — NEW YORK (Fortune) — When Google spent $1.65 billion for 19-month-old online video phenomenon YouTube, it was portrayed as a sign of the triumph of online video.

Zombies try to blend in with the crowd — Hackers are trying harder to make their networks of hijacked computers go unnoticed. — Cybercrooks are moving to new Web-based techniques to control the machines they have commandeered, popularly referred to as "zombies."