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Blog Claiming with OpenId — Blog claiming enables a blog author to associate their identity with their blog. Technorati has long supported a number of different ways for members to verify that they can author on a blog: — Logging into it programmatically with a username and password (AKA "quick claiming")

Technorati Announces Support for Open ID — Blog search engine Technorati announced tonight that bloggers will now be able to claim ownership of their blogs with Open ID credentials and that more work in support of Open ID is on the way. — Open ID is a standards based protocol that any server …
The Blog Herald

More on Lumines Live Premium Content — Lots of questions about the release of Lumines Live, so we put together a little more information to help with your purchase decision. Of course there are fans of the game that love seeing it on Xbox Live Arcade, especially with the addition of multiplayer mode over Xbox Live.

'Halo' pic loses its studios — Vidgame adaptation rumored to be too pricey — It's game over for Universal's and Fox's participation in the feature adaptation of Microsoft's "Halo." — Both of the studios that agreed to co-finance the screen adaptation of the popular Microsoft game have abruptly backed out of the picture.

Microsoft Blocks Vista Rootkit Exploit — Microsoft has blocked the attack vector used to slip unsigned drivers past new security policies being implemented in Windows Vista, according to Joanna Rutkowska, the stealth malware researcher who created the exploit.
InfoWorld Tech Watch

JibJab's "Great Sketch Experiment" — If you have no idea what JibJab is, turn the volume up on your computer and start with their original parody cartoon of the 2004 U.S. presidential election called "This Land," which has been viewed more than 80 million times. Then go watch all of their other original cartoons here.

Google Q3 2006 Earnings Call Transcript — Executives — Kim Jabal - Director of Investor Relations — Larry Page - Founder and President of Products — Sergey Brin - Founder and President of Technology — Jonathan Rosenberg - Senior Vice President of Product Management

Sony claims Xbox 360 requires HD DVD, etc., thus costs $700 — Ok, here's a new one: with Sony's announcements today they've issued a titled "Next-generation Console Comparison Fact Sheet," (downloadable here [DOC]) so let's see some facts. First up, were you aware that to use …

Walking Partner Robot helps old ladies cross the street — Nomura Unison Co., Ltd. has developed a walking-assistance robot that perceives and responds to its environment. The machine, called Walking Partner Robot, was developed with the cooperation of researchers from Tohoku University.

Democracy Player 0.9.1 Released! — We have just released a major update to Democracy Player. Download it here: — Democracy Player 0.9.1 — WHAT'S NEW — This version has lots of new features and improvements. A quick list is below- for more details read these three blog posts: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3.

The Satellite iPod Returns (Apple Patent) — Perhaps this explains yesterday's rumor - today Apple filed for a patent application (PDF) for a method of saving media from various sources for later purchase. It's an ingenious method of grabbing snippets of audio, identifying the song …

Single on memory stick for Keane — Rock band Keane will be the first act to release a single on USB flash drives, their record label says. — 1,500 of the gadgets will go sale with MP3 copies of the band's latest single, Nothing In My Way, later this month.

Interview with Adam Sah of Google — Adam Sah on the Google Gadgets team talks about a newer product from Google called "Gadgets For Your Web Page" on the Google Code Blog. He outlines a few limitations that currently exist in version 1 of the service.

Yahoo!'s Big Small Business Opportunity — Yahoo! Small Business — Let's forget about whether there are 10 million, 14 million or 22 million small businesses. In a way it doesn't matter. Most of them don't have a website or, if they do, it's not especially polished or functional.
chew shop

Video 1st Look - HP iPAQ rx4540 — Do remember hearing about the uncoming HP iPAQ rx4540 series last month? It's here and it's pretty neat! — Key features of the smart design include: — Choose to view digital content in either landscape or portrait mode to maximize the viewing pleasure of videos, photos and games.

NBC Universal Unveils "NBCU2.0″; Stresses Digital; Will Slash Expenses, Staff — NBC Universal Unveils "NBCU2.0"; Stresses Digital; Will Slash Expenses, Staff Make no mistake, NBC U needs a remake and, my irritation at the overused 2. designation aside, this is a major one that continues …

In August, Fox Interactive Captured 20 Percent of U.S. Online Streaming Video Market, Followed by Yahoo! Sites With 12 Percent and YouTube with 10 Percent Yahoo! Ranked #1 in Number of People Streaming — comScore Releases August U.S. Video Metrix Rankings — comScore Media Metrix …

First 500K PS3s get Blu-ray Talladega Nights — The PlayStation 3's system font isn't the only thing it's borrowing from Spider-Man. Just like the first one million PSPs came bundled with Sony Pictures' Spider-Man 2, the first half million PlayStation 3 systems will come with Will Ferrell's NASCAR opus …