Top Items:

Microsoft Now Decides to Accept Outside Security for Vista — Microsoft Corp. did an about-face yesterday, agreeing to make it easier for customers of its forthcoming Vista operating system to use outside security vendors, such as those who make popular antivirus and anti-spyware programs.

Brad Smith Press Conference Transcript: Announcement Regarding Release of Windows Vista in Europe and Korea — Transcript of Remarks and Press Conference: Brad Smith, Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary, Microsoft Corporation — Announcement Regarding Release of Windows Vista in Europe and Korea

McDonalds gives MP3 players infected with spyware as prizes — If it is not lawsuits then there is virus infected MP3 players, the fast food giant is always in the news. It all started in August when McDonalds Japan in association with Coca Cola announced a contest, where a MP3 player …

Update: MSN is latest target of Belgian copyright complaint — After Google win, Belgian publishers pursue MSN over the rights to publish content — Looking to avoid the kind of legal tangle that Google has found itself in, Microsoft's MSN division in Belgium is in talks …
Discussion: Daily News

World's worst use of a jpeg. — A jpeg is good for a lot of things, but a live data feed is not one of them. In fact it might be violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act. — The Seattle Fire Department has been hosting a live html feed of the latest 911 calls to the Seattle Fire Department.

'Second Life' to begin selling real names — For anyone who has used the virtual world "Second Life," the last names Gjellerup, Godel or Stapovic probably mean a lot more than their real last names. — That's because historically, "Second Life" users have had to choose names from an ever-changing …

What comes after Who Knew What When — Jeff Jarvis is at a conference at Harvard today about the future of news. — The LA Times sent its reporters out to find out what its future is. — Dan Gillmor says his readers know more than he does, of course they do, this is another way of saying …
StrayPackets, What Will You See Next?, Screenwerk, Mathew Ingram, Open (finds, minds … and Dan Blank

Techdirt lets companies contact expert bloggers — discreetly — for advice — There is a lot going on at the Office 2.0 Conference this week, and we point to Rafe Needleman's blog overview. He has blogged the main points, and describes the companies that are worthy of mention.

Did venture firm Sevin Rosen orchestrate snow job? — Last Saturday, we wrote a piece about the decision by Sevin Rosen Funds, a big-name venture capital firm, to bag plans to raise another fund. The firm cited "terrible" investment conditions. — The rarity of the move suggested significance …
Texas Startup Blog

YouTube will stay independent, really! — The video site will keep its identity after its $1.65 billion sale to Google is complete, its CEO insists, but 'a lot [needs] to be figured out.' — (Fortune) — One gets the feeling that Chad Hurley and Steve Chen, the youthful founders of YouTube …

Grid closed while permissions bug is addressed — My bad, just realized that the correct term is not Exploit, but Bug, so I am updating the title of the blog to reflect that. Sorry! [10:55 am PDT] Brent sure is swift of foot. Final testing is underway and we should be able to post …

Airport to tag passengers — Airport security chiefs and efficiency geeks will be able to keep close tabs on airport passengers by tagging them with a high powered radio chip developed at the University of Central London. — The technology is to be trialled in Debrecen Airport in Hungary …

STAReBOOK e-book reader to hit China, US next month — We're still not sure exactly how successful this whole eBook thing will be. That said, if you believe Sony, "overwhelming demand" delayed the release of the PRS-500 until November, meaning that surely people will be rushing the streets to get their paws on an eBook.

How to Get the Most Out of Technorati's RSS Feeds — As I mentioned in a prior post, Technorati has integrated RSS feeds throughout the system. I can't underscore how invaluable this is. It's making me smarter about the topics I care about. Here's a bunch of tips that you might find helpful.

Anti-piracy system could hurt YouTube — LOS ANGELES - A technology designed to detect copyright material could give YouTube a needed dose of legal legitimacy and calm any concerns Google Inc. has about spending $1.65 billion on the Internet video site. But that same technology could hurt YouTube's edgy appeal.

Murder case rocks little community of Opensourceville — It sounds like your basic "Law & Order" script. A pretty Russian émigré disappears after going to drop off her kids at the home of her estranged husband. Her boyfriend leads vigils of worried friends.

Dyson Root 6 Puts Its Root Down — I'm going to write this thing up in a bit more detail when I have a mess to clean up - Blake is spending the week here for tonight's event, so I'll clean up his wood shavings when he leaves - but here's a quick look at the Dyson Root 6 …

New research car will watch you while you drive — We're not sure if we like the idea of our car watching us as we drive, but we'll all in favor of any tech that'll make us safer. This past week at the Intelligent Transportation Systems exhibition in London, a new set of cameras mounted …

Is Zango stealing affiliate commissions from adult webmasters? — It seems that Zango, formerly known as 180solutions, the company we all love to hate, has royally ticked off a bunch of adult webmasters. Paperghost, aka Chris Boyd, has the story, complete with links to forums …
JD on EP