Top Items:

Jack Thompson Ruling! — While Niero is at the courthouse, he's asked me to blog this for you, so that we can get the information out as soon as humanly possible. — Update 1: Read how it went down, blow by blow at the courthouse today. — At 1:51, Niero called, saying that the judge will not prohibit the the sale of Bully.

Microsoft Says on Track to Release Windows Vista on Schedule — New operating system will be released in Europe and Korea on schedule, following "constructive dialogue" with competition authorities. — Microsoft Corp. today confirmed that it is on track to deliver Windows Vista&trade …

Apple Announces iPod nano (PRODUCT) RED Special Edition — Portion of Proceeds Contributed to The Global Fund to Fight AIDS — Apple® today announced the iPod® nano (PRODUCT) RED Special Edition. (RED) was created by U2 lead singer, Bono and Bobby Shriver to engage business …

Google Gdrive Client Leaked — I've been able to get hold of Google's internal Gdrive client, named "Platypus"* (information on the project leaked a while ago). Please note that Gdrive, from what it looks like, is not a product for general release, but a way for Google employees to store and share files.

Could a 30-in. monitor help you do your job faster? — A French IT consultant says yes, but productivity experts disagree — October 10, 2006 (Computerworld) — Providing employees with 30-in. computer monitors can boost worker productivity at companies where 17- or 19-in. monitors are typically used …

TV Spectrum to Be Opened for Other Uses — The FCC agrees to give technology companies some access to the white space between channels for wireless devices. — WASHINGTON — The Federal Communications Commission on Thursday struck a compromise that would give technology companies some access …

Cisco's Triple Threat — 5:00 PM — From The Philter's They Can Patent Anything file, I present to you hard proof that Cisco Systems Inc. (Nasdaq: CSCO - message board) owns the triple play. — Patent 7075919, awarded to Cisco earlier this year, states that Cisco is the proud owner of any …

Transmeta hits Intel with patent suit … Having failed to beat Intel in the marketplace, Transmeta is turning to the courtroom — Transmeta, the chip designer that once tried to take on Intel in the notebook market, is suing Intel for patent infringement.

Former Facebook Engineer Spills Beans, Moralizes — What's a guy to do after vesting his options and leaving a hot startup? Tell all! Well, kinda. — I was laid up in bed sick this week, and had the time to read Karel Baloun's Inside Facebook: Life, Work and Visions of Greatness.

CNET Is Bleeding Traffic — CNET has had a difficult time lately. CEO Shelby Bonnie resigned earlier this week in the midst of an option repricing scandle that has already claimed General Counsel Sharon Le Duy, Senior Vice President Heather McGaughey of Human Resources, and former CFO Doug Woodrum.

The Future Of Software is Software — I just spent an hour catching up with IBM's latest briefing on the completion of its acquisition of MRO Software, and it reminded me how much the future of software is really more of the same. This sanity check comes at the end of a week that showcased …
Open Sources

Whither news — At the Shorenstein Center at Harvard for a 20th anniversary session on the future of news, Prof. Frederick Schauer begins by talking about news as a public good like symphonies, parks, museums, universities — things that are needed but for which there may not be a commercial model of support.

The best of Office 2.0 — [Editor's note. We attended the Office 2.0 conference this week, and noted a lot of interesting innovation happening with interactive applications for office workers. We asked Jeff Nolan, a former venture capitalist at SAP Ventures, to report about what he saw.

Help! YouTube is killing my business! — An Ohio company's sales get 'killed' as YouTube surfers cripple, a pipe equipment seller's web site. — NEW YORK ( — One place where YouTube's success isn't being celebrated is in the offices of Universal Tube and Rollerform Equipment Corp. near Toledo, Ohio.