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More than Half of MySpace Visitors are Now Age 35 or Older, as the Site's Demographic Composition Continues to Shift comScore Analysis Reveals Demographic Profiles for Selected Social Networking Sites — comScore Media Metrix, a leader in digital media measurement, today released an analysis …

comScore Media Metrix's analysis of MySpace's average user's age — I don't buy it. — Fred Wilson and others note comScore Media Metrix's analysis of MySpace, claiming more then half of their visitors are age 35+. This just didn't sound right to me, so at first I justified it in my mind …

Jumping into the Blogsphere with b5media — A little more than two years ago, I wrote a column suggesting blogs were little more than online diaries for love-sick teenage girls. I was wrong. Dead wrong. As readers of my blog(s) have discovered, I've embraced blogs as an exciting …
Squash, Valleywag, Newsome.Org, Mathew Ingram, A View from the Isle, Alec Saunders .LOG, The Blog Herald and Om Daily

b5media Inc. Raises US$2 Million — TORONTO, ONT, October 4, 2006 - b5media Inc. ("b5media"), a global new media network, has raised US$2-million of equity financing in a transaction co-lead by Brightspark Ventures and J. L. Albright Venture Partners. The funding will strengthen …

Five Questions with Skype co-founder Janus Friis — Niklas Zennstrom and Janus Friis, together could be considered Internet's biggest trouble makers. As co-founders of Kazaa they brought the wrath of the entire music establishment. With Skype they poked the telephone industry in the eye, before flipping it to eBay for billions.
VoIP Lowdown, TechCrunch UK, Alec Saunders .LOG, IP Democracy, The Blog Herald, DV Guru, Skype Journal and 21talks

Skype's Venice Project Revealed — The company is combining professionally produced TV and videos with the Internet, and got the first look — Skype co-founders Janus Friis and Niklas Zennstrom are preparing to unveil their latest venture to the public …

Google code search — Google launched a new code search feature today. At least two sites already offer this functionality, but a great deal of attention follows Google wherever they go. — Code search is a great resource for web developers and programmers, but like the making available …

Dot-Com Bubble, Part II? Why It's So Hard to Value Social Networking Sites — Less than three years after emerging from nowhere, the hot social networking website MySpace is on pace to be worth a whopping $15 billion in just three more years. Or is it? — Is the much smaller Facebook …

Social Networking: Does Anybody Know Anything? [by jimmy]

Hello Natural Language Search, My Old Over-Hyped Search Friend — This is a rant. It's a rant from over 10 years of watching people trot out natural language search as the "killer" solution to the current state of search, something that's happening once again with Powerset.

Ex-Chief of H.P. Pursued Leaks, Too — The former Hewlett-Packard chief executive Carleton S. Fiorina, once the most prominent female executive in the United States, ordered the first of a series of leak investigations into contacts by board members with journalists in January 2005, she says in a long-anticipated memoir.

Former CFO Anderson steered Apple through some rough times — Fred Anderson garnered a reputation as a buttoned-down guy with a steady eye on the bottom line during his eight-year tenure as chief financial officer at Apple Computer Inc. — After leaving that post in June 2004, Anderson joined Apple's board of directors.

Apple Says Jobs Knew of Options
Silicon Valley Watcher

Local review site Yelp raises $10 million from Benchmark — Yelp, the Web site offering user-generated reviews of bars, restaurants and other places, has raised $10 million in venture capital from Benchmark Capital. — We recently mentioned Yelp's wave-making with its parties.

Exclusive look at Windows Vista's viral marketing: — Days away from launch, someone has sent in a tip about the official Windows Vista viral marketing campaign called Clearification. If you loved Demetri Martin in The Daily Show, you'll love him here.

Microsoft Plans Vista Upgrade Coupon For Holiday PC Buying Season — 1:56 PM EDT Wed. — Microsoft later this month plans to roll out an Express Upgrade program that gives buyers of Windows XP-based PCs a coupon for a free or discounted upgrade to Windows Vista through March 15.

Vista to take hard stand against piracy
Techdirt, greg hughes, CrunchGear, Engadget, Download Squad and Computerworld Blogs blogs

A Gaggle of Google Wannabes — and other challengers hope to pull share from Google with new search methods, but it won't be easy to unseat the market leader — In the race for Web-search share, is the tortoise. The search engine formerly known as Ask Jeeves still handles less …

Scientists teleport two different objects — LONDON, England (Reuters) — Beaming people in "Star Trek" fashion is still in the realms of science fiction, but physicists in Denmark have teleported information from light to matter bringing quantum communication and computing closer to reality.

Joystiq review: South Park makes love, not Warcraft [update 2] — To kick off the fall season of South Park, creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone decided to take on gaming phenomenon World of Warcraft. The episode kicks off in Goldshire. Cartman, "a mighty dwarf," takes back from a bathroom break before they all take on a quest.

Viacom's Redstone rules out bidding for Facebook — NEW YORK (Reuters) - Viacom Inc. (NYSE:VIAB - news) has ruled out bidding for social networking site Facebook, despite suffering a stinging defeat in losing a deal to Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. to purchase …