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More on Powerset, the secretive search engine — We promised to bring you more on Powerset, that secretive company that wants to better Google with a new kind of search. — Powerset is going after the holy grail. It is called "natural language" search, or understanding language …

Powerset and Natural Language Search — Ever since I stated that Powerset was in "semi-stealth" mode about a year ago, I have been pretty quiet about the company on my blog. A few months ago we realized, after going through a fundraising process with a great set of angel investors …

What's Teoma, you ask? You could ask Jeeves, but he's become ... Teoma — Hard to believe that while I was attending Rutgers University — in a building not far from the grain-alcohol frat parties that I may or may not have gone to, depending on who's asking — the history of Teoma was taking shape.

The new Groups experience — Today, the Google Groups team launched a new beta version, available to anyone at It may have been awhile since you thought of Groups as cool or sexy — if you ever did — but I couldn't have been more excited to work on the team responsible …

Our B5 Media Investment — Today we've closed a financing round with our co-lead, Brightspark Ventures into B5 media. At first, I really wanted to just sit back and let the rocks fly and blogosphere go nuts with the who/what/why and the zillions of opinions.
ProBlogger Blog Tips, The Blog Herald, SYNTAGMA, thoughtsignals, Insta Media, Scobleizer and Clique Communications

Google launches literacy portal — Search engine Google has launched a portal to connect literacy organisations around the world. — The Literacy Project enables teachers, organisations, and those interested in literacy to use the internet to search for and share literacy information.

Coders, start your (search) engines
Google Blogoscoped

Geekspeak still baffles web users — Britons are increasingly tech-savvy but are still bamboozled by tech jargon. — According to research from Nielsen/NetRatings, people are buying cutting-edge technology but often don't understand the terms that describe what their device actually does.

Microsoft will cripple PCs running pirated copies of Vista — We all thought that Microsoft was asking for trouble when the company announced previously that it would be including all the versions of Windows Vista on a single DVD, setting the stage for those in the know to crack the disc …
George Ou, Download Squad, Ed Bott's Microsoft Report, Gearlog, Guardian Unlimited, TechBlog and Computerworld Blogs blogs
RELATED ITEMS: Plans To Become A Social Network — I recently interviewed founder Joshua Schachter, who is now with Yahoo after the popular social bookmarking service was acquired last December. Joshua was recently named as top innovator of the year by MIT Technology Review Magazine.

Newspaper website readership up 31% — NEW YORK (Reuters) — The average number of monthly visitors to U.S. newspaper websites rose by nearly a third in the first half of 2006, a study released on Wednesday said, though print readership at some larger U.S. newspapers fell.

The State Of Web Development - Ajax set to surpass Flash in '07 — Ektron and SitePoint did a survey of 5,000 web developers over the US summer, and have just released the results in a report entitled The State of Web Development 2006/2007. It's packed full of useful data, even in the 25-page preview (which is free).

Calif. AG files felony charges in HP probe — SACRAMENTO, Calif.—California's attorney general filed felony criminal charges on Wednesday against former Hewlett-Packard Chairman Patricia Dunn and four others in connection with the company's internal probe into boardroom leaks to the news media.

AOL's New Private Information Gatherer — AOL announced Openride today, a new Internet Explorer based browser. Openride is available only on Windows machines (and does not work with Vista). Openride gives users access to the Internet, as well as email, IM and locally stored audio …

Microsoft Cuts Bonuses for Bill Gates, Steve Ballmer (Update1) — Oct. 4 (Bloomberg) — Microsoft Corp., the world's biggest software company, cut bonuses paid to Chairman Bill Gates and Chief Executive Officer Steve Ballmer as profit growth slowed in three of the past four quarters.

T-Mobile to Announce UMTS, Sources Say — T-Mobile sources have told eWEEK that the company is scheduling a press conference for Oct. 6 in New York for the purposes of making a major announcement in the wake of the company's win in the recent frequency auction.

Henning Kagermann: Balancing Change and Stability in the Evolution of SAP's Enterprise Software Platform — When Henning Kagermann became the sole CEO of SAP in 2003, a role he had previously shared with company co-founder Hasso Plattner, he faced a number of challenges, including an economic slowdown that hurt SAP's growth.
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