Top Items:

Google Reader steps it up with new version — The Google Reader team unveiled a revamped version of their online feed reader today and no one can say it's not a real RSS reader anymore. They even took Robert Scoble's advice and made a demonstration video!

New-look Google Reader Is Stunning! — Google Reader, Google's web-based RSS Aggregator, has had a re-design and I am impressed. It now has a look n' feel very much like Gmail, which I believe is a pointer to this product being prepped for mainstream promotion - and/or merged with Gmail.

Google Reader courts the Gmail crowd — Google Reader has launched a major update to its web front-end about a year after its initial launch, redesigning its online feed aggregator to create a feed reading experience that should feel natural to users of Gmail.

HP under fire on the Hill — Ex-chairwoman testifies she didn't know of 'pretexting' until June; other officials take the Fifth. — NEW YORK ( — Former Hewlett-Packard Chairwoman Patricia Dunn testified Thursday that she wasn't aware of the possibly illegal surveillance methods used …

Dunn grilled by Congress — update A congressional committee on Thursday grilled former Hewlett-Packard Chairman Patricia Dunn over why she didn't put a stop to controversial techniques used by the company in an investigation into press leaks. — Under questioning, Dunn was asked …

Facebook Creates Sponsored Stories Ad Unit — Facebook plans to unveil a new ad unit in the coming weeks that the company says uniquely harness the site's social networking dynamic. — The new placement, dubbed Sponsored Stories, appears within Facebook's News Feed platform.

Microsoft to Put Zune Experience in Consumers' Hands on Nov. 14 — Zune device to retail for $249.99. — Microsoft Corp. is putting the social into digital music, starting this holiday. Today the company announced that the Zune™ digital media player and online service will be available …
Anything But iPod, Zune Insider Blog, Engadget, MSTechToday, Wi-Fi Networking News,, michael parekh on IT, Gizmodo, CrunchGear, The Digital Music Weblog, Guardian Unlimited, InsideMicrosoft, Coolfer, The Tech Report, Ubergizmo, Todd Bishop's Microsoft Blog, SCI FI Tech, Alice Hill's Real Tech News, jkOnTheRun, Microsoft News Tracker, Change Is Good, I4U News, Tom Raftery's I.T. views,, Peter O'Kelly's Reality Check and

PodShow raises $15M more for....podcasting. Yikes! — Podshow, a company that promotes podcasts and finds sponsors for them, has raised $15 million more in a second round of venture capital from its big-name investors, following up on $8.85 million in a first round last summer. — Dan Primack has the scoop.

OK folks... now it's a bubble (or "what could podshow even do …
Smalltalk Tidbits …

Local Search Continues to Gain Momentum, According to comScore — Google and Yahoo! Sites Lead in Local Search Market Share in the U.S. — RESTON, Va., Sept. 28 /PRNewswire/ — comScore Networks, a leader in measuring the digital age, today released the results of an analysis revealing …

$1 Billion for Facebook? LOL! — IS THE SOCIAL-NETWORKING BOOM A REPLAY OF THE '90S DOTCOM BUBBLE? — The "social-networking" gold rush continues. Last year, MySpace was acquired by News Corp. for $580 million in cash. Now the other big social-networking sites are the subject of rumors, deals, and transactions.

ID Thieves Turn Sights on Smaller E-Businesses — For Online Shoppers, Security Seals No Guarantee That Hackers Aren't Watching — Schuyler Cole needed an accessory for his Palm Treo 600 smartphone, so the Haleiwa, Hawaii, resident fired up his Web browser last month and ran a Google search.

BuzzLogic wants to identify influential blogs, raises $1.5M — San Francisco start-up BuzzLogic is trying to help you sort through the blog clutter. If you're a marketer or PR person, how do you really know who is an influential blogger and who is not? — BuzzLogic just launched …

Battery recall — Select your preferred language from the list below: — Dear Lenovo Customer, — Lenovo and IBM Corporation, in cooperation with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission and other regulatory agencies, have announced the voluntary recall of certain lithium-ion batteries manufactured by Sony Corporation.

It's Official: Mobile ESPN To Cease MVNO Ops Dec. 31; Will Seek Licensing — The announcement we told you last night was on the way just came out ... Mobile ESPN will cease operations as an MVNO Dec. 31 and will refund the purchase price of all Mobile ESPN handsets. Sales are discontinued effective immediately.
IP Democracy, Tech Confidential Blog, CrunchGear, Engadget, Good Morning Silicon Valley and VoIP & Gadgets Blog

"Project Vampire" is about to fly — This will probably be the longest most heartfelt article I have ever written. I have been planning it for weeks and I wanted to be careful to break the news without forgetting anything. We didn't tell our friends, we didn't tell our staff, and we didn't tell our family (other than our wives).