Top Items:

Microsoft Spinoff Wallop Launches — Wallop, previously a semi-forgotton Microsoft Research "sandbox" social network and photo sharing project, was spun off into a new, independent, venture backed business earlier this year (details here). Tonight at 9 pm California time, Wallop is launching a semi-public beta.
Don Dodge on The Next …, The Universal Desktop, Search Engine Journal, GigaOM and Ryan Stewart

Wallop, the social network where you pay for pretty — The "important" social network I mentioned in my post about Piczo is launching at DemoFall on Tuesday, and going into limited beta tonight. It's called Wallop. A lot of Wallop was developed inside Microsoft, but it's been spun out into a separate …

$10 million in venture capital to help Wallop build social network — Wallop, the social networking startup that was spun out of Microsoft Research Labs earlier this year, has landed $10 million in venture capital that it will use to create a new competitor to MySpace, Friendster and Facebook.

3 AOL Subscribers Sue Over Data Release — NEW YORK — Three AOL subscribers who suddenly found records of their Internet searches widely distributed online are suing the company under privacy laws and are seeking an end to its retention of search-related data.

Class Action Lawsuit Filed Against AOL Over Search Data Release

Judgment for the plaintiff: 1,000 hours of AOL FREE!!!!!
InfoWorld Tech Watch

Apple iPhone to be Cingular-exclusive at launch — Apple and Cingular have signed an agreement that will make the US' largest cell phone provider the exclusive carrier of Apple's forthcoming phone, sources report. Apple's iPhone remains on track for an early 2007 release.
Engadget, Good Morning Silicon Valley, Gizmodo, The weblog, jkOnTheRun, Mark Evans, CrunchGear, Lefsetz Letter and digg

Mobile web shake-up gets started — The mobile web is about to receive the biggest shake-up in years with the start of open registration for mobile phone-specific website addresses. — The general public can now register websites ending with .mobi (dotmobi) as the backers of the mobile net hope to overturn consumer apathy.

Report: to buyout eBay China, PayPal — HONG Kong-listed is going to announce its takeover of eBay's China division and its PayPal service, the 21st Century Business Herald reported today, citing a well-informed source. — Tom Group is the distributor of Skype, eBay's online telephone service in China.

Hoping to Be a Model, I.B.M. Will Put Its Patent Filings Online — I.B.M., the nation's largest patent holder, will publish its patent filings on the Web for public review as part of a new policy that the company hopes will be a model for others. — If widely adopted, the policy could help …

Google to Push for More Electrical Efficiency in PC's — Google is calling on the computer industry to create a simpler and more efficient power supply standard that it says will save billions of kilowatt-hours of energy annually. — In a white paper to be presented Tuesday on the opening …
Good Morning Silicon Valley, Valleywag, Google Watch, InfoWorld Tech Watch and Search Engine Watch Blog

It's Official: SIRIUS Announces the Stiletto — Well, this is the day we've been waiting for. SIRIUS Satellite Radio has officially announced the Stiletto 100 featuring WiFi, Yahoo! Music Jukebox, the ability to save music, and more notably this is Sriius' first live portable radio.

Nokia N75 announced — Nokia Open Studio 2006 — Nokia has announced the N75, the latest of its N-Series of "multimedia computers". The introduction was made at an event this in New York City with several hundred attending press from around the world. The N75 is the first clamshell N-Series handset …

Intel pledges 80 cores in five years — update SAN FRANCISCO—Intel has built a prototype of a processor with 80 cores that can perform a trillion floating-point operations per second. — CEO Paul Otellini held up a silicon wafer with the prototype chips before several thousand attendees at the Intel Developer Forum here Tuesday.

Introducing ScobleShow — It's 1 a.m. and the engineering team, me, and Valerie, are still working at the office. But the show is slowly coming up. The URL is at — Stuff is still broken, and probably will be for a little while longer.
Thomas Hawk's Digital …, Podcasting News, Frank Barnako, ScobleShow, Clique Communications, Laughing Squid and digg reports 1 million users - post Yahoo! growth tops all of Digg — founder Joshua Schachter just posted to the blog that the service has registered its 1 millionth user. Schachter says that number has more than tripled in the last 9 months.

The Mythical 40-Hour Gamer — I call it "the myth of the 40-hour gamer." Whenever you pick up a narrative adventure game these days, it always comes with this guarantee: This game offers about 40 hours of play. — This is precisely what I was told by Eidos — and countless game reviewers …

Info rings save us from hassle of human interaction — You gotta love technology designed to remove as much human interaction as possible from our days, moving us closer and closer to the dream of everyone existing in private spheres, completely cut off from any legitimate human contact.

Visual Studio 2005 SP1 Beta and Visual Studio support for Vista — Today, I'm pleased to announce the availability of the beta of Visual Studio 2005 Service Pack 1. — Based on your feedback, Visual Studio 2005 Service Pack 1 addresses issues that were found through a combination of customer reports …

CinemaNow's Internet Cliff-Hanger — The online movie business hopes downloadable DVD services will start an industry-wide trend. But studios want to see strong sales first — The movie download business just got more fast and furious. On Sept. 26, online movie distributor CinemaNow announced …
Techdirt, IP Democracy, The Technology Liberation …, Davis Freeberg's Digital … and

Cancelling Vonage Difficulties — I thought I would share my interesting experience with cancelling my Vonage service. I recorded the entire call, including the traversal over their IVR to reach an agent. Surprisingly, I was connected pretty quickly to an agent. I was expecting a much longer hold time.
Digital Common Sense

Buzzwords say all the wrong things — Our industry is addicted to bulls**t buzzwords. Emails are full of "I'm an insider" jargon, blog posts brim with tech duckspeak, and resumes are loaded with meaningless action verbs. Everyone's always implementing or enabling or optimizing or leveraging.

Microsoft admits WGA failures "coming up more commonly now" — Scrolling through the posts on Microsoft's official WGA Validation Problems forum is like reading accident reports from a multiple-car pileup on Interstate 5. Many of the victims are completely innocent and have no idea what hit them …