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Accused VoIP Fraudster Sought As Fugitive — The feds issued an arrest warrant for Edwin Pena for violating his bail conditions. Investigators are searching for the man, who's been missing since last month. — Federal authorities say a Miami man facing computer and wire fraud charges …

Wii is region-locked - Nintendo UK — Also rules out DVD playback module — Nintendo UK has admitted that the Wii console is region-locked after all, despite comments from Nintendo of America to the contrary. — Speaking to in London this afternoon, a spokesperson admitted …

Music Player From Microsoft Offers Wireless Song-Sharing — Microsoft showed off its Zune media player in public Thursday. The Zune will compete with the Apple iPod. — While the army of silent people wearing white iPod earbuds may indicate otherwise, Microsoft is declaring …

Zune's Big Innovation: Viral DRM
Engadget, TechBlog,, The Digital Music Weblog, Smalltalk Tidbits …, Boing Boing, Wi-Fi Networking News and Slashdot

The 25 Worst Web Sites — From unforgettable flame-outs to some of the most popular destinations around, no one is safe from our look at the world's dumbest dot-coms and silliest sites. — People say hindsight is 20/20. When it comes to the Web, hindsight is more like X-ray vision …

Hacker Discovers Adobe PDF Back Doors — A British security researcher has figured out a way to manipulate legitimate features in Adobe PDF files to open back doors for computer attacks. — David Kierznowski, a penetration testing expert specializing in Web application testing …

Yahoo Builds Brickhouse Around Talent — Yahoo is in the process of setting up an in-house incubator in an attempt to hold onto its expensive talent, sources say. The project, called Brickhouse, will be led by Flickr founder Caterina Fake. — Big companies are no longer the safe havens they were during the tech bust.

New York courts may keep lawyers from blogging — New ethics rules under consideration in New York would redefine the definition of advertisement so broadly that virtually all electronic communications—including e-mails and blogs—would have to carry the word "ADVERTISEMENT" in a large, impossible-to-ignore font.
CL&P Blog

For Dina Kaplan: Why I Don't Have a VLOG — Yesterday, Andy Abramson posted a video blog entry from VON, goaded on by's Dina Kaplan, who asked "Why not video?" at the bloggers panel. Andy's piece is a roughly one minute segment in the same style that Andy and Ken Rutkowski use on Ken Radio …

Chicken Soup For The Aging Brain — The disputed idea that mental exercise can turn back time has launched an industry — The giant Nintendo store in Manhattan was swarming with silver-haired citizens and their grandchildren. The elders, gathered on a recent Saturday, weren't there to spoil the kids, however.

Seaman 2 Revealed for PS2 — Sega reveals the PS2 sequel to one of the most bizarre games ever. — At a press event in Tokyo this afternoon, Sega revealed the sequel to Seaman, the bizarre Dreamcast game in which you looked after and communicated with a virtual half man, half fish pet.

Verizon hell, cont'd — So my most recent phone bill from Verizon is for $338.14. My "calling plan" was $79.95, and my "usage" was for $172.55. Turns out the calling plan included no usage. Or roaming. It was the roaming that got me. Had 493 minutes of that. I had no idea the plan included no roaming.

Zune vs. iPod: About the Same Size, Both Stuck in 4:3 — Here's a couple of accurate comparisons that clear up any misconceptions you might have about the Zune compared to the iPod. In that first picture on the left, you can see that the Zune's half-inch larger screen is in the same aspect ratio as the iPod's: old-style 4:3.

The Good of Web 2.0 — Michael Arrington continues to maintain a justification for bashing Squidoo and I promise this is the last post I'll do on this topic but I wanted to share something important. — You can read the entire blog entry regarding Squidoo's charity work here, but this is the quote that I think really matters:

The new link between designer and developer — I had a call today with Wayne Smith, the senior product manager for Microsoft's Expression Web. It was a fun call because it is a product I don't normally cover and I had no preconceived notions going in. In talking to Wayne …

Who Is Jonathan Ive? — An in-depth look at the man behind Apple's design magic — Last spring, an eclectic mix of designers thrilled an auditorium full of their peers at a conference called Radical Craft, put on by the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, Calif. Fashion designer …