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News Corp. May Launch YouTube Rival — News Corp. chief operating officer Peter Chernin told investors at an industry conference Tuesday that the media giant was considering creating a video component to its MySpace social-networking Web site that could rival the wildly popular YouTube.

MySpace: We'll Crush YouTube — As if we needed more proof of MySpace's intolerance of outside development, News Corp. chief operating officer Peter Chernin told investors at an industry conference today that since much of YouTube's traffic comes from MySpace, it's time to cut out the middle man.

WhoseSpace is MySpace — Peter Chernin, Chief Operating Officer of News Corp., according to Multichannel News dropped the proverbial hammer on those who he sees are leaching off the MySpace ecosystem. … There is a good chance, a lot he said was left on the cutting floor, but if (and only if) …
Digital Micro-Markets

Well, It Turns Out That Lonelygirl Really Wasn't — A nearly four-month-old Internet drama in which the cryptic video musings of a fresh-faced teenager became the obsession of millions of devotees — themselves divided over the very authenticity of the videos, or who was behind them or why — appears to be in its final act.

Lonelygirl15 Is Brainchild of 3 Filmmakers — It turns out the people behind the wildly popular website lonelygirl15 are not studio executives, Internet moguls or, as some suspected, Satanists. Instead, they are aspiring filmmakers who met at a mutual friend's birthday party in April …

NBC and Its Stations Venture Into Online Video Market — Hoping to profit from the fragmented market for video on the Internet, NBC Universal has created a new company that will distribute video programming to various Internet sites. — The new venture, called the National Broadband Company …

Microsoft Open Specification Promise — Microsoft irrevocably promises not to assert any Microsoft Necessary Claims against you for making, using, selling, offering for sale, importing or distributing any implementation to the extent it conforms to a Covered Specification ("Covered Implementation"), subject to the following.

Google Introduces Featured Content for Google Earth — Pilot partners include United Nations Environmental Program, Discovery Networks, and National Park Service — Google Inc. (NASDAQ: GOOG) today released Featured Content for Google Earth, a new showcase of multimedia overlays in Google Earth …

Google, Microsoft vie for Earth domination — An updated version of Google Earth is to be released on Tuesday night, adding a timescale to the basic version of the Web-based geospatial application. — The feature—in which a slider is used to scroll through time—was previously available …

Is Steve Jobs, Bill Gates 2.0? — Yet another masterful Emmy winning performance by Steve Jobs, which met most if not all the expectations of the Mac faithful. GigaOM readers were once again proven right, and Apple launched a movie download service, albeit a watered down version than what most had expected or imagined.

Site Previously for Students Will Be Opened to Others — Facebook, the popular social networking Web site that has mainly focused on college students, is preparing to open its membership to everyone. — The move is meant to help the site expand, but it risks undercutting one of its attractions …

Fox, Tribune to auction some ad space on Web sites — NEW YORK (Reuters) - Fox Interactive Media, Tribune and LookSmart are among major media owners who will auction non-premium advertising space to generate more revenue from existing Web pages. — The publishers will use …

What about Quad Core? — Later this year Intel will be introducing pin compatible upgrades to its Core 2 and Xeon lines, except instead of two cores these processors will feature four. Codenamed Kenstfield (Core 2) and Clovertown (Xeon), Intel's new quad-core processors will dramatically increase …

VON Day 2: Pulver Keynote — Jeff has started by welcoming all of the delegates from both the voice community, and the new delegates from the video community. — He has started by talking about a little history. Voice is an application, he says, but we've known that for 10 years.

My Last Day at SAP — In case anyone noticed, I have been 1) blogging less these last few weeks, and 2) increasingly difficult to get in touch with. The reason is that I resigned from SAP a couple of weeks ago and Thursday will be my last official day as an employee of the company …

Sony's Answer to Xbox Live Revealed — How does Sony intend to compete with Xbox Live? Here's how. — UPDATE II: Sony Computer Entertainment America responded to the below report with the following statement: "We can confirm that Sony Online Entertainment is in talks with Viacom and Xfire for a single, specific PS3 game.

VON Round-up: Predictions & Suggestions For Growth, Impending Regulation — Some of the buzz from the 10th annual Video on the Net conference in Boston: — 2006: the year of web TV: Veoh CEO Dmitry Shapiro said much more is to come. Web video will eventually deliver longer pieces in high quality …

Amp'd Reveals Hybrid Pricing Plans — Amp'd Mobile is aiming to connect with its core subscribers (18- to 35-year olds) by offering hybrid pricing, which will enable customers to access the advanced features of 3G without having to sign a long-term service contract, the company explains.