Top Items:

Wi-Fi guidance becomes law in California — Manufacturers to warn on wireless security — By OUT-LAW.COM → More by this author — California legislators have passed a law which will force makers of wireless internet equipment to include guidance on keeping data secure on wireless connections.

SPECIAL: "Winning Online" — A Manifesto — NEW YORK Newspapers must win online, or face a future of painful contraction. — To win, industry leaders must adopt a Marshall Plan embodying two key objectives: the migration to common platforms, and the acquisition of the ability to sell top-quality online product to our advertisers.

ALL WE GOT WAS WEB 1.0, WHEN TIM BERNERS-LEE ACTUALLY GAVE US WEB 2.0 — The blogosphere flew into its usual uproar a few days ago when the inventor of the World Wide Web himself, the venerated Tim Berners-Lee, was recently recorded in a podcast calling Web 2.0 nothing more than a piece of jargon.

Finally, a Sirius IPod Threat — Remember Howard Stern? He's that guy who used to be on the radio. As everyone knows, that was before the Federal Communications Commission edged him off of the "public" airwaves and into the welcoming arms of Sirius satellite radio.

Why I don't offer a personal filter — I'm facing another round of inquiries on personal filtering, mostly from Techmeme fans who've read Ross Mayfield's or Dare Obasanjo's recent thoughts on the matter. (Just for the record, the first round included requests from Jeff Clavier and Ted Leung nearly a year ago!)

Apple to roll-out iTunes movies and 'one more thing' — The charismatic leader and co-founder of Apple Computer, Steve Jobs, plans to summons the worldwide media to a special event this month in which he'll usher in a new chapter in the company's digital media strategy, AppleInsider has learned.

Bad news for mobile music — Survey illustrates uphill battle — A SURVEY carried out by Entertainment Media Research - in association with the law firm Olswang - makes pretty dire reading for the mobile phone industry. By contrast, it gives a whacking great boost to the social networking sites.

SanDisk Forced to Remove MP3 Players From IFA:Exclusive — SanDisk have been forced to remove all of their MP3 music players from their stand at the huge CE show, IFA in Berlin, Digital-Lifestyles can exclusively reveal. — Societa Italiana per lo Sviluppo Dell' Elettronica, S.p.A. …

Style with substance: tribal art, ethnic decoration define the latest models of Nokia's L'Amour Collection — Nokia unveils three new mobile phones for the fashion-conscious, including the first 3G fashion phone — Espoo, Finland - Building upon the success of last year's highly popular …

HP iPAQ rx4000 Mobile Media Companion Announced — Mobile Entertainment in Your Grasp — Breaking new ground in design for handheld devices, HP launched the HP iPAQ rx4000 Mobile Media Companion series. Its compact, palm-sized smart design will enhance consumers' entertainment experience …

Open Data: Small Pieces Loosely Joined — Chris Messina's blog entry about Gdata, entitled Building a Better Mousetrap, shows how people are waking up to the new platform wars. Chris singles out Google in his post: … I don't know that Chris is right to point the finger at Google …
Glass House

Software Notebook: Microsoft tries a new model for device team — 'MEDX' team shares desks, ideas on the look Microsoft wants — With long, shared desks and a wide-open interior, one work space at Microsoft is an unexpected sight inside a company that has traditionally championed individual offices.

WebWorkerDaily, for the Web 2.0 Worker — Om Malik's blog network is starting to take shape as he launches WebWorkerDaily this afternoon. The new site is a blog for the distributed worker, where the office is wherever their laptop happens to be. Cell phones, Skype, laptops and other tools …

Digg that Fat Belly! — Chris Anderson in his book, The Long Tail (read Chris' book), divides the power law distribution curve into only two segments... the hit-driven head (Big Head) and, obviously, the long tail. What's missing is actually the most important part... the section in the middle of the curve The Fat Belly.

Top Italian Web Apps — As well as being reigning world football champions, Italy has a number of world class web apps. Yes, Italy is the 10th country to be profiled in Read/WriteWeb's Top International Web Apps series. The others so far have been Germany, Holland, Poland, Korea, United Kingdom, Russia, Spain, China and Turkey.

Vonage Hits the Two Million Mark — The New York Times Matt Richtel has this piece today on Vonage, which includes a rare interview with high-profile co-founder Jeff Citron (whom Richtel misidentifies as CEO of the company — Citron is actually Chairman and Chief Strategist.

New Way to Gauge a Publication's Appeal — The Audit Bureau of Circulations, which verifies the readership of print publications, released a new kind of report on Aug. 22, trying to quantify the reach of the weekly Advertising Age. It arrived at a figure by combining the publication's print readership …

Who Writes Wikipedia? — Wikimedia 2006 Elections — Part 2: Who Writes Wikipedia? — Part 3: Who Runs Wikipedia? (coming Wednesday) — If you translate this essay, please contact me. — Vote for me in the election for the Wikimedia Foundation's Board of Directors.