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An interview with VC Paul Graham of YCombinator — Paul Graham believes we're not in a bubble, that startups shouldn't worry about their business models and the best companies are the ones with potential to kill old monopolies. Graham is a partner at YCombinator, a Mountain View venture capital firm …

Ycombinator says Yprofit? — At first I was going to let this one go with a mere comment over on TechCrunch, but I simply can't hold back. Marshall Kirkpatrick, a swell guy, interviewed Paul Graham, a venture capitalist with Ycombinator. This is the firm that funded Kiko, Reddit, WuFoo, and coming soon, Loopt.

Fast + Furious Rocket Fuel Startups Should Gauge Probability of Success — Paul Graham, the partner in Y'institutionalised angel investing, is one of the kings of the upside down, yet so obvious why didnt you get it soundbite. — This one (about a startup needing to get "a lot of subtle …

The Last Stand of the 6-Percenters? — WHEN David and Annette Wolf decided that their family was outgrowing its Seattle area home, they also decided that they did not need much help finding a new one. — They combed Internet listings of homes for sale until they spotted a four-bedroom house …

Palm Treo 700wx for Sprint — When the Treo 700w on Verizon came out at the beginning of January 2006, it made quite a stir since it was the first Windows Mobile rather than Palm OS Treo. The Palm OS Treo line had nearly defined the PDA phone market with it's great ergonomics, ease of use and cross-platform syncing ability.

Google Image Labeler, the ESP Game, and Human-Computer Symbiosis — In comments on my previous entry, Stephen Rondeau pointed out that Google Image Labeler appears to be based on the ESP Game developed by Professor Luis von Ahn of CMU. An anonymous commenter pointed to the video of Luis von Ahn's tech talk at Google on July 26, 2006.
Davis Freeberg's Digital …

The New Tastemakers — SETH FORD-YOUNG is a professional bass player who performs up to five nights a week with local jazz and rock bands and occasionally lends his talents to recording sessions for artists like Tom Waits. But these days he has an unusual second gig.

Google developing eavesdropping software — Audio 'fingerprint' for content relevant ads — By Faultline → More by this author — Comment The first thing that came out of our mouths when we heard that Google is working on a system that listens to what's on your TV playing in the background …

Mac BitTorrent Clients Reviewed — Mac OS X is heralded as the most appealing operating system on the market and one of the most capable as well thanks to its BSD (Unix) core. — Sadly, the number of user-friendly, appealing BitTorrent clients available for the platform are very few …

The Mysterious Nintendo DS MP3 Player — Nintendo's set to release an official MP3 player for the Nintendo DS, making it not only a game machine and a web browser, but a music playing device too. The above picture was seen in a brocure from the Leipzig Games Convention in Germany.

Yet Another Day and More Google Domain Names, — Garett has discovered some newly registered domains from guess who, Google. It's a busy time. More new domains here, here, and here. Garett's post and commentary (always insightful) is here. is one of the domains.

Getting outside the frothy bubble — Thanks to Geek and Poke for the cartoon. — When I was eating sushi and chatting with Jeremy Wright, CEO of B5 Media, and Don MacAskill, CEO of SmugMug, Don, at one point, pointed out that SmugMug had 150,000 paying customers and was profitable.
down the avenue

Bob Dylan and iTunes sell un-rippable music — If you buy the latest Bob Dylan album from the iTunes Music Store, be prepared to lose four of the tracks when you burn it to CD. Four of the tracks on "Modern Times," which is only sold as a whole album on the iTMS, are only made available as video files …

Google to Give Data To Brazilian Court — Google Inc., which refused in the past year to hand over user search data to U.S. authorities fighting children's access to pornography, said yesterday that it was complying with a Brazilian court's orders to turn over data that could help identify users accused …

The Buzz on Quieter Computers — Sometimes, it's the smallest noises that can be most annoying — like crickets chirping outside your bedroom window in the middle of the night. — Or those buzzing, roaring, humming and rattling noises that come from inside your computer.