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Use "POD" in your trademark, get sued. Has Apple gone to far? — Has Apple gone too far? — Even if the product you make doesn't look, smell, feel, or do anything remotely close to what an iPod does, and even if consumers can't buy it on the shelves in a store, that apparently …

Microsoft to Introduce "Panorama;" Live Arcade for Vista? — Shacknews has learned from reputable sources who wish to remain nameless that Microsoft plans to introduce what seems to be a Windows gaming service called "Panorama." Apparently, Panorama will be a part of Windows Vista …

"Bully" trailer online - critics crying out for ban — The backlash from Bully has been huge with both Jack Thompson from the US, and Keith Vaz, a Labour MP, both pushing movements to get the game banned before it's even released. However, Rockstar have replied by releasing a trailer …

G4, Jack Thompson yell at each other — Tonight's episode of Attack of the Show included a roundtable discussion with attorney/activist Jack Thompson, GameDaily CEO Mark Friedler and X-Play host Adam Sessler. Of course, like any debate that includes gaming advocates and Jack Thompson …

PSP price cut might be imminent — Analysts believe Sony is preparing to cut PlayStation handheld gaming system prices in coming months. — Game Over is a weekly column by Chris Morris — NEW YORK ( — While the price of the PlayStation 3 may prove to be too high …

Exclusive: Joystiq interviews WoW's Jeff Kaplan — Earlier this week, I sat down with Jeff Kaplan, lead designer for World of Warcraft, to chat about the state of the highly successful MMO and what was in store with the coming expansion, The Burning Crusade.

Your Life as an Open Book — Privacy advocates and search industry watchers have long warned that the vast and valuable stores of data collected by search engine companies could be vulnerable to thieves, rogue employees, mishaps or even government subpoenas.
IP Democracy

Microsoft's antivirus package makes a splash — Helped by low pricing, Microsoft's Windows Live OneCare landed the No. 2 spot in sales at American stores in its debut month, according to The NPD Group. — The antivirus and PC care package nabbed 15.4 percent of security suite sales …
Microsoft News Tracker

Debunking Blue Pill myth — Since months the security and virtualization industry are discussing about a new security threat: the Blue Pill. — Blue Pill is the prototype resulting from a security study made by Joanna Rutkowska, which took advantage of new virtualization capabilities of AMD processors …

The Search for Secret Google Services — Tony Ruscoe is a web developer working for a translation company in Sheffield, UK. He's interested in translation technology, genealogy and Google. — Since stumbling across Google Base almost a month before its release and more recently uncovering …
Online Marketing Blog

- Online Trading Card Game Coming to Everquest? - Bully Trailer — More Blu-Ray Hilarity! — We're often criticized at Kotaku HQ for being too hard on Sony (or Microsoft or Nintendo or Crecente). It all depends on the message board or slobbering fan site you're visiting.

My new favorite expensive toy: the $500 rotary phone — Today may be odd gadget day here at Opposable Thumbs, and in terms of toys it doesn't get any weirder than this. You're looking at a $500 rotary phone that is designed to work as a cell phone; you enter your SIM card and off you go.

Publishing 2.0: GigaOm and CrunchNetwork — The new tech publishing moguls, following in the footsteps of Jason Calacanis' Weblogs Inc. and Nick Denton's Gawker network, are moving fast to expand their networks and coverage. The newly funded Om Malik has added several writers and just launched …

The Upside Of The AOL Data Leak: Government Realizes Data Retention Is Bad — from the silver-linings dept — It really was just a few months ago that our federal government was desperately trying to convince everyone that ISPs should be forced to retain all sorts of data on usage …

Seagate Leaves me bloody... I love seagate products, but what genius designed the packaging for their 6gb Pocket Hard Drive ? THe drive came packaged in one of those impregnable plastic shells (see picture in link above) that makes it look pretty on retail shelves but impossible to open once you buy it.

Social media and the London terrorist plot — Anyone who remembers the London subway bombings probably recalls the dozens of cellphone-camera photos of disheveled victims and twisted metal in the chaos of the London underground — pictures that became a powerful sign of how important …

CEA: RIAA refuses to cooperate, carries out "thinly veiled attack" on fair use — Consumer Electronics Association President and CEO Gary Shapiro is frustrated with the music industry. While the consumer electronics industry works to find a middle ground between the interests …