Top Items:

Jobs talks up Apple cell phone — Apple Computer chief executive Steve Jobs has been boasting about his company's much-rumored iPod cell phone amongst inner circles, AppleInsider has been told. — The remarks are uncharacteristic of Jobs, who is often regarded for his obsession with secrecy …

Missing the point about YouTube — Commentary: Pent up demand and ease of use add up to explosive growth — BERKELEY, Calif. (MarketWatch) — YouTube, the privately-held video sharing website, now delivers an estimated 100 million videos a day to its users. The site has been online for barely a year.

Texting study to catch criminals — The individual styles of hundreds of people's text messages will be analysed in a study that aims to help police with criminal investigations. — Researchers will scrutinise volunteers' SMS messages to tease out patterns in the language and style of texts.

Twenty five years of the IBM PC — Computer firm IBM made technological history on 12 August 1981 with the announcement of a personal computer - the IBM 5150. — Costing $1,565, the 5150 had just 16K of memory - scarcely more than a couple of modest e-mails worth.

Interview request — These days when I get an interview request from a professional reporter, I offer to answer the questions, best I can, on my blog, without saying who the reporter is and exactly what questions were asked. This way I create a public record, something that can be useful to anyone … — Here's another take on Suburban Mom Embraces the Surveillance Society. is a site where people can share comments about the identity of phone spammers. Get a call from an unrecognized number on your cell? Look it up to see who it was, where they are, and who else they called that didn't like it.

Forums are broken: Introducing LibraryThing's new Talk feature — This post introduces the Talk feature. — Although still developing, we think Talk is our most significant addition since LibraryThing started mining for book recommendations and similar libraries.

CEA FORMS ADVISORY COMMITTEE TO EXPLORE GAMING EVENT OPTIONS — The Consumer Electronics Association (CEA®), the owner and producer of the International CES®, the world's largest consumer technology tradeshow, announced today that it is forming an advisory committee …

Zune speculation mounts — A story by TWICE suggests that Microsoft's attempt to unseat iPod could be in US shops this autumn: … Price is interesting - $299 translates directly to £156, but would probably iron out at around £180 in the shops over in Blighty.
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Google promises all searches stay private — SAN JOSE, Calif. — Google CEO Eric Schmidt has a message for Google users: Your searches are safe. — AOL has been in hot water this week for inadvertently releasing customer searches for a research project. But Schmidt, speaking …

Microsoft Zune vs. Heightened Airport Security — A reader sent in this tip about the clash between a friend and airport security, with a little bit of Microsoft Zune thrown in. Apparently, this Microsoft-insider friend was flying somewhere today, and when he got to the security check …

Verizon V640 EVDO ExpressCard Review: MacBook Pro — For anyone that has picked up a MacBook Pro, or any other laptop computer that has replaced the PCMCIA card with the newer ExpressCard format, you will be happy to hear that a couple of options have become available for getting on the Internet while on the go.

Perspective: Teen's warning on the gospel of Wikipedia — Wikipedia is one of the Internet's latest additions to the information revolution. More importantly, it's the reason I was able to finish my massive second-semester AP English research final project in less than 45 minutes.

Google Video - What a Difference a Link Makes — Saw this post from Steve Rubel that alerted me to the fact that Google changed the links above its main search box yesterday (Wednesday), removing Froogle and replacing it with Video. As the links on Google's home page don't change very often …

Firefox code gets vetted — Mozilla is now using technology that automates the bug-checking process for Firefox, its popular open-source Web browser. — The company has licensed Coverity's Prevent to scan the source code of the browser and help detect flaws in the software before its release …
CyberNet Technology News

Mac Pro — Apple lays the PowerPC architecture to rest with the introduction of the new Mac Pro. How well does this dual-Xeon, quad-core workstation this measure up to its PowerPC predecessor as well as the rest of Apple's Intel lineup? — » Full Story » Discussion

Q&A with Fotolog Co-Founder Adam Seifer — Fotolog, one of the many photosharing sites out there, says it already has four million members. And with no attempts at creating a non-English site, users are mostly in Latin America. (Unintended consequence of a Flat world?)

Welcome to — Hello, and welcome to the latest CrunchNetwork blog,, a daily journal of all things gadget-tastic. Our goal is to take a long, hard look at the daily gadget grind and separate the wheat - the gear we will actually buy and will actually reach our shores - from the chaff.

CrunchGear, For the Gadget Obsessive
Discussion:, Tech Beat, MobileCrunch, Susan Mernit's Blog, Guardian Unlimited, CrunchGear and digg