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YouTube overtakes MySpace — The rise and rise of YouTube — — YouTube has established itself at the top of the league of the new generation of community websites by becoming even more popular than MySpace, according to research. — The video sharing site has taken …

Whose Video Is It, Anyway? — YouTube's runaway success has opened a Pandora's box of copyright issues — When YouTube Inc. was sued on July 14 for copyright infringement, the shock wasn't that the video-sharing service was being yanked into court. Questions had been swirling for months …

McLaws is right on Windows Vista ship date — I'm sad to agree with Robert McLaws about Windows Vista's ship schedule. This sucker is just not ready. Too many things are too slow and/or don't work. I've been on the betas of every Windows OS since Windows 3.1 and Vista is starting to feel good …

Vista Needs More Time: The Entry I Didn't Want To Write — I've been defending Microsoft's ship schedule for Windows Vista for quite some time. Up to this point, I've been confident that Vista would be at the quality level it needs to be by RC1 to make the launch fantastic.

eMusic - My Only Online Music Store — As I struggle to figure out how to properly de-authorize my old thinkpad and auhtorize my new MacBook Pro (argh), I came across an article in USA Today about the only online music store I have used in the past year, eMusic.

Apple gets reprieve from French DRM-busting law — France's controversial copyright law, which had threatened to mandate interoperability between Apple Computer and rival online music players' digital rights management, has been dealt a major setback as sections of the legislation are being ruled unconstitutional.

Measuring Success — Before I started the new weblog(s), I told a friend that I was going to avoid saying anything even remotely critical about BlogHer. It does no good to do so, I told him. — I'm sure he knew that I could not follow this vow. I don't know if being critical of Blogher will do any 'good' or not.

Cingular to charge $5 for older phones — NEW YORK - About 4.7 million Cingular Wireless subscribers with older phones will have to pay $5 extra each month as the company tries to prod them to get new handsets so it can devote its entire network to one type of signal.

The latest news & announcements about Linux on the desktop ... Keywords: Match: Sort by: — Four countries commit to buying 4 million Linux-powered OLPC laptops — A spokesperson for the One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) program revealed July 31 that the countries of Nigeria, Brazil, Argentina …

Error Knocks Down Google $350 a Share — It was like a Wall Street version of one of those Keystone Cops comedies of the 1930s, but at least one investor wasn't laughing. According to his stockbroker, he almost had a heart attack as a result of what appeared to be an enormous plunge Thursday …

Open Source Licenses are Obsolete — Last week at OSCON, I made the seemingly controversial statement "Open Source Licenses Are Obsolete. During the Q&A period, Michael Tiemann of Red Hat and the Open Source Initiative took issue with my statement, pointing out just how much value open source licenses have created.

Mike McCurry: Will You Pay Google's Bandwidth Bills For The Rest Of This Year? — from the worth-asking dept — We've already covered how much dishonesty there is in the network neutrality debate — often involving editorial pieces in major newspapers penned by lobbyists.

AMATEUR HOUR — On the Internet, everybody is a millenarian. Internet journalism, according to those who produce manifestos on its behalf, represents a world-historical development—not so much because of the expressive power of the new medium as because of its accessibility to producers and consumers.

Pearson ponders web strategy as profits rise — Pearson's chief executive, Marjorie Scardino, admitted yesterday that the ability of its flagship Financial Times title to take part in the growing online debate was being hampered by the subscription fees charged for access to its site.

One of these six companies will buy YouTube — All the buzz around video site YouTube indicates that the closely-held company could have a market value of around $1 billion. — Given those numbers, it is only natural to crystal-ball YouTube's future: private, IPO, acquired, acquirer?

Lux Intros Rugged, Waterproof MCE TV for the Outdoors — It's the quintessential geek dilemma: You want to go outside to take a dip in the pool, but you simply cannot leave your Media Center Edition behind. — Torment yourself no longer. Lux Entertainment introduces the ARIIS outdoor MCE TV.

Cafeterias: Big Mother Is Watching — Darin Jones, 15, liked to buy three slices of pizza, a Gatorade and a cookie for lunch at his Vero Beach, Fla., high school. But that stopped once his school started using, which allowed his mom to prepay for his food-and go online to track his purchases.

Would Apple axe its forum hosts? — For years, Apple's discussion boards have attracted a certain amount of controversy. Hosts (forum moderators) have occasionally deleted posts or entire threads, bringing about accusations of censorship and cover-ups. However, according to the Mac Observer …