Top Items:

Vista Needs More Time: The Entry I Didn't Want To Write — I've been defending Microsoft's ship schedule for Windows Vista for quite some time. Up to this point, I've been confident that Vista would be at the quality level it needs to be by RC1 to make the launch fantastic.

Pinch My Ride — Ignition keys equipped with signal-emitting chips were supposed to put car thieves out of business. No such luck - but try telling that to your insurance company. — Last summer Emad Wassef walked out of a Target store in Orange County, California, to find a big space where his 2003 Lincoln Navigator had been.

.Mac users mock Apple slogan during outage — Web publishing service .Mac just works, sort of... Apple Computer's latest advertising campaign, pegged to the slogan "It just works," is irritating some .Mac users as they wonder when the service will become operational again.

EMusic's pitch: Download song — and own it — LOS ANGELES — The smash success of Apple's iPod is paying huge dividends for a less-well-known music industry player, online retailer eMusic. — Apple has sold nearly 60 million iPods since 2001, and music fans regularly frequent …
Techdirt, The Unofficial Apple Weblog, Coolfer, Boing Boing, The Digital Music Weblog and

Another Flaming Dell Laptop — As the old saying goes, when you smell smoke there's probably a fire. In a Singaporian man's case, he smelled smoke, heard popping noises, and knew it was fire when he saw flames bursting coming out of his Dell laptop. He quickly plopped his machine into a sink put out the blaze.

Illegal downloads create unlikely defendants — Music industry seeks to protect copyrights — Kathy Hartness is a 47-year-old grandmother, churchgoer and gardener who had never been in trouble with the law — until she was served with papers in June for something she did more than a year ago.

Does a DVR Boost Viewing Hours or Not? — It seems that adults in households that have digital video recorders watch less TV than adults in the general population, according to a recent analysis by Mediamark Research, an audience-measurement firm. — That finding, which comes …

WAIT, THAT WAS MY BUG? OUCH! — Over the weekend, the wires were full with reports of a speech recognition demo at the Microsoft's Financial Analysts Meeting here in Seattle that went horribly wrong. — Slashdot had it, Neowin had it, Digg had it, Reuters had it. It was everywhere.

Verizon Wireless to end music download fee — NEW YORK - Verizon Wireless is eliminating the monthly $15 fee for its music download service in conjunction with the launch of a cell phone featuring an iPod-like click wheel and a memory card that can hold up to 1,000 songs.

Background Tones — Way back in the late 90's, we had that weird idea that people could personalise the sound their phone made when it rang. And so, perhaps the least expected billion dollar market emerged since err...sms a few years earlier. — So don't scoff at background tones …

Gasping for air(waves) — When EchoStar Communications Corp. and DirecTV head to a Federal Communications Commission auction Aug. 9, they're not simply bidding on wireless airwaves but for survival in a broadband world. — The satellite TV companies have teamed up under the name Wireless DBS LLC …

Error Knocks Down Google $350 a Share — It was like a Wall Street version of one of those Keystone Cops comedies of the 1930s, but at least one investor wasn't laughing. According to his stockbroker, he almost had a heart attack as a result of what appeared to be an enormous plunge Thursday …

Billy Bragg's MySpace Protest Movement — When he is not writing or performing protest songs, the British folk-rocker Billy Bragg is apparently reading the fine print. — In May, Mr. Bragg removed his songs from the Web site, complaining that the terms and conditions …

Blair seeks secret of Silicon Valley's success — SAN JOSE, California (Reuters) - A risk-taking culture and close ties with universities are big reasons for the success of the U.S. computer industry, some of Silicon Valley's brightest stars told Prime Minister Tony Blair on Sunday.

ANALYSIS: Ten Reasons for E3's Collapse — The picture accompanying this story sums up E3. It was about big-ness, most especially big crowds. We won't see scenes like this again. So why did the hardware manufacturers and big publishers decide E3 was no longer tenable? Why did the other publishers follow suit.

The Top Ten OS X Screensavers — Screensavers have become, in a way, a relic. Today, their original use of "saving screens" from burn-in and ghosting is no longer needed with modern monitors, and screensavers have become used solely for entertainment or security purposes (lock out strangers).

Zune to launch November 14th? — Alright everybody, we've all had a few days to cool down on the Zune stuff — hope you've been well rested. So with no further delay here's the latest from from the inside: a trusted source has given us a little more to go by on the hardware end …

CNN, AOL launch new video services - trouble for startups? — Two Time Warner sites are making serious moves into online video. CNN is expected to formally launch today a system for collecting user generated content, with video at the center of its strategy. The basics are already up at CNN Exchange.

Banks face Web security deadline — Majority of banks are unprepared to meet Dec. 31 deadline for complying with guidelines — For some bank IT managers, last fall's release of federal guidelines on validating the identities of online users helped catalyze ongoing efforts to adopt so-called strong authentication measures.