Top Items:

What's in Google's Sandbox? — It's been a while since I've done any digging around Google's servers to try and find some new services, so I thought I'd have a quick go tonight. — I started by looking at one of the subdomains I found when I first ran my Google subdomains sniffing script last year:

In Microsoft Plan for Future, All Roads Lead to Internet — REDMOND, Wash., July 27 — In a daylong meeting with analysts on Thursday, Microsoft executives detailed how the company was spending heavily to build Internet services into all its products, from operating systems to video games.

Make Your Blog Popular — David L. Sifry, founder and CEO of Technorati, keeps tabs on more than 45 million weblogs. Here's his advice for cracking his site's Top 100 list. — 1) React quickly. Commentators like Andrew Sullivan and Michelle Malkin draw megatraffic with immediate rebuttals …

US House: Schools must block MySpace, many other sites — US House Resolution 5319, the Deleting Online Predators Act (DOPA), was passed by a 410 to 15 vote tonight. If the Resolution becomes law social networking sites and chat rooms must be blocked by schools and libraries or those institutions …

Microsoft shows off mobile phone-PC prototype … The software maker is looking at whether it can build a cheap PC for emerging markets by building it into a mobile phone — Microsoft on Thursday showed a prototype of a mobile phone-based computer that could one day find a use as a cheap PC for emerging markets.

Yahoo Launches Messenger 8 With 180 Plugins — Yahoo Messenger Version 8 for Windows, which can be downloaded here, launched out of beta today. Our previous writeup of the beta launch is here. — The key new feature of Messenger 8 is that it is open to third party developers to create widgets that work within the client.

An Imprint All His Own — Now a Solo Act at Microsoft, — Ballmer Stresses Innovation, — On June 16, Steve Ballmer woke up and knew his life had radically changed. — For 26 years, the chief executive of Microsoft Corp. had worked hand in hand with Bill Gates to guide …

Torvalds critical of new GPL draft — The second draft of a revised General Public License has been released, but Linus Torvalds—founder and leader of the best-known software project governed by the GPL—remains unconvinced of its merits. — Torvalds' concern is with the clause …
Open Sources …, Good Morning Silicon Valley, IPcentral Weblog, GrokLaw, Slashdot and Daily News

Feds Retrieve Google Records after Gmail Used for Hate Speech — Federal agents requested and retrieved records from Google concerning a Gmail account that contained threatening speech, Google Watch has learned. — The agents requested the records on June 22nd, 2006 after the National Association …

FM Launches Parenting Federation, Site — FM/Parenting, a "metaweblog" representing FM's dozen or so parenting sites, is launching today. It's edited by Asha Dornfest and features excerpts from the best voices in parenting, including Amalah, Celebrity Baby Blog, Dooce, Finslippy, and Parent Hacks, among many others.

YouTube CEO: IPO would be 'exciting' — NEW YORK (MarketWatch) — As red-hot YouTube's profile rises its CEO isn't ruling out an initial public offering in the future. — The buzz around the new brand has built in recent days as YouTube founder Chad Hurley, 29, emerged as the latest Internet whiz kid …
Techdirt, Mark Evans, Mathew Ingram, Valleywag, alarm:clock, Clickety Clack and DealBook

Stolen mobiles 'will be blocked' — Around 80% of mobile phones will be blocked on all five UK networks within 48 hours of being reported stolen in future, industry leaders have pledged. — That pledge is part of a charter to reduce phone crime launched by the Mobile Industry Crime Action Forum.
Light Blue Touchpaper

Q&A — Co-President, Platforms & Services Division — President, Entertainment & Devices Division — COLLEEN HEALY: We're going to set up for our first Q&A session of the day. We're going to keep that a little bit on the shorter side to get back on track here for lunch.

A GoogleFi Speed Test & More Testers — Google is about to open up its Mountain View WiFi network to more than 500 more trusted testers, according to sources familiar with the company's plans. The expanded test indicates that the service is inching closer to its public debut.

Well, That's Certainly One Way To Do Mobile Music — Geriatric rockers The Rolling Stones have hopped on board the mobile music train — sort of. Through a service called Listen Live Now!, fans will be able to listen live to their concert today in Paris via their mobile phones.