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Technorati turns 3, rolls out a major update — After months of work and weeks of testing, we just released an updated version of I hope after spending some time with the updated service, you'll join me in celebrating its release. — For those of you with ADD …

Technorati redesigns for the MySpace crowd

Kazaa, Skype, and now "The Venice Project" — Serial entrepreneurs Niklas Zennstrom and Janus Friis are at it again, this time with a venture for distributing TV and other video over the Net — Niklas Zennstrom and Janus Friis, the entrepreneurs who created the pioneering Web applications Kazaa and Skype …
IP Democracy,, Techdirt, 21talks, Mathew Ingram, Download Squad and Peter O'Kelly's Reality Check

AMD + ATI and CPU/GPU integration — Now that the merger is official, AMD has a set of pages up with information on the combined company's future plans. AMD execs also gave a conference call, in which they covered some of the reasons behind the merger. In short, the stated reasons …

In marriage of 'CPUs and GPUs,' ATI snapped-up by AMD. Is NVidia next? — In another one of the worst kept secrets in the technology industry, AMD has shelled out $5.4B for Canada-based video and graphics solution provider ATI Technologies. According to the aforelinked Reuters news story:

Socialtext Releases First Commercial Open Source Wiki — Socialtext, the first Wiki company, releases Socialtext Open at the O'Reilly Open Source Convention (OSCON). Available for immediate download, Socialtext Open is the first open source wiki with a commercial venture as its primary contributor.

Gotuit Launches Broadband Video Portal — Gotuit Media, an established player in on-demand video, today announced the launch of its new broadband video portal - I got a sneak peak of the new portal and spoke with Mark Pascarella (president of Gotuit Media) and David Laubner …

YOUTUBE WORTH $1 BILLION? BUT WHO WILL BUY IT? — This NY Post item caught my eye - YouTube was the toast of Herb Allen's Sun Valley conference, and therefore is now worth $1 billion. I don't buy it. I don't think the founders are smoking this s**t, I think the media is - at least I hope that's how it is.

MySpace returns after power outage — A record-breaking heat wave that crippled power systems throughout California shut down for nearly 12 hours, starting Sunday night. — The popular social-networking site, which recently topped Yahoo Mail as the most-visited Web site in the United States …

JotSpot pretties up wikis — JotSpot has updated its wiki software to better resemble traditional desktop applications and is preparing an on-premise edition of its hosted service. — The two-year-old company said it will on Monday introduce JotSpot 2.0, a version of its hosted software …

Nokia Announces Official Shipping Dates of N93 and N73 — Nokia has just announced that they're beginning to ship two of the sexiest and most advanced new phones ever produced; the N93 Video Phone and the N73 which has been dubbed the "Multimedia Computer".

Inside Vista's new image-based install — Vista's installation process is dramatically different to any previous version of Windows: rather than being an 'installer', the install DVD is actually a preinstalled copy of Windows that simply gets decompressed onto your PC. — So how does it adjust to your hardware?

Powering the $100 Laptop — An efficient handheld generator could help bring computing to the world's poor. — As the One Laptop per Child project, a nonprofit effort based in Cambridge, MA, nears the completion of its rugged and versatile laptop designed for school children in poor countries …

Wal-Mart's New Online Children's 'Hub' a Real Bomb — A Poorly Executed Project With Writing That Makes Us Cringe — You think this job is easy? — Walk a mile in AdReview's shoes. Try to find something different to say week after week for 20 years. Try to be simultaneously serious and entertaining.
ben barren

The Movie Business Challenge — This is an open challenge. You come up with a solution, you get a job. Seriously. — This is the problem that consumes me more than what Free Agent we are going to sign. How to get the NBA to get their act together. Which 7-11 Im going to run by to get a sandwich.

Tech companies hope to cash in on Web 2.0 — Out of a second-floor office in Southlake Town Square, 26-year-old Josh Williams is taking on the likes of Microsoft and Oracle. — Williams and his staff of seven at Firewheel Design are making a name for themselves among small-business customers …

Apple's Mighty Mouse finally gets Bluetooth — Looks like Apple forgot to file for ye olde confidentiality agreement, but today an FCC filing showed off Apple's latest device: the Mighty Mouse with Bluetooth. If anyone's surprised, well, that'd be pretty silly of you being that a wireless …

Start-up testing auto-aiming antenna for wireless nets — Purdue profs say technology could improve mobile access to 'Net. — WEST LAFAYETTE, IND. — A group of Purdue University professors has launched a start-up to create an auto-aiming wireless antenna system that reliably links users on vehicles and boats to the Internet.

Amazon Readies Launch of Ad-Free Video Download Service — Like a Digital Version of the Netflix Rental Model for TV Shows and Movies — NEW YORK ( —As Apple and Microsoft duke it out over music, Amazon is focusing its attention on video. — August launch