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Newsmaker: An Internet for the few or the many? — Michael Copps has a message for the technology industry when it comes to Net neutrality: Get involved. — Copps, a Democratic commissioner in the Republican-controlled Federal Communications Commission since May 2001 …
Shore Communications Inc.

Why Is There So Little Honesty In The Net Neutrality Debate? — from the is-it-so-hard? dept — We've been bashing both sides of the net neutrality debate for stretching their arguments to ridiculous extremes — but what's bothersome is that even when things are clearly untrue and been disproved …

Google Gets Ready to Test GBuy, A New Online-Payment Option — For years, consumers who didn't want to give Web merchants their credit-card information faced limited options when it came to making purchases online. This week, consumers could get access to another electronic-payment option …

Marvell paying $600M for Intel unit — SAN FRANCISCO - Intel Corp., facing slowing demand for personal computers and stiffer competition, is selling its division that makes processors for handheld devices in a $600 million deal announced Tuesday with Marvell Technology Group Ltd.

The EV-DO ExpressCard Is Here! (From Dell) — Dell just released the first ExpressCard for Verizon's high-speed EV-DO network: The Dell Wireless 5700 Mobile Broadband ExpressCard. This is a rebranded version of the Novatel XV620 that I tested back in April, and it will sell for $179 on Dell's Web site by the end of this week.

Is Microsoft about to release a Windows "kill switch"? … Two weeks ago, I wrote about my serious objections to Microsoft's latest salvo in the war against unauthorized copies of Windows. Two Windows Genuine Advantage components are being pushed onto users' machines with insufficient notification …

Cable Guy Says Portals Are Toast — from the haven't-we-heard-that-before? dept — Leo Hindery is a cable guy. He's always been a cable guy. He was the head of TCI which eventually got bought by AT&T and became AT&T Broadband. Later he was head of GlobalCenter and was there as that telco bubble-era play popped.

Cellfire Takes Coupon App National Tomorrow but the Real Story is Usage — Everyone has lept on the Cellfire bandwagon after their blizzard of press releases yesterday. The Santa Clara company which I profiled previously has every right to be pleased after a succesful California only roll …

Cellfire Launches Tomorrow - Free Cellphone Coupons
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Invention: Password-protected bullets — For more than 30 years, Barry Fox has trawled through the world's weird and wonderful patent applications, uncovering the most exciting, bizarre or even terrifying new ideas. His column, Invention, is exclusively online. Scroll down for a round-up of previous Invention articles.

Social Networking for Bookworms — If bookcases are a way to casually display interests dear to the owner, the Internet throws open the doors on reading habits. Social-networking and book retailers' sites are already rife with lists of readers' favorite material, allowing people to compare notes on taste and compatibility.
Jarrett House North

EU poised to rule against Microsoft — The European Union's top antitrust regulator is poised to issue a formal ruling that finds Microsoft guilty of breaking EU competition rules. The ruling is likely to be accompanied by fines for the US software group of up to €2m ($2.5m) a day.

MarketingSherpa's Top 10 Best Blogs & Best Podcast of 2006: Readers' Choice Award Results — Forward to a friend: … Best Podcast on the topic of Marketing — Across the Sound — Sherpa Note: This is the first year for the podcasting category. We asked that only readers …

Google and MySpace: Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda!! — In the latest (July) issue of Wired magazine, Rupert Murdoch claims that Google... So that means Google could have acquired MySpace a year ago for about $290 million. Talk about a strategic blunder... the thought of Google and MySpace, combined, boggles the mind.

Warner Bros. sells films via — LOS ANGELES - Warner Bros. began selling its movies and TV shows over the Internet video site Monday, marking the second deal the studio has made to distribute content over Web sites that have offered pirated video in the past.

NBC to run TV promos on YouTube — NBC and YouTube are going from foes to friends. — The network is announcing a deal today that will see select clips of NBC series embedded on the popular viral-video site beginning this week, sources said. — NBC and YouTube declined comment.

Online Effort Is Planned Against Child Pornography — In the face of government pressure, a group of Internet companies is undertaking a cooperative effort to help combat child pornography online. — The group, organized last week by AOL, includes Yahoo, Microsoft, Earthlink and United Online.

Is Jajah really cool, or really lame? Offers free phone calls, maybe — Jajah, a Mountain View start-up, is supposedly offering free phone calls beginning today to any land or mobile phone in the United States, Canada, China, Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan.