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The Ultimate Net Monitoring Tool — The equipment that technician Mark Klein learned was installed in the National Security Agency's "secret room" inside AT&T's San Francisco switching office isn't some sinister Big Brother box designed solely to help governments eavesdrop on citizens' internet communications.
Defense Tech

Court Deals AT&T a Setback — SAN FRANCISCO — A federal judge Wednesday shot down telecom giant AT&T's efforts to recover and suppress internal documents that a former AT&T technician says demonstrate the company's collusion in illegal government surveillance.

AT&T Whistle-Blower's Evidence — Former AT&T technician Mark Klein is the key witness in the Electronic Frontier Foundation's class-action lawsuit against the company, which alleges that AT&T illegally cooperated in an illegal National Security Agency domestic-surveillance program.

Blue Security Kicked While It's Down — Hours after anti-spam company Blue Security pulled the plug on its spam-fighting Blue Frog software and service, the spammers whose attack caused the company to wave the white flag have escalated their assault, knocking Blue Security's farewell message and thousands more Web sites offline.
Matt Cutts, SiliconBeat, Alice Hill's Real Tech News, Digital Inspiration and Life On the Wicked Stage

Under Attack, Spam Fighter Folds — A startup whose aggressive antispam measures drew a blistering counterattack from spammers two weeks ago that brought down the company's servers along with a wide swath of the internet is shuttering its program targeting junk e-mailers.

Cablevision's Machiavellian Move — Free SkypeOut might be putting the heat on Vonage and others, but the flat rate international long distance plan introduced by Cablevision is truly a move befitting Machiavelli. — The company introduced a $20 a month plan which allows subscribers …
VoIP Watch

Microsoft Enterprise Search Solutions Help Enable Effective Information Management — New technologies such as Windows Live Search and innovations in Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 will help people create, find, use and share information. — REDMOND, Wash., May 17, 2006 …

Silicon Valley backs US wireless broadband plan — WASHINGTON, May 16 (Reuters) - Three Silicon Valley venture capital firms are backing a project to grab a slice of valuable U.S. wireless airwaves to offer nationwide high-speed Internet service, according to a recent regulatory filing.

Holding the watchdog blogs to account — Bloggers wield increasing power against established institutions, but not all are practising what they preach — This week, the 40 millionth blog will come to life, giving voice to another person we never knew existed.

CIOs flee IT — It's always darkest before it gets darker. At its annual symposium in San Francisco this week, Gartner is drawing a bleak picture of the future of the traditional corporate IT function. The research house predicted that, for the fourth year running, IT budgets will grow less than 3 percent this year.

Vista Specs: You Have What It Takes? — Be the first to comment on this article — Microsoft wants PC owners to be ready for Vista. — To that end, the software giant will unveil May 18 a campaign designed to help people ensure their PCs can run the forthcoming operating system.

3D Milling Service Offered for SL Residents — Second Life residents will soon be able to order up physical versions of their avatars, their builds or their favorite Second Life objects in full 3D, and in a variety of materials, thanks to a pair of students at the Art Institute of Chicago.

PLANTRONICS ANNOUNCES WORLD'S FIRST VOIP-OPTIMIZED BLUETOOTH HEADSET SYSTEM — Multipoint Technology, Easy Install Provide Road Warriors with Single Headset for Numerous Devices — SANTA CRUZ, Calif. — May 17, 2006 — Plantronics, Inc. (NYSE:PLT) today introduced the Voyager 510-USB …

May's Treo Leapfrogs Past January's — THE electronics industry operates like a very expensive game of leapfrog. You buy something in April, and then a newer, faster, less expensive version comes out in May. Rats! — On the other hand, you might get lucky; you might not buy in until the better version comes along.
michael parekh on IT

Xtech 2006: Paul Graham - How American are Startups? — Sitting in the Grand Ballroom of the Hotel Grand Krapolinsky Krasnapolsky in central Amsterdam, at yet another conference. This is the third in three weeks, and I'll be glad when next week comes and I don't have to think about writing a presentation.

Introducing the VeriSign Personal Identity Provider (PIP) — You're invited to visit and try out a beta version of an identity service we've provided. It's called the VeriSign Personal Identity Provider ("PIP" for short), and you can find it at
B.Mann Consulting