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HD DVD debut ups ante in high-stakes game — With Tuesday's launch of two HD DVD players from Toshiba, the public gets its chance to decide whether that format or its rival, Blu-ray, is the rightful heir to the DVD. — In the public relations battle between the warring technologies …

Hands-On First Impressions: Toshiba HD-A1 HD-DVD Player — Thursday: 11am. A series of planned phone calls are placed to four Best Buy stores within reasonable driving distance. Each is asked one simple question to answer. Each provides a different response ranging from "I don't think we carry that product.

Eisner Makes Hairpin Turn in His Career — LOS ANGELES, April 17 — When Michael D. Eisner was bicycling in Italy last summer, he encountered a road sign that was so appealing to him, he named his new company after it. — The sign said "tornante," warning of a hairpin turn …

Time Warner, Michael Eisner And Spark Capital Join Shelter Capital To Complete $12.5 Million Strategic Series B Investment In Veoh Networks — Veoh's Global Independent Broadcasting System Poised to Lead Television Broadcasting Revolution — Michael Eisner Joins Board of Directors

TabletKiosk eo Video Review — My kids like calling it "the Origami" and "the Oreo", my son says it feels just like a PSP or Gameboy, others refer to it as a UMPC or Ultra Mobile PC - whatever it is we name it, it is obvious that Microsoft and Intel have isolated a real "personal" niche.

UMPC for something other than surfing
Life On the Wicked Stage

Circumvent PDF DRM... with Gmail! — Apparently, Gmail's built-in "View as HTML" functionality, which allows you to view the content of PDF files (and other types of documents) as if they were classic webpages, works regardless of the files' usage restrictions (= DRM).

MySpace for the Office — Venture giant Kleiner Perkins is backing Visible Path in its bid to take social networking corporate — Make no mistake: Young people love to socialize on the Web. Tens of millions of teens and young adults use sites like News Corp.'s (NWS) … Files Patent Infringement Suit against Apple Computer — Santa Rosa, Calif., (April 17, 2006) -, Inc. (OTC: BRST) today announced that it has filed counterclaims accusing Apple Computer of infringing four of Burst's U.S. patents. In the counterclaims …

THE UNIFYING THEORY OF WEB 2.0 — You know that feeling when something has been staring at you in the face and you don't realize it. And then all of a sudden - bam! There it is! — I've just had one of those moments. — Quick background. Earlier this year at MSN Search Champs .4 …

Google in need of the feminine touch — "Don't be evil." — Those were the famous words Google included in its 2004 stock exchange listing filing with US regulators - and a search on this term lists Google's corporate philosophy page. — But that New Age corporate philosophy is under threat …

Breaking News: DuPont Endorses Word of Mouth Standards: Raises Ethics Bar for U.S. Industry, WOMMA to Move Forward on Aggressively on Ethics Fight — DuPont Endorses Word of Mouth Standards: Raises Ethics Bar for U.S. Industry — WOMMA to Move Forward Aggressively with Ethics Fight

TV competition could save consumers big bucks — Competition in the cable TV market from phone companies could save consumers big bucks, according to a new study released Monday by an economist at the University of California at Berkeley. — Yale Braunstein, professor in the School …

The blogosphere is growing, but is it just yardstick measurement? — Today the Technorati "state of the blogosphere" was released with great fanfare on the blogosphere. For most of the day, it sat on top of Memeorandum - and rightfully so, as it is a big story for bloggers. — From the post ....
Media Guerrilla, Don Dodge on The Next …, Screenwerk, Venture Chronicles and J. LeRoy's Evolving Web

Marketers are into YouTube — Yet another reason for traditional TV outlets to worry about their relevance:, the hot new outlet for people to post and share homemade videos, has caught the attention of big-name marketers. — Nike, Warner Bros., MTV2 and Dimension Films are among …

Mobile Phones Could Soon Rival the PC As World's Dominant Internet Platform — Mobile Phones Poised To Overtake The PC As The Dominate Internet Platform In Some Markets, According To Ipsos Insight's Latest The Face of the Web Study — Category Technology, Cable, Media , Consumer Trends

Hacking A More Tasteful MySpace — The social phenomenon that is MySpace is one I don't fully understand, and yet, one I must fully respect. In fact, with over 50 million unique users, it is something everybody must respect. Any website which rolls up that amount of usership is doing something very …

Display Impressions Double Year-Over-Year — MARKETERS INCREASED ONLINE SPENDING LAST month, purchasing 185 billion display ads—almost twice as many as last year's 97.1 billion and 31 percent more than February's 141 billion, according to new Nielsen//NetRatings AdRelevance.

Yahoo Testing New Home Page Layout — Yahoo is testing a new home page design with some of its users, and Steven Cohen grabbed screen shots. — There are a few differences but as far as I can tell this is a purely cosmetic makeover. The new site is cleaner and groups key resources on the left …