Top Items:

A Word to the Wise — Today's front page story in the business section of the New York Times by Michael Barbaro titled "Wal-Mart Enlists Bloggers in Its Public Relations Campaign" is the latest in a series of articles in mainstream media that criticize bloggers for questionable ethics.

Bloggers and Disclosure … It should go without saying that the bloggers should make this disclosure, right? No question, the ones who parrot a company line — down to using the company's words — ought to be more forthcoming about the connections. — It should also go without saying …

Does the 'P' in 'PR' stand for 'press' or 'public'? — The New York Times this morning reports on Walmart's PR strategy with blogs, executed via the Edelman PR firm. — First, I suggest you read the story and substitute the name of your local newspaper for any reference to bloggers.

Intel shows Origami-like device — SAN FRANCISCO—Intel on Tuesday plans to show off the minitablet device at the center of Microsoft's Origami Project. — In a preview of Tuesday afternoon's demonstration, Intel Marketing Director Brad Graff showed CNET several of the Ultra Mobile PC devices …

CNBC showing Origami?? — On right now, "We will be showing this as a world exclusive in a few minutes." (CNBC) — Can't wait to see what they show. Earlier in the same segment they showed what looked like the Archos AV 700 Portable DVR (shown at CES) as an example of what is to come in the small PC world.

CNBC shows UMPC/Origami on TV — CNBC says they will have a world exclusive this morning and be showing the first Origami on TV. CNBC is at the Intel Developer Forum (IDF). — It's 8:08AM Pacific Time...I'm not sure when the Origami will be shown. They just gave a teaser and said they will soon show an Origami unit.
Life On the Wicked Stage

Ray Ozzie's clipboard for the web — Ray Ozzie's new idea is a clipboard for the web. A brief summary of the idea follows; it's fully explained on Ray's blog, with screen casts. I watched #1 and #3. — Narrative — Let's say you have two sites both of which understand calendar data.
Random Bytes,, Geek News Central …, Todd Bishop's Microsoft …, Marc's Voice and LiveSide

ETech: Ray Ozzie — Below is my first draft transcript of Ray Ozzie's session at ETech, "Simple Bridge Building". My apologies to Ray for any typos, but the session was so amazing I thought everyone should see it ASAP. — Ray Ozzie at ETech, March 7 2005
InsideMicrosoft, B2Day, Between the Lines, Microsoft News Tracker and MSN Search's WebLog

Wiring the Web — For years, many companies including Microsoft have invested significantly in the open, interoperable use of XML and Web Services toward enabling programmatic interconnection between processes, services and sites across the internet. And that investment is bearing fruit …

AOL TAKES AIM — Overnight, AOL announced plans to extend its messaging network to third-party development. It's a bold move, and in some ways a surprising turnabout for AOL. After all, AOL has taken a pretty closed approach to its instant messaging network.

TiVo to expand program recording to cellphone — SAN JOSE, Calif. — TiVo subscribers will soon be able to program television recordings straight from cellphones using the Verizon Wireless network. — An agreement with Verizon Wireless, announced Tuesday, expands on TiVo's strategy to bring …
michael parekh on IT, TiVoBlog, Zatz Not Funny, Thomas Hawk's Digital …, The Pondering Primate and PVRblog

Who controls how you use your Internet access? Vonage Canada challenges Shaw "VoIP tax" — Internet phone service company Vonage Canada warns that cable and phone companies could restrict "network neutrality" by limiting Canadians' freedom of choice on the Internet; requests CRTC investigate "anti-competitive" action by Shaw

EXCLUSIVE - oh my stars! — Ok folks, we've been learning more and more about the Google Base / wallet reputation system. Last week it was a rumor from Dirson with no screen shots/backup. Yesterday we found the link that talks about "See my seller ratings".

Bruce Sterling on the Internet of Things (ETech 2006) — The evening keynote (last night) was by Bruce Sterling on the Internet of Things. This was one of those talks that is impossible to blog. Even a word-for-word transcript wouldn't do it justice because Bruce's delivery is as much a part of the content as what he says.

Search: And the winner is... [ French version - Version française ] — Google and Yahoo - a tie! — Yes, that's the result of the evaluation I carried out in December 2005 with my students in Aix, some aspects of which I have already revealed on this blog (see [fr] 1, 2, 3, 4, 5).

Unhappy Upgrades — Software Users Seek Help — 'Downgrading' Their PCs — When Yahoo Inc. released an upgrade to its free MusicMatch jukebox software, Kyle Keeton didn't think twice about installing it on his home computer. "I try all the new programs I can," said the 47 year-old restaurant manager.
Datamation IT News Blog

New website allows users to trade CDs — A new CD-trading website, launching Tuesday, could be the first of a new wave of sites that give consumers a way to legitimately get nearly free music. — The site,, carries no inventory; it's more like eBay than used CD sites such as