Top Items:

Apple Reportedly Buying Flash Memory Company Anobit For $400 Million - $500 Million — Apple is reportedly going to use part of its enormous pile of cash to buy an Israeli fabless semiconductor company that specializes in flash storage solutions. Calcalist reports - in Hebrew …
VentureBeat, The Tech Trade, Tech Trader Daily, BGR, Digital Trends, TechEye, Reuters, Ynetnews, CNET News, Computerworld, Between the Lines Blog, O'Grady's PowerPage, 9to5Mac, Storage Soup, PhoneArena, MacRumors, Softpedia News, VC Cafe,, Peter O'Kelly's Reality Check, SlashGear, iLounge and Electronista, Thanks:srikardhanakoti

Exclusive: Microsoft Replaces Lees as Head of Windows Phone Business — Microsoft is moving the current head of its Windows Phone business, Andy Lees, to a new role, AllThingsD has learned. — Terry Myerson, the corporate VP who has led engineering efforts for the phone unit …
Microsoft, paidContent, Wall Street Journal, Seattle Times, ITProPortal, IntoMobile, Reuters, SlashGear, Techie Buzz, GottaBeMobile, Digiday, Softpedia News, FierceDeveloper, The Verge,, parislemon, WinRumors, Electronista, Silicon Republic, Inquirer, Pulse2, Business Insider, PhoneArena, Bits, BGR, The Seattle Times, VentureBeat and mocoNews
Joe Wilcox / BetaNews:
Did Steve Ballmer just promote or demote Windows Phone chief?
Did Steve Ballmer just promote or demote Windows Phone chief?

Apple Softens Stance to Lure Mobile Ads — Apple Inc. is learning to compromise. — Facing challenges winning over advertisers for its iAd mobile advertising service, Apple is softening its approach to advertisers as it loses ground to Google Inc. in the fast-growing mobile ad market.
Betabeat, Bloomberg, SplatF, CNET News, SlashGear, The Verge, Electronista, FierceDeveloper, The New Persuaders, MacStories, App Advice, AllThingsD, Macgasm, SiliconANGLE and Business Insider
Daniel Eran Dilger / AppleInsider:
IDC offers scathing prediction of certain death for Apple's iAd program

FBI: Carrier IQ files used for “law enforcement purposes” — The spook in your pocket — A recent FOIA request to the Federal Bureau of Investigation for “manuals, documents or other written guidance used to access or analyze data gathered by programs developed or deployed by Carrier IQ” was met with a telling denial.
Washington Post, 9to5Mac, DSLreports, Hardware 2.0 Blog, Computerworld, WebProNews, Android and Me, xda-developers, The Register, Softpedia News, The Firewall, Gizmodo, SlashGear, Daring Fireball, Android Phone Fans, Pulse2, Boing Boing, Know Your Cell, VentureBeat, Business Insider, Electronista and Gawker

Exclusive Interview: Carrier IQ Gets Transparent About Its Mobile Monitoring — It's been a tumultuous few weeks for Carrier IQ, the mobile analytics outfit at the center of a continuing privacy brouhaha over what its diagnostic software does and does not do.
CNET News, Mashable!, Macworld, Electronista and Engadget
Brad McCarty / The Next Web:
The FBI is using Carrier IQ data in investigations? Not so fast...
The FBI is using Carrier IQ data in investigations? Not so fast...

Windows Phone SMS attack discovered, reboots device and disables messaging hub — Microsoft's range of Windows Phone devices suffer from a denial-of-service attack that allows attackers to disable the messaging functionality on a device. — The flaw works simply by sending an SMS to a Windows Phone user.
TechCrunch, InfoWorld, PC World, Hardware 2.0 Blog, TechSpot,, Pocket-lint, PhoneArena, The Verge, CNET News, IntoMobile, SoMobile, Electronista, Windows Phone, Silicon Republic and 9to5Mac, Thanks:tomwarren

Wikipedia Mulls Total Blackout to Oppose SOPA — Later this week, the Senate's House Judiciary Committee will vote on the “Stop Online Piracy Act” (SOPA). — Supporters of the bill say it's needed to safeguard the interests of rightsholders who claim their businesses are threatened by online piracy.
Hacks and Thoughts, Macworld, WebProNews, Softpedia News, Gawker, Mike Linksvayer, VentureBeat, @dannysullivan, Hillicon Valley, Techdirt and @eff, more at Mediagazer »
Mike Masnick / Techdirt:
Lamar Smith Proposes New Version Of SOPA, With Just A Few Changes
Lamar Smith Proposes New Version Of SOPA, With Just A Few Changes
Electronic Frontier Foundation,, Hillicon Valley, Threat Level, CNET News and TechCrunch

iTunes Music and Movies Debut in 16 Latin American Countries, Brazil Gets iTunes Match — Following closely after a previously-rumored launch date of December 8th, Apple has now turned on new iTunes Store music and movie content in 16 Latin American countries.
MacStories, Apple, paidContent, Engadget, 9to5Mac, App Advice, AppleInsider, and Softpedia News
Eric Slivka / MacRumors:
Apple Releases iTunes 10.5.2 with iTunes Match and Audio Distortion Fixes
Apple Releases iTunes 10.5.2 with iTunes Match and Audio Distortion Fixes
The Verge, PC World, iPhone in Canada Blog, 9to5Mac, iPhone, SlashGear, Redmond Pie and BGR

How Many Downloads Does an App Need to Reach The Top of The Free Charts on iOS? — It's a question we often get from developers: how many downloads does it take to make it to the top? — App tracking company Distimo has revealed data for top apps on a country-by-country basis for the biggest markets.
Distimo and Web 2.0 Asia Blog

Study: Tablet Buyers Use Wi-Fi, Not Cellular Data — Tablet owners overwhelming prefer Wi-Fi-only devices over those with cellular connections, according to a new study by Connected Intelligence, a service from market research firm The NPD Group. — Slate users are relying more and more on Wi-Fi for a number of reasons.
Connected Intelligence, PhoneArena, Electronista and MacRumors

Bottlenose Is a Web-Based Twitter Client for Power Users — It was nine months ago that Twitter told outside developers they should stop building new Twitter clients. Since then Twitter bought and integrated power-user client TweetDeck, and tried to make all of its own clients simpler and more new-user-friendly.
VentureBeat, Mashable!,, Nova Spivack, SiliconANGLE and ReadWriteWeb

Amazon's Jungle Logic — Camden, Me. — I FIRST heard of Amazon's new “promotion” from my bookseller daughter, Emily, in an e-mail with the subject line “Can You Hear Me Screaming in Brooklyn?” According to a link Emily supplied, Amazon was encouraging customers to go into brick …

WordPress 3.3 Released To The Masses; Includes iPad Optimization, Tumblr Importer And More — After 14 million downloads of WordPress 3.2, WordPress 3.3 is being released to the wild today. Codenamed “Sonny” in honor of the jazz saxophonist Sonny Stitt, WordPress 3.3 is available for download …
WordPress News, VatorNews, Black Web 2.0 and VentureBeat

Rara Sells Streaming Music to Everyone Who Hasn't Heard of Streaming Music — You get your legal music on the Web from services like Apple, Amazon, Google, Spotify and Pandora. Also, perhaps, from services like Rhapsody, MOG and Rdio, etc. — Yet here comes one more, via
Tech Europe, The Register, PC Magazine, Inquirer, Telegraph, mocoNews, Reuters, Ubergizmo and Pocket-lint

Google Wallet stores too much unencrypted data in a rooted device—report — ViaForensics gives a report card of sorts to Google Wallet, noting that it securely stores passwords but doesn't encrypt other data that could be used in a social engineering attack.
ReadWriteWeb, viaForensics, American Banker, SlashGear,, Softpedia News, PhoneArena, The Verge, Silicon Republic and Android Phone Fans

Kevin v the world: reformed pirate sues tech giants for millions — Asher Moses — The Sydney entrepreneur who created Kazaa is a shareholder and chairman of a US company that is suing the biggest names on the internet, including Google and Amazon, for patent infringement in a case …
The Register and Silicon Republic

Adults Now Spend More Time With Mobile Devices Than With Print Media — Adults are spending more time with their mobile devices than they're spending with print media, according to a report released Monday by eMarketer. — According to the New York-based market research firm …
Betabeat, MediaPost, eMarketer, WebProNews, Marketing Land, paidContent, IntoMobile, Silicon Republic, Peter O'Kelly's Reality Check, BizReport and Digits

Facebook Doesn't Need to ‘Like’ Wall Street — Mark Zuckerberg should unfriend Wall Street. — Facebook's founder has come a long way from his Harvard University dorm room, where the idea of a social-networking site first took shape. As The Wall Street Journal reported recently …
Deal Journal and memeburn

Modern Warfare 3 Passes $1 Billion in Sales in 16 Days — Modern Warfare 3, the first-person shooter video game, passed $1 billion in sales in just 16 days, according to Activision Blizzard, the game's distributor. Modern Warfare 2, an earlier installment of the game, took 60 days to reach the same milestone.
Media Decoder, Pulse2, and Softpedia News

Gowalla Went For $3M In Facebook Shares, And Many Investors Were Cool With That — What the headline says, basically, according to two sources. That and multiple sources are telling me that a majority of Gowalla investors were cool with the deal being entirely in Facebook shares …
Business Insider

Nokia: Youths are fed up with iPhone, baffled by Android — EXCLUSIVE: We offer something different — Nokia?has claimed that the youth of today are fed up with the iPhone?and baffled by Android. — In an exclusive interview with Pocket-lint, Niels Munksgaard, director of Portfolio …
TechCrunch, PhoneArena, SoMobile and

Pay-to-Pitch Comes Creeping Back: How Much Is Too Much? — Entrepreneurs and other startup economy workers have started complaining about rising fees of events around town—the sheer abundance of tech events in New York has us habituated to all-star panels and pizza for $0 to $5.

Apple adds ability to delete individual Photo Stream pics in iOS 5.1 beta 2 — Apple on Monday provided developers with a second beta of iOS 5.1, with the latest update granting the ability to delete individual photos synced to the iCloud Photo Stream feature.
Gizmodo, The Verge, FierceDeveloper, Pulse2, MacRumors, GottaBeMobile, Softpedia News, MacDailyNews and O'Grady's PowerPage

A Closer Look At Apple's Role In The E-book ‘Conspiracy’ — In the mushrooming controversy over e-books, it's easy to understand the publishers' motives. But what about Apple? (NSDQ: AAPL) Did the company want to raise book prices in order to protect its iPad and blunt the rise of Amazon?