Top Items:
Wall Street Journal:
Can Bloggers Make Money? — Blogs have a lot of buzz, but there's still considerable debate about whether that can translate into profits. — While many blogs remain little more than amateur diaries, several bloggers have tried to parlay their online ramblings into branded businesses.
Erick Schonfeld / B2Day:
Scoop: Google Enterprise Mashups to Suck in Data From Cognos, Oracle, and — You don't tend to hear much about Google Enterprise, which consists mostly of Google's search appliance that companies can install in their own data centers and use to index their corporate data.
Jenn Shreve / Wired News:
MySpace Faces a Perp Problem — According to his MySpace page, the 41-year-old San Bruno, California, resident is single, a Sagittarius, a nonsmoker and nondrinker, and counts an online stripper among his six friends. But California's online database of registered sex offenders offers …
Alison Maitland / Financial Times:
Skype says texts are censored by China — Skype, the fast-growing internet communications company that belongs to Ebay, has admitted that its partner in China has filtered text messages, defending this compliance with censorship laws as the only way to do business in the country.
Bobbie Johnson / Guardian:
Ignore bloggers at your peril, say researchers — Bloggers and internet pundits are exerting a "disproportionately large influence" on society, according to a report by a technology research company. Its study suggests that although "active" web users make up only a small proportion …
Stefanie Olsen / CNET
Kids outsmart Web filters — Last November, Ryan, a high-school sophomore, figured out a way to outsmart the Web filters on a school PC in order to visit the off-limits while doing "homework" in the computer lab. — A teacher eventually spotted the social network on the screen in front of …
David Kirkpatrick / CNN:
Microsoft's new brain — Brutal competition. A stock going nowhere. Microsoft is in crisis, so Bill Gates has unleashed his new hire, software genius Ray Ozzie, to remake the company - and conquer the Web. — (FORTUNE Magazine) - Last June, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer summoned …
Igear / iPod Gear:
Counterfeit Apple iPod Nanos and Shuffles — Apple's iPod has become so popular that counterfeiters are making their own versions and passing them off as authentic. At first glance, the fake iPods appear very real. Apple is warning its resellers of the existence of these fake iPods and how to identify them.
Elinor Mills / CNET
Mashups for fun—and profit? — Mashup Web sites, from celebrity stalking sites to an online pedometer for running enthusiasts, are certainly all the rage. Now comes the hard part: making money off these things. — Though a handful of mashups have received venture capital backing …
Elinor Mills / CNET
Click fraud rate lower than expected, says report — The rate of click fraud—fraudulent clicks on pay-per-click-based online ads—is less than 14 percent rather than 20 to 30 percent or higher, as some companies have said, according to a new report from a service that monitors click fraud for advertisers.
Peter Pollack / Ars Technica:
Philips files for patent to force ad viewing — Philips Electronics has done it again. Flush with heady optimism after successful products such as the digital compact cassette (DCC) and the super audio CD (SACD), the redoubtable European giant has developed a way to keep television free …
ShoeMoney / Skills to pay the bills:
Matt Cutts Confirms Media Bot Crawling For Big Daddy — At the Lunch sponsored by Google today Matt Cutts confirmed the recent rumors about media bot results getting into Big Daddy. Matt said it is a bandwidth saving feature to have GoogleBot and MediaBot both contributing to big daddy.
Rick / Burning Questions:
Expanding Universe: Podcasting Market Update — Podcasting - fad or changing media landscape? (Disclaimer: the Web 2.0 police require the use of "changing media landscape" and/or "mash-up" in all communications). As discussion about the growth of podcasting percolates in the industry …
Discussion:, Somewhat Frank, The Social Software Weblog, Random Culture and
Jay Small / Small Initiatives:
Registration evolution at Scripps sites — The following item, regarding user registration at sites I work with in my "day job," was also posted to two newspaper industry e-mail lists. My apologies if you've already seen it as a member of either list. — At 13 of E.W. Scripps' daily …
Matt Cutts / Gadgets, Google, and SEO:
Boston Pubcon 2006, Day 1 — Stream of unconsciousness: — I'm on a bus (technically, the "Silver Line") heading into Boston. Now is when that EVDO 3G wireless would be handy, but the hotel evidently has Wi-Fi. I'm happy to say that the United flight was smooth, and I got a few hours of sleep.
John Battelle / John Battelle's Searchblog:
A FRANK INTERVIEW WITH JIM LANZONE — You may recall my interview with Gary Flake, which ran earlier this month. I titled that "A Frank Interview With..." and mentioned that it would be one of a series, and just to show I'm not slacking off, here's the second edition.