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Jfurrier /
Forrester Report on Podcasting - Wrong Big Time — I don't know what planet Charlene is on these days but her report on podcast adoption is way off base. I don't know why she would come out with these low numbers. My only guess is that it's typical old school research method …
Don Dodge / Don Dodge on The Next Big Thing:
The problem with podcasts and web video — Forrester reported that only 1% of on-line households in the USA use podcasts. disagrees...of course. Mathew Ingram says the podcast numbers are no surprise now, but 18 months from now podcasts could shake things up.
Investor Relations Blog, ben barren, InterMedia, Digital Inspiration and Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim
John Paczkowski / Good Morning Silicon Valley:
Podcasts are huge; it's just the audience that's tiny
Podcasts are huge; it's just the audience that's tiny
Pete Mortensen / Wired News:
Windows on Mac, Simultaneously — Apple Computer's surprise software release allowing the company's newest Intel-based Macs to run Windows has put "virtualization" — an alternative, and arguably superior, method of achieving the same result — in the spotlight.
John Gruber / Daring Fireball:
Windows: The New Classic — "Holy s**t!" seemed to be the …
Windows: The New Classic — "Holy s**t!" seemed to be the …
The Apple Blog, The Unofficial Apple Weblog, Guardian Unlimited, The Tao of Mac, Engadget, Backup Brain and Rough Type
Rob Fahey /
Fornay's comments are not an indication of PS3 pricing - Sony — Statements made on French radio have been "mistranslated or misunderstood" — Comments made by Sony Computer Entertainment France boss Georges Fornay which appeared to indicate the price point for PlayStation 3 …
Charlene Li / Charlene Li's Blog:
Kudos to Chevy Tahoe: It takes guts to brand with social computing — I've got to applaud Chevy Tahoe's recent foray into social computing with . On the site, users can create their own customized video commercial, complete with text and background music.
Between the Lines
Christopher Grant / Joystiq:
Pac-Man, Gundam, and more at Xbox 360 press conference — In addition to the news that anime is on the XBLM, there is plenty more from last night's Japanese press event. You can read the horrible machine translation of Famitsu's coverage here, or read on for the big
Stuart Elliott / New York Times:
Going Unconventional to Market Movies — A MOVIE opening tomorrow, "Take the Lead," has an appropriate title, and not just because it is about dancing. — The studio releasing the film, New Line Cinema, wants to take the lead in finding alternative ways to market movies beyond traditional methods …
Marc Canter / Marc's Voice:
Business as usual - on the conference front — OK - I'm officially complaining now. The speaker's list for Supernova has been officially sent out and guess what? Its all the same people - AGAIN? — I mean how many times do we need to hear from Dave Sifry, Mary Hodder, Joi Ito …
Far Cry Instincts Predator: Map Making Madness Contest — Map maker, map maker, make us a map. Yes, it's that easy to have a chance at winning some super-snazzy gaming gear, including a home theater system, a free year of Xbox Live Gold service and much more! — The easy part?
Kcamp-Voip / Realtime-VoIP:
VoIP and Crypto — Bruce Schneier has an article in Wired magazine entitled Why VoIP Needs Crypto. Bruce is a well know cryptographer who's written some definitive work on cryptographic issues. His Crypto-Gram Newsletter is widely read. People who work around security solutions …
jkOnTheRun Audio Edition #14- TabletKiosk eo UMPC video review — Watch jkOnTheRun Audio Edition #14 here (WMV format, 320x240, 80.2 MB, 32 minutes) — I can't remember the last time a genre of mobile device created quite the buzz that the Origami/ UMPC has generated.
Kevin Poulsen / Wired News:
Bill Would Clean Up Caller ID — You can count congressional lawmakers among those who want caller ID to mean something again. — Bipartisan legislation introduced Wednesday in the House of Representatives seeks to outlaw the use of caller ID spoofing techniques "with the intent to deceive the person to whom the call is made."
Editor's Letter — Are you taking advantage of the 'social media'? Or are you a complete idiot? — There's this guy named Allan Jenkins. Chances are, you've never heard of him. — Well, he's a communication consultant with a blog. (Which is like saying he's a dog with a tail.)
Joe Wilcox / Microsoft Monitor:
Opening Port 25 — This morning, Microsoft opened up Port 25—and not the one normally associated with communications, although communication is the point. Port 25 is a new Microsoft Website aimed at creating community for businesses and developers working with mixed platforms, mainly Unix and Windows, and also Linux.
Kelli Kennedy / Associated Press:
Cell Phone Warns About Sexual Predators — ORLANDO, Fla. - When 11-year-old Jessica Lunsford was kidnapped and murdered last year, Joe Dawson immediately began gathering signatures to enact stricter penalties for registered sex offenders. Now, Dawson is teaming up with a California-based technology firm …
Steve Rubel / Micro Persuasion:
Social Media Spending to Hit $757M in 2010 — The total marketing spend on social media is forecast to grow at a compound annual rate of 106.1% from 2005 to 2010, reaching $757.0 million in 2010, according to a research report that will be available on April 11 from PQ Media.
David Goetzl / MediaPost Publications:
New Data Reveals Virtually No Viewers For Time-Shifted Spots — ADVERTISERS DETERMINED TO RESIST PAYING for ads skipped with DVRs can find new ammunition in Nielsen's new minute-by-minute ratings. An analysis of the so-called "commercial ratings" obtained by MediaDailyNews reveals …