Top Items:
Richard Siklos / New York Times:
Death by Smiley Face: When Rivals Disdain Profit — THE tectonic changes facing media companies are by now the topic of an often-recited sermon. Put briefly, digital technology is placing control over much information squarely in the hands of consumers and creating all kinds of opportunities …
O'Reilly Radar, Syndicator Blog, Paul Kedrosky's …, A VC,, ben barren and BuzzMachine
Werner Vogels / All Things Distributed:
AMAZON GETS IM — In order to get closer to their customers, humanize Amazon, increase sales, and stay modern, has decided to make all Instant Messenger (IM) handles of its employees public. This way customers will get unprecedented access to the talented engineers …
Dan Farber / Between the Lines:
No Vista, but Vista Capable stickers coming soon — No fooling, Microsoft is prepping new Windows Vista Capable stickers for PCs, in anticipation of the release of the 50 million lines of Vista code to business users (end of 2006) and consumers (beginning of 2007 if all goes well).
RSS: I'd Rather Switch Than Fight — Jason Young posed a question on Workbench recently: … As we work through the long-unresolved issues in Really Simple Syndication and spark up long-smoldering flamewars, people keep asking me why I don't just switch to Atom.
Smalltalk Tidbits …
Kathy Sierra / Creating Passionate Users:
Announcing The Emo Programmer book — I'm pleased to announce the release of my latest book, The Emo Programmer. Most of you all know my co-author David Heinemeier Hansson (aka David HH) as the guy who created Rails to build 37signals loveable Basecamp application.
greg hughes
Matt Cutts / Gadgets, Google, and SEO:
Time for a change of scenery: I'm joining Yahoo! — By now, you've probably seen Jeremy Zawodny's post: he's joining Google, and I'm leaving Google for a new job at Yahoo! This is part of Yahoo!'s acquisition of all Web 2.0 companies (I did a panel at the Web 2.0 conference …
MakeYouGoHmm, Scobleizer, A Zulu In Silicon Valley, Guardian Unlimited and Jeremy Zawodny's blog
Jason Calacanis / The Jason Calacanis Weblog:
Thanks everyone, it's been great—looking forward to a new adventure at Google!
Thanks everyone, it's been great—looking forward to a new adventure at Google!
The Blogging Journalist
Bloggers Blog:
Blogging April Fools — Here are a few of the many April Fools related entries and spoofs occuring today. — Google's New Ad Sizes — MSN Search Spoof (via InfoWorld) — Google Rooms — Google launches a new service called Google Romance — The Top 100 April Fool's Jokes of All Time.
Matt Cutts / Gadgets, Google, and SEO:
April Fools Watch — Adotas mentions new AdSense unit sizes of 1×1 pixel and 2560×1920 pixels. What about people with bigger screens than that though? — How the heck did the Sydney Morning Herald find out about Google's quantum-based spam filtering? — Philipp notices Google's new room search prototype.
Ionut Alex. Chitu / Google Operating System:
Yahoo Buys Web 2.0 — Yahoo is tired of buying Web 2.0 companies one at a time. They just want tje whole package. — "We're in the midst of buying Dogg (a Web 2.0 cross between Digg and Dogster "Where Every Dog Has A Webpage"), and you know what? It's a lot of work.
The Head Lemur / raving lunacy:
The Head Lemur joins Microsoft! — DATELINE Phoenix. Arizona — Following the surprise move of Robert Scoble to Google, it was announced this morning that Alan Herrell, aka the head lemur will replace Scoble as the primary Evangelist for Microsoft. — Sources close to Management …
michael parekh on IT
David Parmet / Marketing Begins At Home:
You got Pepper in my Rubel — I've known both Jeremy Pepper and Steve Rubel for over a year now and like many of you, I've found their feud amusing, and at times frustrating. Frustrating because they are two of the best, smartest, cleverest PR people I know and having them at odds with each other serves no one.
Phil's Blogservations
Jennifer A. Kingson / New York Times:
The Convenience of an A.T.M., but So Much More — Would you like some financial services with that coffee? — Convenience stores, best known to weary motorists as sources for drinks and snack chips, are starting to gain a reputation as good places to pay bills, cash checks, send money and buy cellphone minutes.
The Truth About This Blog (or why is Scott Karp always mentioned on this site) — Now I've said from the beginning that this website was an experiment. — There were much bigger plans going on behind the scenes and today I can finally talk about it. — After an extensive campaign …
Jason Calacanis / The Jason Calacanis Weblog:
Squidoo joins Newsvine in the MLM social news model... Got the note below from Squidoo today. I hate this MLM (multi-level marketing)/referrer program stuff. I know it works, but it feels icky to me. We thought about all these models when we started WIN and found that you're better off finding …
Mark Evans:
Deep Thoughts About the Web — I've been online since 1995 (pre-Netscape) and consider myself a creature of the Web (obsession to e-mail, willingness to try just about any Web 2.0 application/service, blog-oholic, etc.) but I was blown away impressed earlier today by a presentation given by Jeff Cole …
Kevin / Kevin.Jarnot.Com:
They Come in Peace...and for the BBQ — Just found an April Fools joke on Google Earth. Area 51 has some visitors: — Amusements | Perm Link — Trackback Pings — Listed below are links to weblogs that reference They Come in Peace...and for the BBQ: