Top Items:
Steve Rosenbush / Business Week:
Facebook's on the Block — The owners of the privately held social-networking site hope to fetch as much as $2 billion. And media giants like Viacom may make a good match — Facebook, the Web site where students around the world socialize and swap information, has put itself on the block, BusinessWeek Online has learned.
Michael Arrington / TechCrunch:
Facebook is doing the Skype dance — Business Week is reporting that Facebook has turned down a $750 million acquisition offer and is looking for $2 billion. The blogosphere is buzzing about the news. — The source of the information is an executive(s) at Facebook …
Om Malik / GigaOM:
Facebook: Too Late For $750 Million? — Facebook, the college social networking site, and a phenom I wrote about for Business 2.0 is apparently on the block. Business Week reports that the company is looking to get close to $2 billion, and had passed on a $750 million offer.
Exploits Circulating for Internet Explorer Unpatched Vulnerability — Internet Explorer SP2 (On Windows XP SP2) — Overview: — eEye Digital Security is advising customers to the existence of exploit code that targets a critical security vulnerability in Microsoft Internet Explorer.
Stepto / the Microsoft Security Response Center Blog:
Third party solutions to the Internet Explorer CreateTextRange vulnerability — Hi everyone, Mike Reavey here. I wanted to make everyone aware of some recent developments regarding the "Create TextRange" IE vulnerability. First off we're still not seeing increased spread of attacks …
Overview & Instructions On Downloading The Free Determina Shield For CVE-2006-1359 — Based on the same technology used in the VPS LiveShield product, Determina has engineered a standalone fix that provides free and immediate protection to users worldwide that need to protect systems …
Telis Demos / CNN:
The sleeping giant goes on the offensive — Steve Ballmer, CEO of Microsoft is ready to take the offensive. — (FORTUNE Magazine) - When Microsoft (Research) went public in 1986, there was no 3-D videogaming, no enterprise software, and no Google (Research).
Search Engine Journal, Paul Kedrosky's …, Alec Saunders .LOG and Search Engine Watch Blog
Randfish / SEOmoz | Daily SEO Blog:
SEOmoz's Web 2.0 Awards — I ask those of you for whom the phrase "Web 2.0" is an anethma to refrain from judgement while you read this post and browse the site we've created. Afterwards, when you've had time to process it, I invite you to comment with as much passion (for or against) as you like.
John Cook's Venture Blog, The Technology Chronicles, Blogspotting, J.D. Amer and InterMedia
Rick Aristotle Munarriz / Motley Fool:
Follow the Money, Honey — If you want to make lots of money in Internet stocks, the trick is pretty easy to master. First, you need to find a growing niche. Don't rack your brain over that. I'll nudge you in the right direction by pointing out a few, like online advertising, blogging, social networking, and video streaming.
Robert / infOpinions?:
The Worst of PR and WOM - All In One Post — T he worst aspects of PR and Word-of-mouth (WOM) were laid bare in one pitiful post this weekend. Filled with stereotypes and void of character (while masquerading as one), Strumpette busts on the scene and is quickly exposed by - a student.
Discussion:, PR Opinions, Bloggers Blog, Silicon Valley Watcher, AdPulp, The Blogging Journalist and Naked Conversations
Nancy Gohring / InfoWorld:
Sue Google, not us, Torrentspy tells Hollywood — Torrentspy argues it can't be held liable for actions of visitors once they leave its Web site — The Motion (Overview, Articles, Company) Picture Association of America (MPAA) might just as well have sued Google (Profile, Products …
Good Morning Silicon Valley
Loren Baker / Search Engine Journal:
Verizon Selling Google AdWords - Ma Bell & Local Search — Verizon Selling Google AdWords - Ma Bell & Local Search — Verizon SuperPages will begin taking full advantage of their reach to thousands upon thousands of small businesses under a recent agreement with Google where Verizon has become a Google AdWords reseller.
CastleCops and Sunbelt Software Announce Anti-Phishing Task Force; Companies Join Forces to Give the Public a Resource to Report and Stop Phishing Scams — CLEARWATER, Fla. —(Business Wire)— March 27, 2006 — CastleCops, a globally oriented security and privacy site, and Sunbelt Software …
Herschell Taghap / Infinite Loop:
Apple's 30'' Cinema Display gets quiet upgrade — Apple's 30'' LCD is a beautiful thing. The screen's minimalistic design and sleek lines could only be worthy of being designed in Cupertino, California. But, as we have learned in the company's history, and especially these past couple years …
Daily Wireless:
Net Neutrality Going Down? — In a blow to proponents of "Net Neutrality", Rep. Joe Barton, the Texas Republican who heads the House Energy and Commerce Committee, released new text on the proposed bill today. — Phone companies and cable TV operators alike could seek permission to launch video …
EU cracks down on mobile charges — Mobile phone users could pay less for making calls from abroad to their country of origin, under proposals put forward by the European Commission. — The Commission said it would draft a law to crack down on "unjustified" high charges for using mobile phones abroad.
Major Nelson / Xbox Live's Major Nelson:
Manage your Xbox Live friends list from the web — Just in time for the Xbox free live weekend, the 'My Xbox' section of Xbox .com has been upgraded. You can now send, receive, or decline a friends request...or remove a friend from your friends lists directly from
Cisco Cheng / Gearlog:
Toshiba's First Gaming Laptop: The Satellite P105-S921 — It's official folks; Toshiba is set to launch its first gaming laptop along with several other new Satellites. Why is it a big deal? Well, the Satellite P105-S921 is launching with Nvidia Corporation, for the first time, unveiling the new GeForce Go 7900 GS.