Top Items:
Steve Rosenbush / Business Week:
Facebook's on the Block — The owners of the privately held social-networking site hope to fetch as much as $2 billion. And media giants like Viacom may make a good match — Facebook, the Web site where students around the world socialize and swap information, has put itself on the block, BusinessWeek Online has learned.
Elinor Mills / CNET
Verizon joins Google AdWords — SAN JOSE, Calif.—Google and Verizon have signed a deal under which the classified ad provider will help its tens of thousands of marketers get ads onto Google search result pages, the companies said Monday.
Major Nelson / Xbox Live's Major Nelson:
Manage your Xbox Live friends list from the web — Just in time for the Xbox free live weekend, the 'My Xbox' section of Xbox .com has been upgraded. You can now send, receive, or decline a friends request...or remove a friend from your friends lists directly from
Nancy Gohring / InfoWorld:
Sue Google, not us, Torrentspy tells Hollywood — Torrentspy argues it can't be held liable for actions of visitors once they leave its Web site — The Motion (Overview, Articles, Company) Picture Association of America (MPAA) might just as well have sued Google (Profile, Products …
Good Morning Silicon Valley
Jennifer Slegg / Search Engine Watch Blog:
Official Google Blog Deleted, Blogger Registers — Back in April 2004, Google launched their blog at But somehow, in the past few hours, that blog has been completely deleted from the Blogger servers, and users are instead seeing a "Not Found.
Robert / infOpinions?:
The Worst of PR and WOM - All In One Post — T he worst aspects of PR and Word-of-mouth (WOM) were laid bare in one pitiful post this weekend. Filled with stereotypes and void of character (while masquerading as one), Strumpette busts on the scene and is quickly exposed by - a student.
The Doc Searls Weblog, PR Opinions, Silicon Valley Watcher, Bloggers Blog, PR Squared, Naked Conversations and Strumpette
The Future of Credit Cards - Earning virtual currency for spending in the real world & other world bridging — Very soon, credit card companies and game makers will reward their customers who spend money in the real world using private label "rewards" credit cards.
Erick Schonfeld / B2Day:
Rumor of the Week: iPhone Pics! — Okay, it's not even April Fool's yet and things are getting out of hand. Mac OS Rumors is passing off the image at right as: … Well, we here at Business 2.0 can only hope that the real iPhone ends up looking like this mockup, since we commissioned the image for our April, 2005 cover!
John Battelle / John Battelle's Searchblog:
SEARCH SHARE — From a Bear Stearns report on comScore data, Google continues to gain ground in search share in the US. Given all that's going on in search and related media, that's impressive. From the report, which was emailed to me:
Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim
Om Malik / GigaOM:
5 Years For Nation Wide WiFi — In five years, most major metros and suburbs will have ubiquitous Wi-Fi based broadband coverage says Chuck Haas, the co-founder and chief executive officer of MetroFi, a Mountain View, Calif.,-based start-up that is rolling out metro wireless networks.
Chris Suellentrop / Wired News:
Global Gaming Crackdown — Last fall, a group of World of Warcraft players in China committed mass suicide. They wanted to draw attention to the latest restriction on their liberty: The same government agency that censors newspapers and bans books had just mandated a system of disincentives …
Stephen Bryant / Online Journalism Review:
Syndicate this! Linking old media to new — A new service called BlogBurst aims to get newspapers republishing syndicated blog content. Will it work? Who will benefit? — Blogs and newspapers have been getting cozy of late. The successful journaling experiments at dailies …
Randfish / SEOmoz | Daily SEO Blog:
SEOmoz's Web 2.0 Awards — I ask those of you for whom the phrase "Web 2.0" is an anethma to refrain from judgement while you read this post and browse the site we've created. Afterwards, when you've had time to process it, I invite you to comment with as much passion (for or against) as you like.
EU cracks down on mobile charges — Mobile phone users could pay less for making calls from abroad to their country of origin, under proposals put forward by the European Commission. — The Commission said it would draft a law to crack down on "unjustified" high charges for using mobile phones abroad.
Rob Bushway /
Being honest about Tablet PCs — I've noticed a growing trend in forum and blog posts since the UMPC / Origami was announced - the number of people who have said: I'd get one because I just don't take my Tablet PC with me to the places I really need it - which really means " …
Worst WiFi Hotels 2006 — A HotelChatter Exclusive — While these days most hotels are implementing a wireless connection in their properties, you are still not guaranteed a free connection, a good signal, nor a consistent WiFi solution across all hotels in a particular brand family.