Top Items:
Michael Arrington / TechCrunch:
Fox Announces Acquistion; Exclusive Video — During an interview that I conducted at the Under the Radar event this afternoon, Ross Levinsohn, president of Fox Interactive, announced that they had acquired one of the 32 companies that presented at the event. He would not, however, say which company it was.
Nik Cubrilovic, SiliconBeat, Message, The Blog Herald, Good Morning Silicon Valley and Valleywag
Steve Lohr / New York Times:
Push to create OpenDocument standards — With government records, reports and documents increasingly being created and stored in digital form, there is a software threat to electronic access to government information and archives. — The problem is that public information can be locked …
Douglass C. Perry / IGN:
And Now for Something a Little Different — Forget Grand Theft Auto for a moment. Rockstar Games aims to innovate in a different way, in a different genre, without a single gun. — March 3, 2006 - Earlier this week I spoke with Rockstar's COO Terry Donovan about Rockstar Games' newest endeavor.
Neo /
Apple files new patent for wide touchpad for notebooks — On March 2, the US Patent & Trademark Office revealed an Apple patent concerning a wide touchpad, originally filed on Aug. 25, 2004. — Apple's abstract — In one exemplary embodiment, a portable computer having a display assembly coupled …
Steven Levingston / Washington Post:
Blog Buzz Helps Companies Catch Trends in the Making — ConAgra Foods Inc. got an early warning from chatter on the Internet that the low-carb craze was fading. The huge food company seized the chance to promote an alternative menu, its Healthy Choice soups, entrees and lunch meats.
Marketing Roadmaps
Steve Lohr / New York Times:
Next Version of Tablet PC's Said to Be Lighter and Smaller — Microsoft and Intel plan to announce next week that several industry partners will make small, light versions of a tablet personal computer, people close to the two companies said yesterday. — The machines, which have been the subject …
Russell Shaw / IP Telephony, VoIP, Broadband:
Senator Wyden describes his 'net neutrality' bill- and we have the bill here — Just got off a conference call with U.S. Senator Ron Wyden (D-Oregon). — Earlier today, Senator Wyden introduced the Internet Non-Discrimination Act of 2006 - popularly called the Net Neutrality Act.
Ted's Take:
Deja Vu All Over Again — An article in the New York Times today started me thinking that many of the lessons of Web 2.0 are the same ones we learned during Web 1.0. As before, success is not simply a matter of taking offline models and transplanting them online.
Elinor Mills / CNET
Live: Google faces off with analysts — Google hosted a four-hour meeting Thursday with analysts at its Mountain View, Calif., headquarters. The event, its second annual Analyst Day, was in the spotlight because of comments made by the company's CFO earlier this week that resulted in a sharp decline in Google shares.
The big DRM mistake — Digital Rights Managements hurts paying customers, destroys Fair Use rights, renders customers' investments worthless, and can always be defeated. Why are consumers and publishers being forced to use DRM? — One of my favorite magazines is The New Yorker.
Jeremy Zawodny / Jeremy Zawodny's blog:
The Business 2.0 Next Net 25 Roundtable — Yesterday afternoon, I headed up to San Francisco to attend the Business 2.0 Next Net 25 Roundtable. Billed as an open discussion among new company CEOs from their Next Net 25 list and other interested parties, the event was very well attended.
Peter Rojas / Engadget Mobile:
Motorola ROKR E3 - Exclusive pics! — Asusual, we can't divulge our super-secret source, but earlier this week we scored an exclusive hands-on session with theMotorola ROKR E3 (at least, we think it's called the ROKR E3!). As you've probably noticed, this is the very same mystery phone …
Dionne Searcey / Wall Street Journal:
Consumers Could See New Web Rates: Use More, Pay More — Large phone companies and telecom-equipment makers are developing plans that would blow up the flat-fee structure for high-speed Internet access and instead charge customers different rates based on how much bandwidth, or Internet capacity, they use.
Matt / Signal vs. Noise:
Getting Real book update: new version, sales, feedback, contributors, etc. — News on the Getting Real book: — New version available — First off, there's a new version of the PDF up now. We're following Getting Real principles and adjusting on the fly based on the feedback we receive …
Ryan Katz / Think Secret:
Apple thinks big(ger): video iPod to pack 4-inch display — March 2, 2006 - Apple's forthcoming "true" video iPod will feature a 4-inch display with a quarter-inch border, allowing the device to maintain dimensions typical of previous iPods, further sources have confirmed.
Alexander Grundner /
Build Your Own Windows Vista MCE CableCARD Certified PC — I think I figured out a way to build your own CableCARD Certified Windows Vista MCE PC. It's actually a fairly straightforward concept. The only part of the equation that will take getting used to is accepting the fact that you'll …