Top Items:

Amazon rolling out Netflix-like unlimited video streaming for Prime subscribers? — Rumors of Amazon either purchasing Netflix or launching a competing option have been circling and now one of our readers says he's seeing an unlimited video streaming section to complement the current Amazon VOD options.
Discussion:, @edwardoneill, eHomeUpgrade, Gizmodo and Electronista, Thanks:technogasms

Internet ‘Kill Switch’ Legislation Back in Play — Legislation granting the president internet-killing powers is to be re-introduced soon to a Senate committee, the proposal's chief sponsor told on Friday. — The resurgence of the so-called “kill switch” legislation came the same …
parislemon and Slashdot

Egypt shutdown worst in Internet history: experts — PARIS (AFP) - The scale of Egypt's crackdown on the Internet and mobile phones amid deadly protests against the rule of President Hosni Mubarak is unprecedented in the history of the web, experts said. — US President Barack Obama …
The Huffington Post and @mattcutts

Recent events in Egypt — The current state of affairs in Egypt looks quite bleak for people using Vodafone, Orange, TE Data, and other well-known service providers. It is reported that each of those companies was ordered by the Egyptian government to turn down their internet services.
Scientific American and InformationWeek

OPENMESH Is Seeking Alternatives To Egypt-Style Internet Blackouts
Lifehacker, Ars Technica, L.A. Times Tech Blog,, San Francisco Chronicle, Threat Level, @shervin, SAI, Techland and Technolog

Announcing the winners of the Kinect contest — When the Kinect launched, Adafruit Industries ran a contest for the first person who released open-source code to extract video and depth from the Kinect. Adafruit also ended up donating to the EFF after the contest was over.

90% of Y Combinator Startups Have Already Accepted The $150k Start Fund Offer — Late last night the 43 startups in the most recent Y Combinator class got quite a surprise. Start Fund, a new fund created by DST's Yuri Milner as an individual and SV Angel, offered each of the companies …
@daslee, @tristanwalker and @parislemon

Yuri Milner and Ron Conway aim to disrupt angel investing with latest proposal — Potentially disrupting the established practices in angel investing, investors Yuri Milner (pictured) and Ron Conway have teamed up, offering to make a blanket investment in every new startup from the Y Combinator incubator.
Michael Arrington / TechCrunch:
Start Fund: Yuri Milner, SV Angel Offer EVERY New Y Combinator Startup $150k
Start Fund: Yuri Milner, SV Angel Offer EVERY New Y Combinator Startup $150k
TechCrunch, The CarWoo! Blog, Scobleizer, TechCrunch, parislemon, Learn to Duck, @eghosao, @gideonyu, SAI, @harjeet, Anyblog, @brezina, @cdixon and The Next Web
Dan Kaplan / The Quora Review:
The Problems of Scaling and Scoble at Quora — You knew it was a new era for Quora when Mashable made a list - “9 Ways to Get More Out of Quora.” The writer in question, a public relations blogger named Heather Whaling, informed the Cashmore constituency that Quora offered rich land …
@erickschonfeld, Thanks:dankaplan Security Flaw Accepts Passwords That Are Close, But Not Exact — An security flaw allows some customers to log in with variations of their actual password that are close to, but not exactly, their real password. — The flaw lets Amazon accept as valid some passwords …
Examiner,, The Mac Security Blog, The Huffington Post, Slashdot and @eric_andersen

Now This Is a Content Mill: Narrative Science Raises $6 Million for Human-Free Stories — Demand Media and its peers pay lots of writers small sums in order to generate lots and lots of content, with the help of computers. But you can do it for even less if you eliminate the writers altogether.
Trends in the Living Networks

Google Finds It Hard to Reinvent Philanthropy — JUST before Google first sold its shares to the public in 2004, Larry Page, one of its founders, excited the nonprofit world with a bold commitment to philanthropy. — He vowed to dedicate about 1 percent of Google's profits …
The Official Google Blog
Ashley Parker / New York Times:
Twitter, as a Helpmate, Goes to Capitol Hill — WASHINGTON — Adam Sharp fits in well in the Beltway political scene where he used to work — first in the office of Senator Mary L. Landrieu, and then as the executive producer for digital services at C-Span.