Top Items:

Initial Thoughts on Oracle vs Google Patent Lawsuit — Today Oracle sued Google over Java patents and copyrights that they claim Google's Android OS infringes. The lawsuit claims that Google knowingly infringed on those patents, and that the continued distribution of Google's Android is harming Oracle's Java Business.
FOSS Patents, Computerworld, InformationWeek, Network World, Quoderat, SiliconANGLE, Open Source Blog, GigaOM,, Daring Fireball and

Oracle sues Google over Android and Java — Two Silicon Valley heavyweights are about to reenact the Java wars: this time, in a court room. — Oracle issued a press release late Thursday saying it has filed suit against Google for infringing on copyrights and patents related to Java …
Computerworld, The Register, L.A. Times Tech Blog,, Threat Level, VentureBeat, Mercury News, Wall Street Journal, Telegraph, AndroidGuys, Ars Technica, Irregular Enterprise Blog, OStatic blogs, MarketWatch, Associated Press, Pulse2, Googling Google Blog, Techdirt,, PlagiarismToday, Dana Gardner's …, …, Dow Jones Newswires, Jeremy's Blog, 901am, Lockergnome Blog Network, On a New Road, AppleInsider, Open IT Strategies, Tech Trader Daily, Electronista, Ed Burnette's Dev …,, Search Engine Land, Financial Times, Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim, Service-Oriented …,, Tech Eye,, BoomTown, Softpedia News,, Kotaku, GigaOM, DailyFinance, Android Phone Fans,, BetaNews,, Fone Arena, Reuters,, Fortune, Androinica, Boy Genius Report, The Next Web, Phones Review, and MacRumors

Google Calls Oracle Patent Suit Baseless And An Attack On The Open-Source Java Community — Last night, Oracle filed suit against Google over its Android operating system, alleging that Google was infringing on seven Java patents with Android and its Dalvik virtual machine.
CNET News, Computerworld, Android Phone Fans and Electronista
Darryl K. Taft / eWeek:
Java Creator Gosling: Oracle's Android Lawsuit Is No Surprise — While the Oracle lawsuit against Google over Java may have come as a surprise to some, it was not unexpected by others, including Java creator James Gosling. — In what some characterize as a battle in the making ever since …
Computerworld, broadstuff, Digital Trends and TechSpot

Google Is Having a Pretty Crappy Friday the 13th
p2pnet and Digital Trends, more at Mediagazer »
Mary Jo Foley / ZDNet:
Microsoft could be a winner in Oracle's patent attack over Java
Microsoft could be a winner in Oracle's patent attack over Java
mocoNews, Gizmodo and The Register
Larry Dignan / Between the Lines Blog:
Oracle vs. Google over Java: Android lawsuits may begin to pile up
Oracle vs. Google over Java: Android lawsuits may begin to pile up
Computerworld, Law Blog, Market Wire, GMSV, Mashable! and

Facebook Launching Official Live Streaming Channel: Facebook Live — Today at 3 PM PST (6 EST), Facebook will unveil its new official live video streaming channel, Facebook Live. To kick off the launch, actress America Ferrera will stop by Facebook's headquarters in Palo Alto …
NewTeeVee, Fast Company, Inside Facebook, ArabCrunch English, The Next Web, All Facebook, MarketingVOX, Pulse2 and Voices on All Things Digital

Amateurish Facebook Live will suck up your time
The Huffington Post
Brad McCarty / The Next Web:
Facebook Live: Vokle, Livestream and Facebook respond.

PayPal Talking With Google About Handling Android Payments — EBay Inc.'s PayPal business is in talks to add its payment service to Google Inc.'s Android smartphone software, making it easier for users to pay for applications, three people familiar with the matter said.
Mobile Marketing Watch
Rachel Metz / Associated Press:
PayPal hopes to make micropayments easier online — SAN FRANCISCO — PayPal wants to make it easier to buy low-cost digital goods online, whether it's a single article on a news website or virtual items in a video game. — Scott Thompson, the online payment service's president …
Fast Company, ReadWriteWeb and Pulse2

Axon Logic Hackintosh Tablet May Just Out-iPad The iPad — Back in April we heard word of an affordable hackintosh tablet called the Axon Haptic. We were skeptical, since all we had was an anonymous tip and a render — something any 3D concept artist could have cooked up in an hour or two.

How a 16-yo Kid Made His First Million Dollars Following His Hero, Steve Jobs — His name: Christian Owens. His age: 16. He made his first million dollars in two years, “inspired by Apple's CEO Steve Jobs”. This is how he did it. — The British teen—who lives in Corby, Northamptonshire—got his first computer age seven.
CNET News,, Techmamas, Redmond Pie and The Register, Thanks:gizmodo

How Starbucks Plans to Capitalize on Free Wi-Fi — Starbucks stores nationwide now have free Wi-Fi, but details around the second piece to the coffee retailer's digital strategy — the Starbucks Digital Network — have been slim. Here's how Starbucks plans to cater to digital consumers …

Zynga Hires Former Facebook, MySpace Exec Owen Van Natta — Zynga has hired former Facebook Chief Revenue Officer and MySpace CEO Owen Van Natta as EVP Business, reporting to CEO Mark Pincus. Van Natta was most recently in the news in February, when he stepped down as CEO of MySpace after just less than a year on the job.
Inside Social Games, CNET News, MediaMemo, VentureBeat, paidContent, Silicon Alley Insider, Pulse2, SiliconANGLE and

Google, Just Cut The BS And Give The Gordon Gekko Speech Already — The past few days I've been bookmarking posts about Google, Verizon, and net neutrality to read later. For the past few hours I've been doing that — and I've barely made a dent. It seems that everyone who has ever written …
Techdirt, Future Tense, Open Source Blog, BoomTown, Pulse2, Epicenter, GigaOM and Inquirer
Fred / A VC:
Regulation Strangulation — I've written a bit about net neutrality …
Regulation Strangulation — I've written a bit about net neutrality …
Discussion:, broadstuff and, Thanks:chirag_mehta

The $99 Kindle - Why e-readers will soon cost less than $100. — Late last month, Amazon unveiled a new version of its Kindle e-book reader that, like every new Kindle, is thinner, lighter, and smaller than the previous one. It's also the cheapest Kindle ever—the new Wi-Fi version sells for just $139.
TeleRead, CrunchGear and Kindle Review

Nvidia CEO: We have a CPU strategy — Nvidia's chief executive officer is emphatic that his company has a strategy for building processors beyond its mainstay graphics chips. — During an interview with CNET, Jen-Hsun Huang addressed a longstanding issue with the company's chips that has become …
Bloomberg, TechSpot, TG Daily, The Register, Tech Trader Daily, Inquirer, Softpedia News and Fudzilla
Dean Takahashi / VentureBeat:
Nvdia and Rambus sign patent-license agreement
Nvdia and Rambus sign patent-license agreement
Softpedia News, Tech Eye, Electronista and Tech Trader Daily
David Crawford / Wall Street Journal:
Probe of Bribery at H-P Heats Up — The U.S. Department of Justice has asked Hewlett-Packard Co. to provide a trove of internal records as part of an international investigation into allegations that H-P executives paid bribes in Russia, according to people familiar with the investigations.
ZDNet, Hillicon Valley, Law Blog, The Register, GMSV and Voices on All Things Digital

The top countries on Facebook (chart) — Facebook recently passed an incredible milestone, 500 million active users. And it keeps growing. — Although Facebook initially focused on the United States, it soon turned its eyes towards the horizon and the rest of the world.
Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim,, The Huffington Post, WebProNews, ResourceShelf and All Facebook

Survey Says: 34 Percent Of AT&T iPhone Owners Are Waiting To Switch To Verizon — When AT&T's monopoly on the iPhone ends in the U.S., it is not going to be pretty. With increasing evidence that Verizon is preparing to offer the iPhone 4 early next year, many people are waiting before buying one or upgrading.
Fortune and Electronista

Gowalla CEO: Sorry Mobile Web: Users Prefer Apps — In the ongoing debate over apps versus the web on smartphones, apps are clearly winning. There's hope from companies like Opera and Google that the web will surge ahead as HTML 5 becomes more widespread, and access to native phone hardware …
SmoothSpan Blog

New Sony Reader eBook Devices Coming Soon — According to one of our most trusted sources, there is word that two new touchscreen Sony Reader devices (PRS-350 and PRS-650) with E-Ink technology are coming to the market soon. Many of you who observe product life cycles know this is the usual …
The Toybox Blog, Gizmodo, CrunchGear, Engadget, SlashGear,, Rewrite Tech, Kindle Review and GeekSugar