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Ovi Store goes live — GLOBAL - Today is one of those monolithic milestones for Nokia and the advancement of mobiles, as Ovi Store has officially gone live. It's a moment that many believe (including all of us here on Conversations) is set to spark a rapid evolution in the way we all use …
Between the Lines, Crave, Mashable!, TechCrunch, Ovi blog, The Register, Lifehacker, MediaNama, News, Local Mobile Search, Mobile Industry Review,, PMP Today, I4U News,, jkOnTheRun, Cellphone News …, MobileContentToday, CrunchGear and All About Symbian

Nokia Ovi Store Launch Is A Complete Disaster — This was supposed to be a glorious day for mobile phone giant Nokia. The Finnish company got out-innovated by Apple a couple of years ago with the introduction and subsequent success of the iPhone and the iTunes App Store …

Twitter Goes Hollywood? — The web is abuzz today with talk of a “Twitter TV show.” I'm even getting folks asking me if they can audition. Indeed, there are a lot of interesting developments happening in the television space—MTV, G4, CNN, E! and various independent production companies …
Podcasting News, PC World,, MarketingVOX, Network World, Off On A Tangent, Tech Central, Softpedia News, /socnets, the Econsultancy blog, AppScout, The Blog Herald, lalawag, Mashable!,, Dealscape, Howard Lindzon, News, The SiliconANGLE, Silicon Alley Insider, Technologizer, Technically Incorrect and TechCrunch

Twitter May Not “Transform Television,” But Its Jump Is Interesting — When news broke earlier that Twitter was working with some Hollywood types to develop a television series, the web nearly imploded on itself. Some assumed that the show would be about the people behind the scenes at Twitter …

300 Things I'd Like To See From Twitter Before A TV Show
Associated Press

OpenX Keeps On Growing, Raises $10 Million More — We've talked about online ad server OpenX quite a bit in the past, and for good reason. The company, formerly known as Openads, is led by former AOL CEO Jonathan Miller (Chairman) and ex-Yahoo exec Tim Cadogan (CEO) and has in the past shown it's serious …
Discussion:, Guardian, Bits, VentureBeat,, Dealscape and CenterNetworks

OpenX Aims to Hold Off Google, Takes $10.4M Third Round
Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim

EU pushes music industry to open up online rights — BRUSSELS - — EU antitrust regulators told the music industry Tuesday to move quickly and change licenses that currently restrict online music stores such as iTunes from offering the same songs for sale across Europe.

The App Store Hype Gets A Dose Of Reality — Yesterday developer Rick Strom wrote a blog posted titled “The Incredible App Store Hype”, in which he detailed some of the revenue stats he was seeing from the iPhone applications that he had released (some of which rank on the App Store's top apps lists) …

Beware Social Media Marketing Myths — MySpace, Twitter, and Facebook are all the rage, but for most business owners there are better ways to stay close to customers — Comedian Jim Gaffigan has a suggestion for preparing a Hot Pockets frozen entrée: “Take out of package. Place directly in toilet.”

Amazon's next revolution — CEO Jeff Bezos used the web to shake up book retailing. Now he's using the Internet to sell electronic books on his Kindle e-reader. A look at Amazon's latest effort to transform the book business, writ digital. — (Fortune Magazine) …

On the Web, Growth Costs Real Money — Twitter, the San Francisco-based micro-messaging startup, has been growing like a weed, thanks to generous plugs on mainstream media. Data collected by comScore shows that the number of unique visitors to grew from 1.6 million in April 2008 to 32.1 million in April 2009.

10 Things You Don't Need to Do In the Clouds — Sometimes a breakthrough paradigm shift eliminates the need for all kinds of things. Word processors and laser printers killed a lot of other things that were once thriving including typewriters, liquid paper, and Linotype machines. So it is with the Cloud.

How Long Did It Take for the World to Identify Google as an AltaVista Killer? — Earlier this week, I mused about the fact that folks keep identifying new Web services as Google killers, and keep being dead wrong. Which got me to wondering: How quickly did the world realize that Google …

Obama Set to Create A Cybersecurity Czar With Broad Mandate — Shielding Public, Private Networks Is Goal — President Obama is expected to announce late this week that he will create a “cyber czar,” a senior White House official who will have broad authority to develop strategy to protect …

Twitter's Biz Stone: Thoughts On Repositioning Twitter, Search Ads, The Twitter Ecosystem & More — Earlier this week, I talked with Twitter cofounder Biz Stone on a variety of issues about Twitter but especially focused around search. In the interview, he discussed: how Twitter may redesign …

Twitter has millions tweeting in public communication service
Wall Street Journal

Windows Vista SP2 ready for download (and Windows Server 2008) — Have you been waiting patiently for Vista Service Pack 2 to be available? Your wait is over! — Here are the downloads - Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008: — Windows Server 2008 Service Pack 2 and Windows Vista Service Pack 2 …