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The blogosphere has stalled at 15.5 million blogs-So what — Lots of chatter about the this "plateau" in the blogosphere. C|Net was gathering comments from folks like Mark Evans and WebProNews covered it as well. Now the question is, so what? — David Sifry just talked about the …

Vudu Casts Its Spell on Hollywood — FOR the last two years, the employees of Vudu Inc. have quietly toiled in a nondescript office in Santa Clara, Calif., in the heart of Silicon Valley. The only hint of the company's plans are black-and-white Rat Pack photos that adorn its walls …

Gizmodo Exclusive: Exclusive Pics of the Vudu - Video Store In A Box — These are the first pictures of the box, remote control and UI of Vudu, a video store in a box that is going to engage in a battle royale with Apple TV come June. The service will launch with thousands of movies …

Hints at upcoming Gmail features — I've been listed as a translator for the XX-Hacker (known as l33t to the rest of the world) language on Google for quite some time. The great thing about being a translator for Google is that you get to see some of the upcoming features of Google services.

Google Multi-User Chat? — Martin says he's one of the translators for Google and hit upon the following phrase hinting at a potential multi-user chat for Google Chat (as part of Gmail): — Phrase in English: NAME has joined (...) — Translation Help: System messages when user joined or left a muc conversation
Googling Google

Skype silences Alpha-blogger — Wow. Talk about a chilling effect. — Skype lawyer Seema Sharma emailed blogger Jan Geirnaert Friday afternoon. She told him his popular and blogs put him in legal jeopardy. — Jan, an independent IT consultant, took the implied threats seriously.

Coming Soon,'s The Homeless Chronicles — is soon going to be homeless. — The four members of the start-up behind the online reality television show are being evicted by their landlords, Trinity Management Services, due to complaints of raucous parties and other disruptive behavior.
RELATED: to get boot from S.F. landlords — (04-27) 18:50 PDT — One San Francisco landlord has decided that the company producing is a crowd. — Complaining of raucous parties and other disruptive behavior, the landlord of the San Francisco high-rise that has become …

Wikipedia: Special Treatment for Wikia and other Wikis — Wikipedia: Special Treatment for Wikia and some other Wikis — There was a lot of controversy recently when Wikipedia announced that all outbound links from the online encyclopedia would include the nofollow tag.

The Week MTV Dropped Flash — Friday night and I'm reading feeds about RIAs. I'm not sure what that says about me, but hey, what can you do. This one is about the MTV reversion from their touted all-Flash site back to HTML. It's interesting to see things like this happen.

Slaughter: Horror at Sony's depraved promotion stunt with decapitated goat — Electronics giant Sony has sparked a major row over animal cruelty and the ethics of the computer industry by using a freshly slaughtered goat to promote a violent video game. — The corpse of the decapitated animal …

Mouse brain simulated on computer — US researchers have simulated half a virtual mouse brain on a supercomputer. — The scientists ran a "cortical simulator" that was as big and as complex as half of a mouse brain on the BlueGene L supercomputer. — In other smaller simulations …

Virtual Earth API V5 is released — Just in time for your weekend coding pleasure, version 5 of the Virtual Earth Software Development Kit is live today. There's a boatload of new features and enhancements, among my favorites are mouse events for polygons and polylines and great layering support.

Wi-fi laptop fears for children — Computers with wireless internet should not be placed on children's laps, says the head of the government's committee on mobile phone safety research. — Professor Lawrie Challis told the Daily Telegraph children using wi-fi networks should be monitored until research …